Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 44: Guns stand on the ground

"As for the final portal of life and death, it is purely Hu Huo, although luck is important, but who can be lucky is always good, the old man has not been killed in the end, it is ridiculous.? 8) 1> ZW.COM This test is more about its own courage. Can it be determined? Only because the old man's most annoying thing in his life is hesitation and hesitantness. When the big event is broken, it will be broken, otherwise it will be subject to chaos. Push the door within three breaths, whether black and white, you can enter the quiet room without incident, and push the door after three breaths. By chance, after all, if you can come here, it's considered sloppy, the old man will always give you some opportunities. "

"Now you should know that you can or come here, all rely on your own strength, and have nothing to do with the old man, otherwise you won't wink even if you die on the road. You don't need to be right The old husband was grateful, so I just said that I hope that you remember my name from time to time, whether it is gratitude, ridicule or cursing, it does not matter, and I do not care. "

"Speaking for so long, I think you should understand, drink a cup of hot tea, push the door and go out, there will naturally be something you deserve."

Xiao Chen's face was calm. After listening to it, there was no abnormal color on his face, and he bowed a little. "If he can get treasure, Xiao Chen promises to take care of his predecessors and descendants, please rest assured."

When I got up, the picture in front of me collapsed in an instant, and turned into a light and shadow to integrate into the Xiao Chen Yuanshen, which is a seed of the Yuanshen. Perhaps the descendants of the old man have completely died, or have been reincarnation, but as long as this seed of the Yuanshen is present, Xiao Chen meets it and can be identified.


Jade Jane in his hand shattered and turned into loquat powder.

Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes and groaned slightly. He took out a tea cup with one hand, poured a cup into the pot, and held it in his hand.

Drinking on your back, turning and striding away, the door of the quiet room disappeared, and the road disappeared, turning into a small courtyard. There is a dry well in the courtyard, which has not yet approached, and it has already felt the layers of forest cold. Qi, and at the same time, the tea that I drank before, continued to faint warmth, gentle body.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered and he suddenly returned. Sure enough, the quiet room is still there, but the tea set on the stone table has disappeared.

Right now things are fixed, the treasure is here, just below the dry well.

Xiao Chen stepped forward and stood on top of his eyes, his eyes dropped, the cold air turned, he didn't know how deep it was, and couldn't detect the roots.

He laughed, raised his feet, carried his hands, and the figure fell. When the wind came, the green robe hunted, the black turned, and his eyes looked calm.

After a few moments of falling, I don't know how many feet, my eyes flickered, and I finally reached the bottom. Xiao Chen's body light suddenly turned on, and the degree of falling suddenly slowed down, and the body was as light as a leaf.

There is a cave in the well, there is a spring in the cave, the size of which is about ten feet, the spring water is thick, creamy and white, and extremely cold, and the cold air is emitted from it.

Xiao Chen's eyes dropped, and a little joy was revealed in his eyes. If it was correct, this should be the Lingmai Gel Cream!

But at this moment he frowned slightly, and his eyes were a little puzzled. If he was right, then the ancient man he only saw in Yujian was named the ancient man, and he should be the real master here. Then the treasure in his mouth was definitely not It's the Lingmai Gel cream alone, but at this moment, where is the treasure.

Xiao Chen's eyes slowly swept across the grotto. The next moment, his eyes suddenly stopped, and his pupils contracted sharply.


The footpath in the mountains was full of white clouds, and four figures kept moving forward.

As a man of great skill, he has now reached the 57th cloud. Although his face is white, his eyes are calm and with joy, apparently breaking the ban. Although he has suffered a lot, he is also a stranger. There are gains.

Followed by the flame old demon, the 54th cloud. At this moment, the old man was sullen, his face was flushed, and he was sitting cross-legged. There was a layer of hot air from the top of his head, and his body was sweating like rain, soaking his robes. He was obviously doing his best to treat the internal injuries.

The third ancestor of dead leaves, the 5th cloud. This man's face was iron-blue, with a hint of yin and black evil spirits constantly tumbling under the flesh, like a living creature, scattered and deadly, extremely eerie.

