Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 46: Take treasure

Xiao Chen's human race's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and a few different colors flashed under his eyes, but his face did not show the slightest, his mind moved slightly, and the two avatars suddenly moved, the power of the source flowed faster, and the demon The gun's air flame fell by three points again, and the blood mist from the body of the object was churning, and it was obvious that the refining of the magic weapon of life was fast. ([八?<<<<一Chinese<<网W]W]W). }8}1) ZW. COM

After a few breaths, a buzzing hum representing surrender came from the magic gun. This thing has long lost its magical nature and felt that the external pressure is irresistible. Under the influence of the survival instinct, naturally only chooses to surrender, and then a strong gas of killing is released into the body , And no longer contend with the refining of the ancient demon clone.

"Okay! Magic Spear, you will never regret your choice today. This magic will allow you to regain power again, and smash the world!" The ancient demon clone roared, and the body again appeared more rich. The blood energy, the tossing room was a 100,000-meter-sized ball, which enveloped itself and the magic spear.

Xiao Chen's human body slowly let out a sigh of relief, and secretly said a fluke. The two sides seem to be evenly matched, but no matter whether the human body borrows the thunder, fire origin, or ancient demon clone to kill the origin, space clone space origin, they can't hold on for too long. If this magic spear would rather die than drop, fight hard, I am afraid that it will eventually not support it. It will be them.

But fortunately, the spirits and spirits dissipated, and there was no wisdom. After sensing the pressure, they chose to surrender. But even so, he still didn't dare to be careless, regaining the power of the source, the phantom of the ancient Bodhi tree condensed, linked the two clones of the human body, merged the power of ideas, and accelerated the degree of refinement.

Because Xiao Chen didn't know whether the Thousand Chance Loans, Dead Leaf Old Ancestor, Flame Old Demon and Black Mountain Taoist could come here, and if they could not complete it before then, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fully refining!

Closing his eyes cross-legged, there is no sound in the entire space, it is in this state of silence that time slowly flows by.

1o year,, 1oo year,, 2oo year,, 5oo year,, 7oo year!

The slow refining of the magic spear is far beyond the limit of Xiao Chen's imagination, but fortunately, it is now at the last juncture, and it is only a step away to integrate it into oneself and turn it into a destiny magic weapon.

Xiao Chen's human race opened his eyes, and a faint look of expectation appeared in his eyes.

According to the ancient demon clone, the stronger the magic weapon, the more difficult it is to refining, and the more time it takes. With the current strength of the ancient demon clone, it is comparable to the ultimate level of fit, but if the demon body's combat power is exploded, the monks will have no problem in the early stage of the ordinary battle alone. Decades of refining ordinary magic weapons are enough, even if it is a powerful demon. 2oo years is enough, but now it took 7oo years to refine the magic gun!

I am afraid that the power of this thing must be above their imagination!


It has been thousands of years since entering the depths of the secret realm.

1oo piece of cloud.

Suddenly, this cloud turned violently, and then a figure directly stepped out of it, with a calm complexion, but it was the Thousand Chance who scattered. This old monster was already proficient in the forbidden road, and it took thousands of years to break the ban. It was not a waste of time. The cultivation base became a little deeper and stronger than before.

Taking one step at this moment, a smile was born from the corner of the old monster's mouth, growing bigger and bigger, and finally spreading to the entire face. Although the body was empty and pale, the person was still very happy.

This mountain ban was finally broken, and he benefited a lot from it.

And the most important thing at this moment was that a towering palace figure slowly appeared at the end of his sight, making it difficult to hide the fiery meaning in his heart.

There are bans in the mountains, and treasures on the top.

Now that the ban has been broken, it should be time to harvest. And as the first person to set foot on the top of the mountain, he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

"Calculate the time, there is still time left before the birth of the treasure, I immediately meditate cross-legged, and when I return to the peak state, I will come again!" This old monk has practiced deeply in the city and has a stable mind.

Although the treasure is right in front of him, he still doesn't lose his sense. After all, before the last moment, you can't take it easy. In the realm of cultivation, there are definitely not a few who die only one step away from success, and he is not willing to be the next person.

Sitting down cross-legged, Qianji Sanren's hands flashed with aura, directly took out a Sanying Lingguang pill from the storage bag and swallowed it on his back.

The spirit pill enters the body and instantly turns into a rolling mana, constantly replenishing the soul and mana loss.

After a short half day, with the help of the pill, the old monster completely recovered to its peak state, suddenly opened his eyes, bursting out two dazzling lights, "Now is the time to collect the treasure!" The words fell, and the person's body flashed slightly. , Whistling straight to the hall.

Hundreds of miles passed in an instant, looking at the majestic hall in front of him, he wrote: Juetian Pavilion three characters, the pen is the dragon and the snake, the overbearing breath is outrageously, straight into the sky, making people's eyes fall in awe in secret.

