Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 23: Wilderness

In fact, Xiao Chen didn't know at the moment that what he was going through at this moment was a catastrophe for all monks. This catastrophe did not come from the outside world, but was born from the heart and settled with the heart, so it was called the heart catastrophe! As the monk's cultivation time increases, the level of cultivation continues to increase. The more things he obtains, the more complicated he goes through, the heavier the burden of consideration, the stronger the bondage, and he gradually loses his original heart to the Tao, unable to leave everything behind. , To move forward bravely and forge ahead on the road, leading to the slower the improvement of the cultivation base, and eventually the inability to evolve into a bottleneck. ([[[

The Heart Tribulation is invisible and innocent, but it can cut off the road ahead of the Monk Avenue! Due to the different degrees of mental toughness of the monks, the stage of appearance of this catastrophe is also different. There are those who are weak in nature, who don't want to make progress, the Golden Core Realm will come, and there are different levels of Nasal Infant, No Fallen, Fit, and Cross Tribulation, which vary from person to person.

When Xiao Chen established his mind this time, he had already broken the heart tribulation invisibly. As long as the thought is not broken, he will not be troubled by the heart tribulation.


Unicorns, the land of the desert.

The sky is full of wind and sand, the scorching sun is shining, the air is dry and there is no moisture, the ground soil layer has been eroded for a long time, and now it has turned into yellow sand everywhere. Sunlight falls on the ground and heats up the sand rapidly, making the wilderness extremely hot here. As for the night, at sunset, the temperature of the sand grains suddenly drops, like hard ice, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge. In addition, it is extremely barren, and the squally wind keeps covering the sky and the sun all the year round, causing the place to be barren.

But it is in this barren land that some special wild beasts live, such as sand ants, all of which are the size of an adult's arm and are wrapped in a black carapace. This savage beast lives by devouring grains of sand, absorbing the iron from it and evolving, making the carapace as strong as iron. It is an excellent protective magic weapon manufacturing material. As for the pair of chewing teeth on the mouth, they are even more sharp and have barbs, and one bite can easily tear the monk's body and remove a large piece of dripping flesh.

There are also sand scorpions. They are different in size, small in size, but large as a calf, with long tails, and are highly poisonous. Among them, the toxin has a strong lethality to the monks and is an invisible killing weapon. It is expensive to sell after success.

In addition, other special savage beasts, such as sand snakes and sand spiders, have special physiques, and almost do not need to take in water from the outside in their lifetime, otherwise they will not be able to survive in this harsh environment.

The desert is located in the territory of the Dujiao tribe, close to the southwest. It is 300 million miles away. It is truly vast, like a sea of ​​sand. Starting from the periphery, the environment is worse as you move toward it. It is said that it is deep in the sand. There are still more powerful sand beasts everywhere, even if the peak power of the Celestial Realm enters it, they cannot please.

As one of the hundred tribes in the spirit world, the unicorn tribe has countless natural powers. In the early years, they suspected that there were treasures in the strange appearance of this sand sea, so they sent the strong in the tribe to explore. Although I don't know the specific result, the matter was finally over.

Countless years so far, the range of the sand sea has been slowly expanding, but in the eyes of the monks of the unicorn tribe, it is nothing more than a deserted land, without the breath of treasure. But even so, the existence of sand ants, sand scorpions and other savage beasts here brought a bit of anger to this sea of ​​sand.

Starting from the edge of the sand sea, there are some small cities in the sand. They are not built by unicorns, but are built by major merchants to purchase various wild animal materials nearby. The safety factor is naturally greatly reduced, and every few years It would be hit by a sand sea savage beast, causing heavy casualties and bleeding into the sea. But this did not scare away the enthusiasm of the monks, the high income was enough to make them take the risk, until they were finally buried in Shahai.

Beisha City is a small city on the edge of the sand sea. Although it is not big, it is the first city on the edge of the sand sea. The monks who enter or leave will choose to stay here for a while and leave after resting. The presence of merchants makes this remote and small city extremely prosperous, and the number of floating monks is even harder to calculate.

Right now, outside the south gate of this city, a long line of dragons has been lined up, and they are paying the spirit stones into the city one by one. Since this city was built by a merchant, you naturally need to pay spiritual stones if you want to enter it. Fortunately, the price is not high. For many years, no one has had trouble with this small amount of money.

"Brother Chenxiao, this is Beisha City." A unicorn woman chuckled and said. This woman has a youthful appearance with a slender and beautiful little horn on her forehead, which is almost transparent. It doesn't look weird. , On the contrary, it adds a bit lively and lovely.

A monk of the unicorn tribe beside him slowly nodded when he heard the words, and looked at the small city in front of him. The strange color in his eyes flashed away, and no one noticed it. Although his appearance was unfamiliar and his body changed, the pair of dark eyes and the calmness in them were enough to show his identity.

This monk of the unicorn tribe was actually Xiao Chen!

After deciding to come to the Secret Realm of the Great Power of the Yasha Clan that day, Xiao Chen had already begun to prepare. In order to avoid trouble, he learned of a special pill, Huanxing Pill through Curry. As the name suggests, after swallowing it, it can be transformed into the race of the mind. As long as it does not release the medicine, it can last as long as one year.

