Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 204: Move my Xiao family to kill

Seeing the identity of the comer, although they were facing the powerful monk in the later period of the fit, they suddenly settled down and looked at the dark eyes of the familiar look. They believed that as long as Xiao Chen returned, all difficulties would be directly broken. Bayi Middle School W). ] 8> 1? Z] W]. } COM

There was no reason for this idea, but they were extremely convinced.

"Brother Duobao and Brother Tiantian, have helped me to take care of Xiao's family for many years and wait for me to prepare these goods, and then I will rejoice with you." Xiao Chen nodded slightly and opened his hand to gesture for the eyebrow to recede. The shirt turned abruptly, and the black eyes were steaming.

The late monk spirit fit!

Mu strange!

18 Don't Fall Monk!

A big battle, a big majesty, actually tried to get rid of his Xiao family! it is good! well!

When Xiao Mu was eradicated that year, Xiao Chen swore. In the future, Xiao Xiao would be guarded by him. Whoever dared to overthrow would blame him for being ruthless. He could not look at the relatives of the Xiao family, but his father wished him to follow.

"Today, no one of you can escape!" Xiao Chenhan said in a voice, his voice seemed to come from the cold cave, Sen Leng was ruthless.

The figures of the King of the Phoenix and King of the Golden Horn appeared just at this moment. Upon hearing this, his face changed slightly, and looking at Mu Laogua and others suddenly looked like the dead. Since Xiao Chen spoke like this, the end of this pedestrian can be imagined.

"Crazy!" The monk in white robe shook his face, and his heart was obviously furious. "You are the Xiao Chen, very good! Who has dared to speak to me so far since this enlightenment, now that you have appeared today, the old man will send you Destroyed with the Xiao family. "

Even if Xiao Chen suddenly appeared to break the phosphorous fire skull supernatural power, Huang Ji Dan Yuan was still calm in his heart. Although his cultivation was a spiritual body, his strength was still enough to kill Xiao Chen. However, his thoughts had just risen, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes showed an incredible color. In his control of the three thousand miles of space in China, he was robbed directly by a majestic force, and his magical power was instantly destroyed.

This weird suddenly looked up, just to see Xiao Chen deep in one arm, his fingers spread out far away.

"This seat is 2oo away from home, then you forget what I said, don't try to touch the Xiao family, otherwise Xiao Chen will definitely make you pay."

"Now stay here today!"

Drinking low, Xiao Chen slowly grasped with five fingers.

When one person fists, there is surging pressure in the void. For example, the undersea torrents roar from all directions, and they want to crush people into a powder-shaped god.

Huangji Danyuan and Mu's strange faces completely changed, and the eyes were filled with anger. The 18 monks behind the Mu family fell miserably in their mouths, and had no time to make any resistance. The flesh broke into blood and fluttered in the sky. Yuan Shen was crushed directly.

"How is it possible, but in just 2oo years, how can Xiao Chen have such a practice!" Mu Laoguai and Huang Ji Danyuan were shocked in their hearts. Even if they wanted to break their heads, they could not find a reasonable explanation.

But before they continued to react, Xiao Chen's palms again held a few minutes.


Mu Laogua made a terrible cry, and his physical body was directly pinched. Only Yuan Yuan screamed near Huang Ji Dan Yuan, "The Lord of the Four Palaces save me!"

There was also a crackling sound in Huangji Danyuan's spiritual body, and his complexion instantly turned pale. Fear appeared in his eyes. "Xiao Chen, you dare to destroy the husband's avatar, my Hongmeng Palace will never die with you!"

"Hongmeng Palace?" Xiao Chen's eyes flashed differently, and then the corners of his mouth were slightly ridiculed. "If you don't know this place and you don't know where you came from, now you have saved me a lot of trouble, this seat will definitely be in the future. Proceed to Hongmeng Palace, and I will give you an explanation on this matter. "

"Now you are dead."

The words fell off the palm of your hand suddenly!

The whole space shuddered, and then the pieces shattered and stretched for three thousand miles, but all the creatures and buildings were safe and sound under the shelter of Xiao Chen. Huang Jidan Yuan roared resentfully, "Xiao Chen, my husband will kill you! "

The voice stopped abruptly, this person's spiritual avatar directly collapsed, distracted, and died, and the old monster of the Mu family was completely crushed by life and death. Only the baby-like spiritual corpse was trapped in Xiao Chen's storage.

Raising a hand to understate the monk's avatars, the ancestors of the Mu family and 18 monks who did not fall. The mighty power instantly shocked all monks here. Except for the beautiful eyes of Qinghuang Wang, the rest were stiff as sculptures.

