"Forbidden days!" The pupils of Qianji Tao contracted, screamed in anger and yelled from his mouth, and raised his hands. His own forbidden Taoist magical shots turned into a large net covering the sky, against the town of mountains, and resisting the fire. This old monster was repaired, although not weak, but with one enemy and two, it was naturally suppressed and fell to the downwind. [八一 (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W] .COM

However, being able to host two monks at the same level without defeat is enough to show that this man is arrogant.

"Thousand Machine Disk!"

Qianji Sanren's hands flashed with aura of light, and suddenly a disc magic appeared in his hand, with numerous intricate rune lines engraved on it. This treasure was refined by the Qianji Sanren at a great cost, imprinted himself with a magical ability to forbid Taoism, and was motivated by mana to explode the infinite power of Taoism, which greatly enhanced his strength.

"Geng Jinwu array, strangling!" The weird roared coldly, the Qianji disk shot out, and fell instantly, covering the fire old man and the Montenegrin Taoist people, and the self-contained killing forbidden path formed itself to condense, silver and white Gengjin Jianmang instantly condensed, whistling, and savagely killed.

Facing the banned strangulation, the flame old demon and the Montenegrin Taoist whispered, and each had a defensive burst between his hands to resist it.

"Go all out, don't delay!" The Taoist in Montenegro snarled, smashed his chest with his fist, and spewed a few spouts of blood. The exit of the essence and blood was not spattered, but suddenly burst into blood, screamed and fused into the town of Shentong Mountain. With the integration of the essence and blood, the ghost image of the mountain suddenly turned into a pale blood color, and the rich and fierce evil spirits were madly scattered from it, making this supernatural explosive power almost doubled, and it was really like the mountains with the irresistible force. Fall, trying to turn everything into powder.

The power of the mountain town rose sharply, Qianji scattered people forbidden the magical power of the heavens and the big network, suddenly burst into a dazzling light, the atmosphere fluctuated sharply and unstable.

The flame old demon smiled, and didn't say a lot. The fingertips flickered a little, and there was a blood mouth at the fingertips. There was a thick blood dripping. After entering the sea of ​​fire, it was like pouring oil on the fire, which made the sea of ​​fire burn more violently. When it rises, the flames turn into crimson blood, exuding endlessly hot temperatures.

The two old monsters were all fierce, they actually urged the magical power directly with their own blood, and they suppressed the thousands of scattered people and were tired of resisting.

"Hey, Qianji Taoyou, since you are toasting and not eating and drinking, you can't blame me for being fierce." The flame old devil laughed backhand and took out a whole body of red, such as fire jade polished into a treasure, the whole body is long and narrow , The tip is extremely sharp.

"This thing is called the thorn soul fire cone, but the old man even got the ancient treasure, pure fire properties, pierced the monk's body, can burn the gods, and directly destroy it! As for today, the monk who died under this thing There are 1o people. It seems that Daoyou will be the 11th person today! "

"Friends from Montenegro, go all out to support for a while, wait for the old man to excite this treasure and kill this person!"

In other words, this weird throws his hands up, and the thorn soul fire cone suddenly floats on top of his head, and then raises his hands to continuously play the tricks. As the tricks are incorporated, the object suddenly emits a slight strange fluctuation, and a trace of hot breath is generated out of thin air , Accompanied by some kind of screaming. The soul of the thorny soul erupted, and it turned into a size of oversized, full of fiery red scale armor, fangs and teeth, describing a terrible monster.

Fire evil!

This thing is the special fierce thing that can be condensed only in the place where the extremely hot fire belongs to the energy gathering. Like the water evil, it is more violent and killer. And more importantly, the breath exuded from this fire evil actually reached the early level of heaven and humanity, and was drawn out by the gods and confined in treasures. Although the power was great, it was later killed and killed. Monks should not be difficult.

No wonder the flame old dare dare to take the shot, it turned out to have this treasure to rely on!


As the fire shadow condenses, the breath on the thorn soul's cone of fire suddenly soars, and the old flame of the flame looks dignified. It is necessary to be careful to drive this treasure with his repair, otherwise, if you are not careful, it may cause the treasure to backfire, and the consequences will be Unthinkable.

