Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 13: Army Depression

Qianji scattered people sighed, handed Xiao Chen to the fairy Ziyun, turned and galloped away. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W>. 〔8〉 1] Z> W ?. ? C} O] M

Xiao Chen glanced at the ancestor of the dead leaf without a trace, and in his heart suddenly lost 120,000 points of fear. In any case today, it is he who indirectly persecuted the old monster to kill his parents and children. Although he had no good intentions, the dead leaf old monster must have murderous heart! If Xiao Chen had no use value afterwards, I'm afraid the old man would not hesitate to kill him directly.

Fairy Ziyun took out a magic weapon and led Xiao Chen to move forward together. The figure was faintly approaching the Taoist in Montenegro. Obviously, they were also on guard. Xiao Chen was expressionless. Although it was the two who spoke to save him, he was not grateful. If it was not for his own interests, the two old monsters would not care about Xiao Chen's life and death.

Four old monsters buried their heads on the road, and after a few breaths, a shocking noise came from behind them. Xiao Chen turned back suddenly, just to see that Moru's body exploded without warning, causing great lethality. The six unicorn strongmen were caught off guard, although they were not injured, but the figures were forced to retreat. This was delayed. The dead ancestors and others have fled thousands of miles away, and the light is extremely fast. They cannot catch up even if they shoot. .

"Four late monks of the Yasha tribe!" The six strong unicorns were gloomy for the old man, and he groaned and waved slightly at this moment: "You spread out and help the children to kill the night monks in the battlefield and sweep the front of the army. Clearing the obstacle, the old man will return this person to the adult immediately, maybe my family's secret attack on the stone city has been exposed. "

The six unicorn strongmen nodded, then spread apart and turned away quickly.

The old man returned to the army and went straight to the most central car, which was as high as 10,000 feet. The car is golden in color, with a length of 16 feet and a ferocious beast pulling the car. The roar is roaring in the mouth, and the car exudes a horror. Obviously, the body of the car is also an extremely powerful treasure. .

There are still thousands of miles away from the car. The old man has stopped to bow and salute, respectfully said: "Sir, only four monks of the Yasha tribe who escaped from the late robberies escaped. See if the Yasha tribe noticed that they were deliberately sent by our tribe. Agents, I don't know what to do now? "

After a few breaths, a faint voice came out of the frame, saying: "This matter is already known. Since it may be discovered, let the Langs go all out to reduce the preparation time of the Yeshi monks of the Millstone City as much as possible. Suppressed by Mount Tai. "

"If it wasn't for fear that the shots caused the immortalization of Mushicheng, how could the four Yaksha ants in this area escape their lives!" Although the voice was calm, it seemed to contain a lot of power, which made people dare not doubt at all.

"Yes, sir!" Said the old man respectfully, slowly turning back thousands of accounts before turning around and leaving.

After a while, the orders were issued layer by layer, and the entire army of unicorns ten million monks suddenly went up and went straight to Mishicheng in a row of mountains and seas.


In the battlefield of the ethnic group, the sky was dark and turbulent, and five figures galloped through the space to move forward, all of them looked cold and cold. The external appearance of the tumult was completely hidden, which instantly caused the countless monks in the ethnic battlefield to change their looks. Directional breath came and looked.

"Four robber monks, and the sense of breath must be that they should be repaired in the middle of the robbery!"

"I don't know what happened, but it will make the four seniors shoot at their best. Is it impossible for someone to hunt down the unicorn strong?"

"No! The four robbers of my tribe are not hunting, but are fleeing. They are rushing out of the ethnic battlefield and heading towards Millstone City!"

"Sure enough!"

For a time, countless senses of this breath of the Yasha monks exclaimed, and they could panic the four powerful people after the fit, which shows that there must be a serious change in front.

call out!

call out!

Without giving them a chance, four old monsters, such as Dead Leaf Ancestor and Qianji Sanren, whistled away without notice, and did not even notify the other people in the battlefield. They obviously wanted to use them to delay the rear unicorn strong man .

"Ah! The unicorn army!"

"Run away!"