Countless children of the Xiao family looked excited and looked at Master Qingqing in the Void. Under the sense of blood in the body, he could no longer control the fiery heart. At this moment, he rolled over and knelt down, screaming: "The descendants of the Xiao family see Xiao Chen's father!"

After the monk awakened, he immediately fell on his knees and shouted, "My subordinates will see Lord Lord!"

The sound billowed, roaring out of the dreary fear in my heart. Until this moment, they still couldn't believe what they had seen before. Xiao Chen suddenly appeared and waved his powerful enemy to death. What a mighty power!

Since then, Xiao Chen has been sitting in town. Who in their holy place, the Xiao family, dares to provoke a little bit, and an inexplicable excitement filled the chests of countless monks, letting them look at Xiao Chen's eyes full of excitement, worship, and awe.

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the monks kneeling down on the ground, watching the large number of Xiao clan members and the Xiao family soliciting monks, but couldn't help feeling that, but in just 2oo years, the entire Xiao family has turned the world upside down. Can find any familiar face. The people of that year, those who failed to enter the Xiuzhen Avenue have all exhausted their lives and transformed into loess. A slight sense of alienation rose from his heart, making Xiao Chen's heart a little bit awkward.

"Get up."

Slightly speaking, the monk knelt on the ground and stood up respectfully, slightly lowered in awe.

Xiao Chen took a step forward, and a flash of aura appeared on the side of Duo Tao Taoist, Xing Tian, ​​and Dexter, who laughed and said, "Master, Xing Tian, ​​Dexter, I haven't seen it for a long time. Thank you for supporting Xiao Chen for Xiao Chen. Gratitude. "

The Duobao Taoist easily recovered from the shock, but his face suddenly changed. He hurriedly said, "Master Xiao Chen must not delay time here. Brother Zi Yan is now at Ji Family. You must go, otherwise you may be late. It's up! "

Xiao Chen's complexion changed instantly, and his thoughts turned to think of a possibility. His eyes were completely gloomy, and he turned around and took a step forward. He actually tore the space figure directly into the turbulent space.

Wang Qinghuang's eyes flickered, and she whispered, "Golden Horn, stay here, and explain it to the monks of the Xiao family a little, and the king will follow."

The King of Golden Horns respectfully said that the King of the Phoenix faintly sensed the position of Xiao Chen through the brother contract. At this moment, the lotus feet lifted slightly, and the figure suddenly disappeared into the void. Until this moment, the Taobao Taoists did not realize that they had returned with Xiao Chen, but watching the instant departure of the King of the Phoenix turned them into a fierce jump.

What kind of opportunity did Xiao Chen get? Now, not only is he practicing against the sky, but even the monks around him have such terrible practices.


Ji Family.

Within the main hall, Ji Laogua sits on his face, with a dull face, countless older than before. Both sides of the Royal Highness were full of monks from the Ji family. At this moment they looked sad and angry, showing unwillingness in their eyes.

In this hall, there is an old man kneeling on his knees, looking pale and sorrowful, but this man is the second elder of Ji Family, Ji Ruoshan.

"Sin beast, my Ji family has always had clear grudges and behaved brightly. How did you appear as a shameless person! If you did n’t spread Xiao Chen ’s blood back to your ancestors, why would it be like today. "

"The **** place and his party, my Brother Ji Family has died, and this old man has no resentment. The matter is ultimately blame. This is due to my Brother Ji Family. For Xiao Chen, the old man felt guilty. When Han Hai was 6 Before entering the **** place, I asked the husband to help him take pictures of her lover, but today I can only watch her being taken away by monk Hongmengong, and there is nothing she can do. If I see Xiao Chen again in the future, how old is the husband! "

"Xue Yue is my Ji family's hope of rising. If it were not you, would her pure blood news come out and be taken away by the Hongmeng Palace together, breaking the possibility of my Ji family's resurgence!"

"Today, the old man has added the clan rules, repaired you as a waste, and threw it into the cliff of thought, and never go out forever!"

Ji old man has a heavy complexion and a cold and firm voice, which is clearly beyond doubt.

"Once, please think twice!"

His Royal Highness, a number of monks from the Ji family knelt down and interceded.

Ji Lao looked ruthless, suddenly waved his sleeves, and said coldly, "You don't have to say much about this, my husband has set his mind!"

His Royal Highness, Ji Ruoshan suddenly looked up and screamed, "Old ancestor, you can't kill me! I have already taken refuge under the main gate of the third palace of Hongmeng Palace and become the guardian of Hongmeng Palace. If you kill me, it will inevitably lead to the anger of the Lord Lord ! "

"You can't kill me!"

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