"Haha, that's it! Let's see how the old man's fortune is today!" The gate of the palace opened, and there was no restriction to obstruct the road. The scattered figures of Thousand Chances shot out in the escape light package, and disappeared instantly.

The moment he entered the hall, the old strange glance swept the surroundings, his complexion couldn't help being dazed, and then he was surprised. There are 6 square jade platforms in each of the four sides and octagonal corners of this hall, with treasures standing in suspension, and the surroundings are forbidden to be guarded by a magic shield.

Although there are restrictions, from the sense of breath, these magic weapons are all high-quality, can be called treasures, even if they fall into the hands of the cultivators, they can also increase their strength.

"Good baby, the old man came here with all his hardships, and it is worth it to have this harvest!"

"Delivery, there must be other treasures in the hall!"

Qian Ji Sanren rushed directly to the Yu Yutai of Yifang Zhang. On it, there was a silver-white handle with a smooth and round shape, which looked like a magic weapon of double hooks. At this moment, there was a faint aura flashing on it, and a hint of sharpness was revealed, which was obviously extraordinary.

This old monster did not rush to make a move, and found out his sense of consciousness, carefully inspecting the forbidden shield outside the magic weapon of the double hook. After a while, the corner of his mouth revealed a touch of joy. If it were not for the millennium forbidden road training on the hiking trail, let him forbid the road. What's more, he couldn't analyze the way to crack this prohibition so quickly.

With a low cry, his hands turned into phantoms, and the rune of the forbidden road in his hands was shot out in a whistling, falling into the forbidden front.

After a while, with a soft sound of "boo", this restriction was directly broken. Thousands of Machines were overjoyed, holding the magic weapon of the double hook in his hand, slightly feeling the brows, and putting it backhand into the storage ring.

"Hurry up!"

This person didn't pause for a while, a flash of light appeared in front of the second Fang Yutai, and continued to crack the restriction.




Just when the old monster shot and collected the ninth magic weapon, a figure suddenly rushed into the hall again. Although he did not see his appearance, the hot and tyrannical atmosphere was enough to make his identity known.

Come, it is the old flame demon!

The old monster saw that many jade platforms in the hall had been banned. Among them, the treasures were missing. His complexion suddenly became gloomy. He glanced at Qianji without a trace, and then walked to another jade platform without a trace. Started to break the ban.

The two old monsters had a tacit understanding, and none of them spoke to provoke them. It is undoubtedly stupid to waste time in the current situation. Collecting treasure is the best choice.

Thousands of Machines scattered people and Old Flame Demon shot at the same time, and the treasures in the hall were constantly being collected. Until there were only 4 jade platforms in the hall, the two men closed their hands at the same time, looked at each other, and went straight to the nave. The treasures here are quite powerful, they have already collected dozens of them, no matter how many are useless, it is better to see if there are other treasures in the nave.

There is a forbidden between the front hall and the nave, and a layer of faint aura cuts off the way. However, instead of being frightened, the old flame demon like this is not frightened, but the more joyful it is, the better protection is, the more it shows that there is a treasure.

The two made a joint shot, and it took an hour to finally find a way to break the ban. At the same time, there was another figure flashing in outside the temple, but the dead leaf ancestor and the Taoist priest from Montenegro came along by appointment.

At the end of breaking the ban, each ban took an extremely long time, even as long as several decades, so later these four bosses were not much different from each other, and they could break the mountain road Baiyun ban at almost the same time.

It is clear that only 4 of the 48 jade platforms in the front hall are well preserved, and the remaining treasures are missing. The expressions of the two old monsters are gloomy for an instant. When they see Thousand Chance Sanren and Flame Old Demon, they rush directly into the nave. , The two of them hesitated slightly, then gritted their teeth to catch up. They are already one step behind in the collection of treasures in the front hall, and the middle hall must not be missed, otherwise the harvest of this trip will be extremely limited.

call out!

call out!

The four old monsters rushed into the nave almost simultaneously.

There are also a total of 48 jade terraces in four directions and octagonal corners, but at the moment there are no illegal treasures placed on them, but a forbidden and sealed pill. Although they are different in size and color, the fluctuations in the power of the powder are not much different.

"Fire Jade Psychic Pill!"

"A breath of nourishing pill!"

"Zengyuan Yanshou Dan!"

"Nine-turn Body Tempering Pill!"


The eyes of the four old monsters fell, and when they could see the pill in the nave, their faces suddenly showed excitement, and their bodies couldn't help shaking slightly. Every pill here is extremely precious. After getting it, it can help the cultivation base, detoxify, heal or break the bottleneck, and it is also an extremely rare treasure in the outside world.

But here, there are a total of 48!

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