Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 41: Black road

[I wish you all a merry Christmas! 】

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Starting from the first cloud, Xiao Chen's mind had already raised doubts, and now he rushed through three clouds to finally make him determine one thing. If it is correct, the map of the Shui Lingzhu manifestation, the white line should be the hiking trail Clouds appear at intervals, and the map also shows that if there is a fine contrast between the two, it is exactly the same. {[Bayi Chinese Network M But if the map shows that there are two climbing routes, in addition to the trail in the mountains represented by the white line, there is also a black line. What is the situation in this black line? Is climbing easier?

Xiao Chen didn't think of it for no reason, it was really helpless. Although he thought that his idea was extremely firm, according to the map, there were hundreds of clouds in the path of the white line. That is to say, he needs to cross the 1oo ban continuously, and even endure 1oo fine needles to fall at the same time.

Can't persist.

According to Xiao Chen's own estimates, he can persist in 25 fine needles if he does more. After that, if he continues to move forward, Yuanshen will certainly suffer. Moreover, he had no certainty at all, and could withstand the last hundred stitches. I am afraid that the pain caused by it would instantly collapse his spirit.

So the situation is very clear at the moment, walking from the white road, destined to eat endlessly, in the end can not reach the top Debao, or even trapped to death. Walking from the dark road, although I don't know what the situation is, I can finally fight.

Xiao Chen didn't spend much time thinking, she already had a decision in her heart. If the map didn't lie to him, then Bailu has 1oo checkpoints, but black road has only 5. He has no reason not to fight.

And for all other reasons, the only point of intersection between black and white is behind the third cloud, three feet ahead, and a stone wall on the left. If you miss it, you ca n’t go back, you can only go all the way on white road. Go to the end until death.

Xiao Chen stood up and walked calmly, standing in front of the stone wall, stepping into it without hesitation.

Now that you've made your decision, let it go. Don't hesitate!

The foot touches the stone wall, and the left eyebrow dojo 66 flashes at the same time as the supporting pillar of Tianshui, which produces a faint ripple, which directly engulfes his figure.

There was a slight tearing sensation in the surroundings. It seemed to be a teleportation array. When the sight was restored, Xiao Chen could see clearly at the moment. The corner of her mouth could not help but smile slightly. "

At this moment, his figure is in the same mountain, but the road under his feet is a hundred feet wide. It is made of pure gold and made of slabs of large size. It is extremely smooth and can be learned by light.

Whatever comes is to be safe. No matter whether the road is good or not, Xiao Chen has no chance to repent. This road is inaccessible and inaccessible. This is the information he automatically obtained when he entered.

As soon as you enter the black road, you have to go to the end!

Made of pure gold, glittering and wide, the so-called golden avenue is presumably the path that Xiao Chen has taken now.

Moving forward in silence, Xiao Chen's face was dignified, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, his heart whispered secretly, weird and weird, if the crisis was okay, but it was such a calm situation at the moment that naturally made him frightened.



The surroundings are quiet, only the soft sound of stepping down from the ground echoes continuously. But at this moment, Xiao Chen's pupils suddenly contracted violently, and a crisis that was born with no warning made his whole body cold, and his body was stiff for a while.

call out!

A piercing sound came out, and the bricks were paved on the ground. A flash of dazzling gold shot instantly, extremely fast, and it didn't give people a little retreat time. Xiao Chen's face sank, a sudden sip in his mouth, the mana billowed and turned into a shield, stopping Jin Guangsheng from being cut off.


In the loud noise, although Xiao Chen's figure was not harmed, the figure was directly cut back a few feet away, and then he stopped reluctantly, his eyes were dignified. This golden light avenue is really not good enough, only to cut off Jin Mang, but the extremely pure five-element gold spiritual force, sharp and boundless, extremely lethal, if not for his fast response, I am afraid that he has already suffered a big loss.

Standing in the spot for a moment of thought, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered and continued to move forward. Beyond Baizhang, another golden light shot out, but two, shot from the ground and strangled.


The two golden shots doubled the attack and directly flew Xiao Chen to several dozen feet.

Going forward, after 2oo, Jin Mang cut out, but the number has increased to 4.

