Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 8: Smoke wave Qianshui array

Qianji Sanren thought for a moment, then slowly nodded, and said, "Yes, this junior junior fire belongs to the magical powers and is not weak. If you plan well, you can't break the smoke waves and thousands of water arrays. Eight [一 [中 ?? < Article W] W] W?.] 8) 1) YW.COM "

Heishan Taoist and Ziyun Fairy also smiled.

"Well, in this case, then this secret journey, I will tentatively wait for you and me to cooperate with four people." The old ancestor of the dead leaves looked at Xiao Chen and said lightly: "Xiao Chen, you must know what is happening in your heart today. I also guessed a few minutes, the old man and others bluntly told me, as long as you can help me to enter the secret place smoothly, we will let you go afterwards. "

"If you agree, everything will be easy to talk about, otherwise you will blame the old man for being ruthless and kill you here."

Xiao Chen expresses a bitter smile. At the moment, he can't let it go. He said: "The younger generation obeys your predecessors."

"Haha, Xiao Chen Xiaoyou really knows the current affairs, so kind, it will save me a lot of trouble." The ancestor of the dead leaves smiled, "Please also ask Qianji Taoyou to prepare a house for Xiao Chen Xiaoyou Settle down. "

"Okay." Qianji Sanren smiled and nodded, and then clapped and called for two beautiful Yaksha maids, shaking his posture to lead Xiao Chen towards the guest room. As for the four old monsters, they stayed in the hall for a long time to discuss and confirmed. In response to the matter, this has gone away.

Xiao Chen entered the residence, and the two Yaksa female nuns were beaten away without expression, and the consciousness spread across the room one inch by one inch. Nothing was noticed, so he laid a few layers of subtle restraint in the room. , To prevent four bosses from spying. After doing this, his face suddenly became gloomy, and there was a cloudiness in his eyes, with a sharp flicker.

"The dead-leaf monster opened up his disciple Moru. Obviously the secret information was kept secret, but the four of them did not avoid me at all. Obviously, they set their minds and would never let me go afterwards no matter what happened. go with."

"The situation is extremely unfavorable to me at the moment. I have no chance to escape under the eyes of the four powerful men in the late period of the robbery. In this case, I can only wait for the moment and look for opportunities to escape."

With thoughts rumbling in his head, Xiao Chen made up his mind. Then he crossed his knees to do well on the bed, and slowly adjusted his breath to meditate. In the current situation, he naturally wants to ensure that he is at its peak at any time, and if something is wrong, he will explode and fight to break the net. Taking his cultivation as an example, if there is a small shop in hand, the monks in the late period of the robbery are not bad, and it is very likely that they will suffer a big loss. However, this is Xiao Chen's final killer, and he must not act arbitrarily until the critical moment.

Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes during the meditation, and the dark eyes blinked differently. A secret passage came in his heart. Yang took a letter Jade Jane in his hands.

"Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, please come to the hall to tell." Inside, there was a gentle voice from the thousands of scattered people.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and then he got up and pushed out the door. A waitress had been respectfully out at the moment. At this moment, he led Xiao Chen out after congratulating him.

In the hall, four people including Qianji Sanren, the dead ancestors, the black mountain Taoist, and the Ziyun Fairy were seated. At this moment, when Xiao Chen entered, there was a smile on his face, but it seemed quite kind.

Xiao Chen himself would not be confused by these four old monsters, and secretly sneered if he had no reason at all right now, I am afraid that they would have been killed by them, how could he survive to this day. But even though he was thinking so, his face was extremely respectful and did not reveal the slightest bit.

"Xiao Chen has met four seniors."

The expression was rather courteous.

The Qianji nodded, and said, "Xiao Chen's friends don't have to be so polite, please sit down."

Slightly groaned, Xiao Chen didn't quit, and sat down quietly after arching his hands, clenching his fists: "I don't know four seniors call Xiao Chen today, what's the matter?"

The deceased ancestor with a bit of a smile on his mouth, at this moment when he heard that the old eyes flickered slightly, and chuckled, "The husband will explain this to Xiao Chen's friend."

