Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 217: 50,000 zhang ancient demon body

At this moment, Bei Guzi, Jiaolong King, Qinghuang King, and others stepped back abruptly, looking forward with a look of surprise. Eight [One? Novel? Web W] W) W). }81ZW. COM

Huangji Danshang's complexion flushed red, his body grew uncontrollably, and despite his horror and desperate resistance, he could not escape the end, his flesh exploded, and the fragmented flesh and blood mixed with the power of the original spirit turned into blood and rushed straight away. .

And the four great old monsters, worship and palace guardian puppets of the four ancient tribes that returned to Hongmeng Palace were also destroyed.

The great formation broke down on its own, and the Dragon King and others appeared, and they looked at each other, and they all could see the surprise in their hearts.

But the next moment, when all of them saw the figure standing in the sky and the earth that was 40,000 feet constantly swallowing blood and still swelling crazily, their hearts all jumped fiercely, swallowed a mouthful of foam in their mouths, and their complexion became uncontrollable and pale. The breath radiating from this blood-colored figure is enough to make them completely shuddered. If they were not in the Hongmeng Palace, there was a thousand currents of sealing aura, once the Hongmeng Palace body was broken, the entire human world would completely collapse under the impact of this breath.

"What is this thing, what is this thing!" The Dragon King said silently, and the body of his dragon clan was no more than ten thousand meters in size, but it was nothing in front of this blood shadow at this moment.

Everyone was silent when they heard the words, and they didn't know anything about it since they had learned the way to the present.

Suddenly, King Azure Phoenix's complexion suddenly changed, and he said in a cold voice, "No, the sixth brother is in the blood shadow!" After the words fell, the Dragon King and others felt extremely ugly through the brother contract.

Bei Guzi gritted his teeth abruptly and whispered: "The sixth brother didn't care about his own safety to save the old man. Now that he has fallen into a trap, how can Bei Guzi retreat."

"But the blood shadow is too strong, I can't wait for it to be hard to shake with, brothers, sisters and leave first, the old man set off to meet the sixth brother. Once you leave here, you will immediately return to Moro's cultivation world through the interstellar movement array."

The groan of the old monster fell, and the Dragon King groaned, and said, "The fourth brother is wrong. You and my six brothers are married. This king has already regarded you as a close person. I am a cultivator. People who treat each other sincerely."

"Furthermore, I am waiting for the six brothers to join forces. Although I don't say that I can fight this blood shadow, I have a little more confidence in escape."

King Azure Phoenix nodded and said directly: "This king will never leave alone."

Xiguzi and Dongguzi nodded silently.

"Okay! That being the case, today you and my six brothers will join forces. Hehe, from today onwards, the old man will fully recognize your brothers and sisters in his heart, and there will be no more guarding from now on like close relatives!" Bei Guzi was excited, at this moment. Yanshi turned around abruptly and shouted to the human monk: "You will leave fifty thousand li immediately and be responsible for meeting me. Once you get out, you will immediately blast through the space here."

"Yes, Lord Bei Guzi!" The human monk answered in a deep voice.

The Dragon King nodded, and said in a deep voice: "You belong to the monster clan, follow the fourth brother's instructions and stay behind."

Emperor Xuanming, Emperor Kunpeng and others respectfully retreat.


In the next moment, the five people controlled the tearing space, teleporting straight to the blood shadow.

And this time, swallowing all the monks of the Huangji family, the blood king swelled forty thousand zhang, and finally reached the size of nearly 50,000 zhang, his body is even more domineering and powerful!

"Xiao Chen, the blood of this king is complete, and the power is overwhelming. Sacrifice the blood in your body to this king!" The blood king roared, like the blood of the ancient witch god, the power shocked the sky and the earth.

According to legend, in the ancient times, there was a line of witch gods between the heaven and the earth, each of them was 100,000 feet tall when they were grown up. Although they did not practice, they could know their magical powers. With the addition of great power, they could move mountains and oceans. The orc emperors such as Tianlong, Phoenix, and Kunpeng did not dare to provoke them.

This time, the blood body evolved by the blood king swallowing endless blood, but barely gained the power of the Witch God Race.

The ancient demon clone looked ugly, and this time the Xiao Chen human race body suddenly appeared. The invisible left eyebrow dojo replenished the loss of mana by swallowing a large amount of pills, which has already restored him to the peak state, and the ancient demon clone is a step forward to integrate Within the body.

"Sure enough, you are an external incarnation! Haha, Xiao Chen boy, it seems that you have experienced a lot of good luck, but after today, all of this will belong to this king!" The blood king laughed wildly, as if to him again in this world. No binding.

