Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 206: Soul Search Spells

fast! fast! fast!

"The main hall of the hall is not far away from me. He has a treasure from his master, which can be teleported directly into the Hongmeng Palace. As long as he meets with the old man, he can escape today ’s calamity. [[八八 (一 (小 < {[? Said the network W] W] W.81ZW.COM "Huang Ji Dan Teng constantly moved, but the breath behind him in the Yuanshen induction is still getting closer and closer.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, especially at this moment there was another horrifying storm, and he went madly to this place, apparently because the enemy and non-friends came in order to attract. From the sense of breath, the cultivation of people is extremely strong. Once it arrives, it will inevitably lead to changes.

"Be sure to rescue Zi Yan and Yue Wu before he arrives!"

Xiao Chen was extremely anxious.

But at this moment, he suddenly lifted up, expressing anger in his eyes, and saw that the Emperor Dan Teng's clone suddenly spit out a few pure elements, at the expense of the spirit body, which made the maggot a bit faster.

"Haha, the main lord of the hall is about to arrive, boy Xiao Chen, this time you're afraid you have to run for nothing!" This old man laughed wildly.

Xiao Chen's face was ugly. At this moment, he pointedly pointed out, ranting wildly, "Space confinement!"

It is mainly based on space avatars, and relying on the power of space origins to perform space imprisonment. It is not an ordinary monk who uses cultivation as a supernatural power to suppress the void, but one of the supernatural powers of space. Once cast, all spatial fluctuations within the scope of supernatural powers will disappear. Strong enough to forcibly close down all the creatures in it.

With magical power, Xiao Chen turned pale and hummed in his mouth. His space avatar is still weak, this time forcibly exerting his talents and magical powers have suffered from backlashes. If it is not for Xiao Chen ’s strength, he may have hit hard.

The next moment, the supernatural power burst, and the space of thousands of miles suddenly shook, and then the incarnation of the quagmire Osawa was generally extremely viscous. It was extremely difficult to take a half-step forward. Huangji Danteng waved his hands and couldn't tear the space, and his eyes were instantly surprised The color of anger.

"The Lord, save me!"

Xiao Chen is minimally disturbed by magical powers. Although it cannot be teleported, he still moves very fast. However, the distance between the time of interest and the Emperor Dandan has been reduced to within 5ooo, and it can be chased after another time of three interest. on.

But at this moment, a figure of a monk in purple robe appeared suddenly in the sky, and the figure whistled.

Xiao Chen's complexion became extremely ugly.

Huang Ji Danteng showed ecstasy in his eyes, "I am here!" The main hall owner is finally coming to an end. It seems that Xiao Chen cannot hurt him today.

Huang Jidan was relieved in his heart, but at this moment he suddenly widened his eyes, burst into a sudden slap and turned backwards, and shot backwards. At the same time, the aura of light flashed amazingly, and at the same time, a hundred feet of claws Appears directly from the spatial fluctuations, rather than outrageously hedges.


The surge of surging spiritual power exploded instantly from the place where the two fought. Huang Jidan's body was photographed flying thousands of tentacles, and his heart was extremely furious. I don't know why he was suddenly calculated.

A huge demon figure with colorful feathers and light shining like a nine-day **** bird appeared. At this moment, Fengmu was full of jealousy and caution. She never thought that she would be hit by the purple robe in haste. .

This person cultivates above her!

This divine bird and monster is the body of the King of the Phoenix.


Looking at the hundreds and thousands of monsters in front of him, if it was changed, Huang Jidan would be very excited. Such a monster monster is obviously no small matter. Whether it is killing or deterring for his own use, it is no small opportunity, but now he has No time wasted.

"Let ’s go, otherwise the End of the World and this seat will kill you!" Huang Jidan growled in his mouth, and the figure wanted to evade and lead Huang Jidan.

There was a scream in the mouth of the King of the Phoenix, and his wings fluttered down to the sky. These five-colored auras look very inconspicuous, but they are the powerful magical powers inherited from their bloodline inheritance.

Huang Ji Danxi roared, and his figure was stopped by his own strength. Although he was slightly stronger, it was not easy to get rid of the strangulation of Qinghuang Wang.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with joy, and he did not expect that the changing body of the King of the Phoenix could actually arrive at the last minute. In addition, this demon peak strong man obviously has a lot of fighting experience. This time he directly stopped Huang Jidan and entangled him, so that Huangji Danteng didn't respond. Naturally, he could only be pinched by Xiao Chen and had nowhere to escape. .

Seeing that he could escape the birth day, but suddenly a strong demon clan intervened to entangle the main hall master. Huangji Danteng roared desperately, and his eyes flashed with a venomous and spicy color.

"Xiao Chen, if you dare to approach again, Hugh blame the old man for being ruthless and kill your woman directly!"