"Presumably I heard a few days ago when I was talking to my husband and others. There should be some speculation in the mind of my friend. Today my husband will probably tell the story again, so that Xiao Chen's friend can understand what I am waiting to do. "

"Early years ago, when the old man and Qianji Taoyou traveled together, he once found a secret place in a certain area, because he was unable to enter at that time, he retreated, but according to my guess, this place is my Yasha clan. Some power is left, and there must be a great chance. But outside of this secret world, there is an ancient array of smoke waves and thousands of water arrays, which can automatically absorb the power of the heaven and earth, and the longer the time of the array, the stronger the power of the magic. The mystery is extremely secretive, and I do n’t know how many years old it has remained. The power of the Yanbo Qianshuizhen is even more powerful. Among them, Shuisha was born because of the large concentration of the spiritual power of water. It is supplemented by the endless water spiritual power, which is tricky. If you want to kill this thing, you can only do it if the attributes are hot to the sun and the fire is a magical power. This is also the invitation from the husband and others. The main reason to go together. "

Xiao Chen nodded, although I do n’t know what the secret environment in the old leaves of the dead leaves is, but now I should tell that this is not false. As for the invitation, I just wanted to take care of my face. If I had not been coerced, he would have left, and How could they be at the mercy of these four old monsters.

"As the old man just said, the power of Yanbo Qianshuizhen is endless, and as soon as he enters it, Zhou Tian's spiritual power will be isolated. Only the spiritual power of water exists, and the mana loss in his body cannot be supplemented by anything. Xiao Chen Xiaoyou Fire Although the magical power is strong, I am afraid that the weaker one will not be able to persist for a long time, so the old man and others prepared these ten fire spirits for the little friends for two days. After each swallow, they can exhaust the mana in the body and recover the full power. Under the action, it can even make the magic power a little bit stronger. "In other words, the dead leaf ancestor's hand flashed a little light, and handed a jade bottle to Xiao Chen's hand. In this translucent child's fist-sized jade bottle, there are ten pea-sized whole round red flaming red dandelions, and the whole body is scattered with faint red awns. Even if the bottle mouth is forbidden and sealed, the hot air can still be sensed under the touch. This fire spirit has this effect, which is obviously not an ordinary thing. Xiao Chen exudes joy, and puts it in his storage after he arches.

"This is the general situation. Xiao Chen ’s friends only need to help the husband and others to break through the outermost smoke waves and thousands of water arrays. After that, I will wait for the shots. The husband promises that as long as the friends try their best, once they get The treasure in the mystery is naturally indispensable to Xiao Chen's friends. "The ancestors of the dead leaves spoke abruptly, and the Qianji scattered people nodded again and again. This is exactly what it should be, but it seems quite sincere.

Xiao Chen showed ecstasy on his face, and his eyes were hard to hide. At this moment, he raised his fists and opened his mouth, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, rest assured, this mystery is open, Xiao Chen will do his best to have no disagreement."

The four old monsters, such as Dead Leaf Ancestor, all nodded, apparently very satisfied with Xiao Chen's response. They are also worried that Xiao Chen will have no worries and will not try his best to shoot, so they will be rewarded, but having said that, it is still unknown whether they will get it in the end. After all, the crises in the mystery are extremely high. If you accidentally lose your life,

Xiao Chen gradually returned to peace, but the excitement on her face was still noticeable, and she seemed extremely happy, but her heart was sneer. Otherwise, presumably the four old monsters would not believe him. As for the treasure in the secret realm, he did not think that he really had the opportunity to take it into his hands alive. The peripheral smoke wave and thousand water array is where he plays a major role. Once it is broken, Xiao Chen has no use value to the four veterans. How can he imagine the end.

Although everyone has their own plans, at least on the surface, they are all happy.

"Okay, now that things have been said and it's not too late, let's get out of here." Qianji Sanren smiled and said, the four monsters got together and walked out, Xiao Chenyang took out a black robe and wore it on his body. After that.

Out of the lobby, Na Moru was waiting in the hospital, and at this moment saw several people rushing forward to salute, and stood up and gave Xiao Chen a sneer. Although he was not clear about this secret situation, he also faintly learned some information from the dead ancestors. This Xiao Chen cooperated with Master and others. I am afraid that once it is done, it will be the time of his death. It is pitiful for this person to feel complacent now.

With regard to Moru's eyes, Xiao Chen saw it without seeing it. If he weren't for this person, he wouldn't have fallen into such a predicament. If he had a chance in the future, he wouldn't mind taking a shot and killing it to reduce his hatred.

Qianji Sanren instructed the monks under his door to guard the Dongfu and open the defensive array. The monks rushed away in a hurry.

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