After 5oo, the number of Jinmangs increased directly to 8, and the number became more and more. The power contained in each Jinmang also became stronger and stronger, and he wanted to tear people to pieces. Looking at the endless climbing golden road, Xiao Chen became gloomy.

With a little thought, his hand flashed a little light, and the shop body suddenly appeared in his hand, and the idea was slightly moved to inform the situation at the moment.

"Wow! Wow! I said, Master Xiao Chen, why do you like adventure so much that you were almost killed by the cold, and now you are here again? Are you really not afraid of death! The coach thought about it, how can my weak body withstand the damage of these golden mansions, you might as well return it, with the coach in hand, where do you need to find other treasures.

When the shop heard Xiao Chen's plan, he shook his head again and again and persuaded him.

Xiao Chen was expressionless and said lightly: "There is no advance or retreat here. Since you have come in, you cannot go out again. If you ca n’t break through, once I get there, I'm afraid you will be closed in the shop even if nothing happens. Therefore, I do not know how many years can be taken away. "

"So right now, you have no choice."

The shop heard tears with tears, and was anxious and joke at the same time! The adults in his small shop are so handsome that he hasn't found the beauty to embrace and hold that god's life. How can he be blocked from the town to see the sun here?

How can this work! Absolutely not!

The shop was soaring.

Xiao Chen was very clear about the thoughts in his heart. At the moment, he didn't say much, his thoughts moved slightly, and the shop body in his hands suddenly rose to 1o feet in size, and he strode forward.

call out!

call out!

The ground was constantly flashing with golden mangs, which was extremely fast, and came down abruptly, but they were all blocked by the shop. Due to its rigidity, Jin Mangwei is not good enough, but he can't do it if he wants to hurt it.

But even if it was n’t really hurt, the shop would n’t be too uncomfortable at the moment. Every golden mang fell off, and a collision with his body would make a “cracking” sound, making his mouth miserable.

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts me!"

"Damn it, you dare to hurt the handsome little shop master, you are dead!"

"Don't slap me, whoever slaps me is really going to fly!"

"Master, it hurts me. Hurry up and think of a way, otherwise the shop will die here today!"

The wretched wolf cried.

Xiao Chen frowned forward to this point, more and more Jinguang, almost endlessly cut off, if the shop itself is solidly resisted in front, relying on his own repair has long been in danger. However, according to the current situation, if the small shop continues to be used as a shield, although this guy's body will not be damaged, its spirit and **** cannot persist, for fear that it will be broken apart under the impact of Jinmang. Xiao Chen couldn't do such a thing. He paused for a while, his face showing anxiety, he lifted up a moment later, and a different color flashed in his eyes. Just at the moment, Xiao Chen thought of a very important point and could not help cursing stupidly. In this black road, since he can be strangled with Jinmang in a small shop, it shows that here is different from Bai Road, and the passerby can use his own treasure power. On Xiao Chen, although the shop is indestructible, there is a treasure, but the power is absolutely above it.

Left eyebrow dojo!

As a treasure left behind by the Great Thousand Realms, even Xiao Chen couldn't imagine how it existed. Although he couldn't control it with his current practice, there was no problem relying on his solid body to rush out of Jin Mang.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen felt a little loose in his heart, a flash of aura in his hand, a black stone suddenly appeared in his hand, and then moved slightly, the figure disappeared directly, but the black stone remained outside.

On the ground paved with gold bricks, there were still Jinmang shots, and they went straight to the dojo body to be cut off. It's just that under the endless slaying of the golden mang, the black stones are still, and you can't cause any damage to it if you attack and kill like a storm.

Xiao Chen looked at the dominance of the manifestation of the dojo. Although he was safe at the moment, his heart was still gloomy. This is the black road that says there are only five trials. If he didn't have the treasure, wouldn't he be killed here?

"Huh! I want to see, what troubles you have on the dark road can damage my dojo!" In a sneer, Xiao Chen moved slightly, and the left eyebrow dojo whistled and hurried forward.

call out!

call out!

Jin Guang is endless. As the number of in-depths increases, it becomes nearly condensed into substance later. In every space in all directions, the power of the horrible Jin Ling is filled. Xiao Chen looks somber and cold sweats grow behind him.

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