For the next ten days, Xiao Chen hurried along while collecting materials for the magical pill, but this pill was extremely rare, and the blind materials were extremely rare, and he did not find it after running several cities. When he was about to give up, he happened to meet a group of monks who wanted to go to the desert (sand sea), and obtained the last material from them by coincidence.

When Xiao Chen was overjoyed, he secretly completed the refining, and then went along with the team. On the way, he had not traced a lot of information about Shahai, hoping to help in the future, although it took two more days. , But it seemed to Xiao Chen to be extremely cost-effective, at least for the moment he had a preliminary understanding of this desert land.

"Huh! As a monk, I don't know the origin of the desert. It's ridiculous." Not far from the two, a sturdy young monk whispered, looking provocatively at Xiao Chen, dissatisfied. There was no concealment of his mind. From the gaze he occasionally fell on Xiao Chen and that girl from the unicorn tribe, he could easily judge the thoughts in this person's heart.

"Blood Tiger, Big Brother Xiao Chen is a refiner, and his cultivation is incomparable to you and me. It is normal to have never been to the desert. How can you speak like this!" The unicorn girl glared at the play who had grown up together. With a glance, I don't know why he is always embarrassed with Brother Chenxiao these past two days.

Xue Hushang's sneer expression collapsed in an instant. The girl spoke for Xiao Chen, making him feel a little more gloomy. She sneered and was about to speak, but at this moment there was a hoarse but majestic shout. Came.

"Okay, now you have arrived in Beisha City. You two are not afraid of being jokes by other'beast hunters', so you don't have to say a few words." The person here is a monk of more than 50 years old, a black complexion. , Slightly cracked.

"Yes, daddy." Lisa narrowed her mouth, twisted her waist and walked to Xiao Chen's side without speaking.

As for the blood tiger, after calling the master respectfully, he walked directly behind the team, and his cold face was full of the meaning of staying away from strangers.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Chenxiao, don't take it to heart. My disciple has some, hehe, he has a good heart." The old man of the unicorn tribe has a code name of the scorpion. The real name is unknown, but this one hunted the Shahaiman. The leader of the Beast Squad, with a cultivation base at the mid-level of the fit, can be regarded as a small master, and has brought more than 20 people from the tribe to make a living by taking risks.

Xiao Chen smiled and shook his head. With his current state of mind, naturally he wouldn't be serious with a little guy who is jealous, and he will leave when he gets here. He needs to enter alone in this sea of ​​sand.

The ground scorpion smiled when he saw it, and looked at Xiao Chen deeply without any trace of his eyes. The young tribe in front of him did not show any strangeness. He was calm and calm, without the arrogance of the young tribe, but it was his calmness. , Letting his gaze fall in his heart can't help but feel a little awe in secret. Since the birth of the earth scorpion, I don't know how many horrible storms he has experienced. This life is crawled out of the dead. Although the cultivation base is not high, the eyes that have been cultivated are extremely vicious. Although he was surprised by the inexplicable awe of his own family, the scorpion finally decided to be more careful not to engage in evil with this young tribe. That's why he sold the material of the Magic Shape Pill at a very fair price, and he was quite affectionate to Xiao Chen along the way, and the relationship between them was considered to be close.

Standing outside the city gate, Xiao Chen's gaze swept across the surrounding area lightly, and he nodded slightly in his heart. This one-horned tribe is worthy of being one of the hundred tribes in the spirit world. There are so many strong ones. Among the "beast hunters" attracted by the sand sea, there are many strong ones in the cultivating state. Infant is the second, and the fit is the least. As for the existence of Crossing Tribulation Realm, I have never seen a person here. This is also normal. Although the materials of the wild beasts in the sand sea are expensive, it is only for the monks below the fit. For the monks of the robbery, letting them obtain spirit stones by hunting the wild beasts is obviously extremely* *For things, unless there is a cause for it, it is very rare for a monk to enter the sand sea.

Following the people flowing into the city gate, Xiao Chen stopped, and said to the old man of the Dujiao tribe with a fist: "Friends of the earth scorpion, you and I will separate here. Chen Xiao will purchase some materials in the city. , I won’t be with you anymore, there will be a period of time for you and me."

The scorpion nodded and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, the old man will not stay more, but my one-horned team will always be friends of Daoist Chenxiao. We will often haunt Beisha City. If you need help in the future, you can come directly. Find us here." This person said, but his voice was quite earnest.

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded, then greeted Lisa and the others, then turned and strode away without hesitation.

For Xiao Chen, a rather modest and gentle clan member, Lisa liked it in her heart. Seeing him leave, she felt a little unwilling to give up, but the blood tiger suddenly relaxed, with a long-lost smile on her face.

"Let's go." The scorpion waved his hand, and was about to leave at the moment, but suddenly there was a sneer from behind, "Hey, it's not the scorpion fellow of the unicorn squad in front of you, old friends, why are you leaving? Are you so anxious?"

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