Xiao Chen's complexion was calm, and the dark eyes flashed with cold light. At this moment, he smiled coldly when he heard the words, and said lightly: "If you come out on your own, Xiao Chen believes that your opponent is definitely not the only way to die, but with your singularity. God and this so-called blood body wanted to kill me, and I underestimated my Xiao."

"Since you escaped a ray of divine thought today, I will fight you back to the bloodline again and re-seal the town, so that you will not be able to leave again forever."

When the words fell, a noble, domineering, and wild-looking aura burst out of the body, like a sharp sword out of a sheath, trying to smash the entire world. In this explosive momentum, Xiao Chen's body swelled crazily with a terrifying degree.

Thousands of meters

This physical change is the fusion of the ancient demon clone of Xiao Chen and the power of the human flesh body, and it has been transformed into exactly fifty thousand meters in size. At the same time, the body of the small shop in his hand has also continued to grow, turning into ten thousand meters in size, which happened to be held in Xiao Chen. On hand.

Incarnate as a fifty-thousand-square-meter ancient demon, integrating the human body, the power of space clone, and holding a small shop, this time is the real peak of Xiao Chen's battle power. Although it is not as strong as the real monk, but the strength is still far from the fit monk The limit is much stronger than that of Bei Gu Zi.


The space of 100,000 li was shattered, and countless mountains, rivers, ancient trees, and palaces were completely shattered. The five figures were directly forced out. Looking at the two figures standing upright in front of them, their expressions became extremely strange.

"Sixth brother... This is actually the sixth brother!"

"The avatar of the demon can actually be fifty thousand feet in size. Once incarnate, the combat power soars countlessly. It turns out that this is the true strength of the sixth brother."

"The sixth brother really hides extremely deeply. If it weren't for today's blood shadow strength against the sky, I am afraid he would not show such supernatural powers."

"It's too strong!"

"I'm waiting a long way."

Bei Guzi, Jiaolong King and others sighed for being born. Only then did they understand the strength gap between each other and felt a little bit sour in their hearts. They could barely achieve today's cultivation after tens of thousands of years of cultivation. They have come from recognition of talent, opportunity, and hard work. It's an excellent choice, but the gap with Xiao Chen can't be calculated.

Qinghuangwang's beautiful eyes flickered, and he whispered: "Brothers, why is this? The stronger the sixth brother's cultivation, the better it is for us. Not to mention that the future ascending to the spirit world can be a support, at least today may be able to resolve the crisis, let me wait Don't run away in a hurry."

"But now, you and I still don't continue to step forward, otherwise I am afraid that it will become a burden to him if he can't help the sixth brother."

The Dragon King nodded, "My sister said yes, it is indeed that I have fallen behind. Let's go, let's back up for the time being, and it won't be too late to come back and help the sixth brother when we have the opportunity." After saying this, the five people retreated quickly.

The Blood King had already noticed the aura of the Dragon King and others. Although these people were not weak, they were still not in her eyes. At this moment, his eyes were fixed on Xiao Chen, and his eyes had already turned into a cautious jealousy. !" This Blood King really knew what Xiao Chen had done.

"Good! Good! Good! No wonder Xiao Chen still has the confidence to face this king. It turns out that he has obtained an ancient demon clone!" The blood king roared coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes, "But even so, you still have to die. !"

The roar hasn't fallen yet, there is a **** masterpiece in this person's hand, which has soaked the sky for a long time, all turned into blood, and the spear slowly condenses in his hand. The spear head is blood-colored, smooth and diamond-shaped, and the blood and light flow on it like a ball of flames. The gun body is ten thousand feet tall. There are thousands of creatures die and miserably howling pictures and shadow seals, cruel, strict and domineering! Although it only relied on blood to condense its shape, the breath radiating from this spear was still strong to the extreme, and it seemed that under a shock, the entire world could be completely destroyed.

This spear was bred together with the Blood King in the land of blood. It has the same origin as him. It can be integrated into the body or sacrificed to destroy the enemy. It is a rare treasure!

But at this moment, without waiting for Xiao Chen's urging, the huge sword in his hand shuddered, and in an instant there were tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of sword energy condensed out of the void, all thousands of meters in size, whistling with the void, dispelling endless sharp aura. .

Under the stimulus of the blood king offering the spear, the shop was completely surging, and he recognized that I was the only handsome person in the sky and the earth. However, at the moment when the spear appeared, I had to scream in my heart and admit that this guy did sell better than the shop. My lord is a little bit better.

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