Xiao Chen was expressionless and approached without any pause. The distance between the two sides was shortened to 1ooo, 9oo, 8oo, 7oo ,,

"At this time, you forced the old man to destroy my avatar, and this seat will pull you two women to be buried with me!" Huang Ji Dan Teng's heart burst as hard as he could, and at this moment he suddenly raised his hand, and only needs to be chopped to be instant. Destroy Ziyan and Jiyue Wu.

It was at this moment when Huangji Danteng opened his mouth, Xiao Chen jumped fiercely in his heart, and one arm suddenly protruded forward.

"Fill the town!" Roaring out, the confinement range of Fang Wanli was sharply reduced, and it suddenly reduced to a size of 5oo mile. It was worthy of enveloping the Emperor Dandan. The man's action stopped abruptly, and his face was suddenly frightened. Even if he madly urged mana, he could not move at all and was completely suppressed.

Huang Ji Danteng lifted in horror, just happened to see the Qingpao monk shoot him with a blank expression.

"No!" There was a scream in this population, and then it came to an abrupt halt. The body collapsed instantaneously, the baby-sized spirit was received, Yuan Shen fell directly into Xiao Chen's hands, and the majestic consciousness broke out and turned into a flood. Flowing into it, forcibly checking the memory of Huangji Danteng.

But at the moment when Xiao Chen's consciousness entered, his complexion changed abruptly. Before he could stop the slightest, Yuanshen in his hand was destroyed and dissipated. In this emperor Dan Tengyuan god, it was actually put under a very powerful prohibition. Once it was applied with the soul-searching technique, it would be destroyed directly.

But even so, with Xiao Chen ’s ban on the way, a little bit of resistance has already received a lot of useful information from Huangji Danteng ’s memory, such as the mysterious Hongmeng Palace ’s four main halls, the eight guardians, the eleven guardians of the palace, and also With that deeply hidden master, through the memory of Huangji Danteng Yuanshen, Xiao Chen only saw a vague picture. In the blood pool, a monk sat cross-legged and crazily devoured the pure blood.

For some reason, this figure was meant to give him a little familiarity, and he seemed to have seen it somewhere. And more importantly, Xiao Chen searched the soul and learned that the orders for Xiao family and Zi Yan and Yue Wu were actually from the mysterious main population, and he wanted to use some almost cursing means to kill him!

Knowing this, Xiao Chen was naturally furious, but he was perplexed. Was this man really shot because he had previously complained with the Huangji family?

After thinking a little bit for nothing, Xiao Chen shook his head to suppress the confusion in her heart, and her eyes fell on the two women in a coma. The eyes instantly turned into softness, and the consciousness had been swept away. They were only sealed by Yuan Shen and stunned for a while. Heart to go.

With a wave of cloth, the two women were firmly protected inside, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and the next step was directed at Huang Jidan.

The emperor of the four halls, King Ji Dan, has been living with Hongmeng Palace forever. If he can take the opportunity to kill this person, it would be better.

Huang Jidan narrowed his eyes and watched Huang Jidan's spirit body be easily killed by Xiao Chen, and his heart had already retreated. Although he is very strong, he thinks that he can't please the face of Xiao Chen and Qinghuang Wang fighting together, and he will suffer a big loss if he accidentally.

Turning his mind, this strange man made a decision instantly. At this moment, he suddenly shook his head with the King of the Phoenix, and the figure was thrown back by the hedging force.

"Xiao Chen, today you destroyed the two palace masters of my Hongmeng Palace. My Hongmeng Palace is bound to endure with you!" Drinking bitterly, Huang Ji Danxi burst out of blood in an instant, his figure was in blood. Just disappeared.

Xiao Chen appeared, looking at the person's direction of departure, his face was extremely gloomy, "Hongmeng Palace, even if you do not seek me, Xiao Chen will never let you go!"

The light flashed a little, the King of the Phoenix turned into a humanoid figure, still the beautiful and graceful woman, but the breath was slightly sharp, and it was obvious that she had dealt with her loss.

"Sister Wu, what happened to Xiao Chen in my heart today, if she is sent in the future, she will never quit." Xiao Chen opened her fist with a sincerity. Had it not been for the help of the King of the Phoenix, once Huangji Danji and Huangji Danteng had met, and he could directly perform this blood-moving technique, he could only watch Ziyan and Yuewu take away without help.

"Why do the six brothers say thank you, since you and I should have supported each other since Jinlan's love?" Qinghuang Wang said with a smile, and his expressions were plain and simple. "How the power of this Hongmeng Palace is actually, you can easily send two together. In the later period, he appeared with great power, especially this purple robe monk, whose cultivation was unfathomable. If he really fights hard, I think he is not an enemy. "

"Now with them, I am afraid that this Hongmeng Palace will have follow-up measures."

Xiao Chenning focused his head, and Shen said: "The five sisters said well, you and I should return to the Xiao family first, and then come to discuss in the long run." In other words, Xiao Chen took the sleeves of Zi Yan and Yue Wu and embraced the King of Phoenix At the same time, the torn space figure disappeared instantly.

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