At the end is a Taoist from Montenegro. The 48th cloud, the boulder in the Forbidden Canyon is still 1o, but the hardness of the texture is 100 times stronger than the original. Even if he shot with his strength, it is extremely difficult to break.

I arrived here in 2oo time, but even if the people in the forefront are scattered, I have no confidence to reach the summit in 2oo years. At this point, the forbidden power in the cloud is enough to pose a serious threat to them, with a little carelessness. , They will be buried in it.

Each step takes a long time.


In the grotto, Xiao Chen looked at the object in front of him and took a deep breath before he could barely suppress the shock in his heart, but his face was still full of indifference.

This ancient writing is so big!

Hundreds of thousands of square-sized grottoes are extremely empty. Only a long gun is inserted into the ground, the handle is down, the gun head is up, the size of the full body is black, the body is dark, and there is a certain mysterious texture on it. Simply standing on the ground, but with its own scent of breath scattered from the top, vertical and domineering, straight through the sky.

Around this long gun, there are five protruding rocks, which are as high as the gun body, and they are gold, cyan, blue, red, and yellow. But the most amazing thing is that the peak of the rock has turned into a dragon shape. It was artificially carved, but evolved on its own. The mouth of the dragon was opened, and five different auras were shot from it, all of which were thick and thin, wrapped around the spear and sealed it here.

"Forcibly detaining the five elements of the dragon, the veins of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil. With the power of the veins, the five elements are sealed down. What kind of power can this gun power achieve? ! "

Xiao Chen's eyes fell into the cave, and he slowly swept around, looking at the Lingmai Gel Cream in the cold pond, and the corner of his mouth could not help but smile slightly. Who would have thought that the treasures that drove Qianji Sanren, the dead ancestors, the flame ancestors, and the Montenegrin Taoists at all costs were actually the subsidiary products of these five elements. But even so, this thing is still very precious, and it can even help Xiao Chenxiu take it a step further.

So at this moment he didn't hesitate, flashing aura of light in his hand, taking out several storage jade bottles, hitting with his tactics, and starting to collect the Lingmai Gel cream in the cold pool.

"Take it away! Take it all away! Even the four eccentrics of the old ancestors and dead leaves ancestors crossed the white road, don't expect to get a little bit of gain!" Xiao Chen shot with all his strength, and within three moments, all three jade bottles were filled Full, there is no trace left in the entire cold pond.

After doing this, Xiao Chen put the jade bottle in the storage ring, and the corners of his mouth didn't even feel a little sneer. If he had gone to the treasure land with all his pains and hardships, he would end up with nothing, and his face must be very wonderful.

Eyes fell on the gun body of Xiaozhang, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, hesitated slightly, and raised his hands to play several tricks, but before approaching, he was scattered by a force of nothingness and could not fall into it. .

Treasures come first, but how can I collect them?

This black gun can make Egu so precious and important to seal it here. Obviously it is absolutely unusual. Since you have seen it, you can't miss it.

Just when Xiao Chen frowned, his eyebrows suddenly raised slightly, and then a figure emerged directly from his body, and it turned out that the ancient demons appeared actively.

"Perhaps, this demon can collect this treasure." The ancient demon faintly opened his mouth, his eyes fell, and there were few faint mood fluctuations in his eyes, and a fiery color flashed.

The human body of Xiao Chen frowned slightly, "Can Daoyou be confident?"

The ancient demon shook his head and said, "No, but this demon can try."

Xiao Chen's brow tightened, her eyes became cloudy for a while, then she raised her eyes halfway, her eyes turned into firmness, and she said, "Okay! In this case, I will go all out and collect this treasure!"

The words fell, the light flashed, and the silver robe space appeared as a separate person.

The three looked at each other, the human race and the space avatars retreated simultaneously, the ancient demon avatars lifted up, showing overbearing meaning in the eyes, the black robe hunted and hunted, striding towards the black gun, a tyrannical aspect of the demon road and the gigantic breath burst from him , Directly pressing down on the black gun, it seems to be directly deterred.

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