The unicorn army is advancing madly, there is a blessing and blessing, and it is really fast. There is a strong warrior in the front who clears the yaksha monks in the ethnic battlefield to clear the obstacles for the army. When the monks of the Yasha clan saw the oppression of the army, it was too late to escape, but they were all killed in a face-to-face interview.

Feeling the horrible and violent breath coming from the rear, the four eccentrics of the ancestors of Dead Leaf and Qianji Sanren became more ugly. Where did they dare to stay a bit and madly urge the mana in the body to roar forward.

Desperately rushing for 3 days in a row, Millstone City was finally in the distance. The four monsters rushed into the city frantically and violently. If they did not have the Yasha tribe jade breath, they might have been attacked by resident monks.

"The unicorns attack, and the closed city gates open up!"

The roar of the four monsters in the late period of the robbery spread out, spreading across the entire Millstone City, instantly causing countless changes to the Yasha monks, and finally understood why the four seniors in the late period of the robbery were so panicked.

The unicorn army is here!

The news spread quickly in Millstone City. The elders of the Yasha clan quickly activated a secret treasure, used the great magical power to directly probe into the depths of the ethnic battlefield, and directly saw the tens of millions of unicorn armies rolling in with mighty might.

In a car driving in the army, an over 3 year old, white-faced, first-born golden unicorn monk suddenly lifted his lips, humming in his mouth, waving his robe sleeves, and whispering: "Unicorn children, whereabouts have gone Exposed, go all out! "


The next moment, the treasures of the banned breath on the army disappeared instantly, and the breath of millions of unicorn monks was unobstructed, stabbing into the sky, stirring up the entire ethnic battlefield, changing the color of the battlefield, attracting the endless dark and evil spirits to condense into a single birth The horn, a height of 100,000 feet, and a horrible beast full of golden hair, a pair of scarlet eyes slowly opened, and the vast and violent atmosphere slowly spread out.

Unicorn Holy Beast Unicorn Optimus!

In ancient legends, the unicorns evolved from the blood of the holy beast, so they were born to subdue the beast for their own use, and signed a contract with the brutal beast that only knew to kill.





Thousands of unicorn monks growled wildly, and the momentum suddenly rose again!


There was a roar suddenly in the mouth of the unicorn Optimus Beast, the sound of rolling waves seemed to penetrate the endless space.


In the Millstone City, using the secret treasure to detect several elders of the Yasha clan turned pale, and a blood spewed out from their mouths, screaming: "Pass the message to the clan, the unicorns have come to commit crimes, for support!"

After a few breaths, a 100,000 fire-fighting request for help was transmitted back to the clan through the special transfer law circle in the city. If all goes well, at most half a day, a continuous army of Yasha monks will come through the transfer array.

The gates were closed, spirit stones were filled, countless restrictions on the walls and the ground were opened, and the aura of light flashed wildly. The octagonal corners of the city, the dazzling light from the forbidden road beads on the Tongtian Tower burst out the dazzling light, the star-like sea energy fluctuations came out from it, and a layer of 100-foot thick energy shield slowly emerged from the periphery of the city wall. Stone City shrouded in it. Numerous yaksha monks "嚎" howling rushed out of their residence to control the howl. As a natural and militant yaksha people, they not only had no fear of the arrival of the unicorn army, but the cruel blood in their bodies boiled completely, one after another. His rough eyes turned red.

"Kill! Kill! Kill all unicorn monks!"

"Haha, every time a unicorn monk is killed, this is a military feat. The brethren will work hard to make a good vote, and they will be delicious in the future!"

"Ethnic war, I didn't expect such luck, come on, the unicorn cubs, the grandfather of the Yasha tribe is waiting for you here."

"Go over them!"

Numerous yaksha monks gathered and snarled in their mouths.

Somewhere in the corner, five black robe monks stood silently.

"The unicorn army came to commit crimes. It seems that you and I can only stay in Moshi City for a longer period of time." Qianji scattered, but his brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly. The horn territory, alas, is a little bit short. "

This weird talked, quite helpless in his voice.

Heishan Taoist and Ziyun Fairy nodded. As for the dead leaf ancestor, his face was cold and expressionless, but it was normal for him to think of the previous life.

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