Thousands of people were extremely angry, and they roared more and more in their mouths, seeming to be scared and panic, but if someone looked closely, they could see the calmness in the depths of his eyes, which flashed a faint tinge.

It was at this moment that the old man's eyes dissipated, and he turned into a fierce man, passing away.

The next moment, a majestic breath burst out, but it was the dead leaf ancestor who had been silent on the side without any expression! I saw that at this moment, this eerie monster suddenly burst into flames, and actually directly burned the mana primordial spirit.



Two whole bodies of green oil, showing Lu Sen's cold and evil breath, Jian Mang emerged from his body in an instant, cut through the space and shouted, and went straight to the back of the flame old demon and the Montenegrin Taoist beheaded.

The three set up a blood deed, and must not allow each other to secretly harm each other, otherwise the blood deed explodes, and the shooter will suffer backlash, and it will undoubtedly die. The true blaze of the flames and the priests of Montenegro did not take too much precautions. In addition, at this moment, they were all struggling to kill Qianji Sanren. Suddenly, they were shot by the ancestors with dead leaves. The two of them jumped hard in their hearts and wanted to defend. Already.



The physical body of the Heishan Taoist was cut off, and Yuanshen died directly, but he was killed without any resistance!

The flame of the old monster was deep, and when the ancestors of the dead leaves shot without warning, his heart had already reacted fiercely, and he suffered the back of the thorn soul fire cone, and blood spewed from his mouth. Falling green oil Jianmang blocked. But even so, after being attacked by Huosha Yuanshen, this old monster has been completely damaged. At this moment, his eyes are full of unsatisfied anger, and he sternly said, "Dead ancestor, you are crazy! Kill the old man and the friend of Montenegro, With the blood deeds back, you will surely die! "

This weird can't think of why the dead leaf ancestors shot, is he really not afraid of death?


At the moment when the old flame of the flames drank and fell, the ancestors of the dead leaves instantly exuded blood, and a layer of strange blood shrouded his flesh. Under this light, his flesh quickly dried and shrunk, and the breath was even more. Sharply weakened.

Blood Deeds Back!

However, in the face of the blood deeds, the ancestors of the dead leaves were extremely calm and did not show the slightest difference. They looked calmly at the Qianji Taoist and said lightly: "Today I will die, but you should remember, Lu'er It is my parent-child, that is your parent-child, that Xiao Chen has not died under the captivity of blood. When your supernatural power is repaired in the future, you must avenge Luer and kill the younger race. "

Qianji Sanren's eyes were slightly more complicated, then he nodded, and said, "You can rest assured, the old man should take the matter."

The flame old monster suddenly stared at his eyes, and his eyes fell on the Qianji Sanren and the dead leaf ancestors. He lost his voice: "The two are supernatural! You are the same person!"

The ancestor of the dead leaf suddenly showed a strange color in the back of the blood deed. "Tao friendly insight, now that you have noticed it, you have saved a lot of trouble for the husband, and you can understand it dead."

"If you waited to take the initiative to retreat before, the old man wouldn't do the same to kill you. Why not be greedy enough and take your own path!

"But I ’m practicing Yindu Shentong, and Shou Yuan is almost exhausted. It is worthwhile to be able to kill you two at the cost of it. Now, let the old man take a journey to the pals. How about it?"

In a sneer, the figure of the ancestor of the dead leaf shot out abruptly, and when he got close to the flame old demon, his body's breath was instantly chaotic, and then he exploded.

"Do not!"

The old flame of the flame was unwilling to roar, suppressing the injury and desperately firing, exerting magical defenses, and wanted to live a life. But all this is in vain. He was hit hard by the bloodshakes before and was attacked again. Now he has no resistance in this wave of self-destructive destruction.

The aftermath of the self-detonation dissipated, and the ancestors of the dead leaves and the old flames of the flames disappeared, completely dissipating into fly ash.

Qianji San's face was pale, but his eyes were quite calm. Before this exploration of the mystery, he had already planned for the worst. If the situation was not right, he would abandon a clone, and the situation is now expected.

Exploring the secret realm, five people including Qianji Sanren, dead leaves ancestors, Heishan Taoist, Ziyun Fairy, and Flame Lao Mo joined. Ziyun Fairy was killed by Xiao Chen, and Heishan Taoist and Fire Lao Mo were calculated by Qian Jisan. The ancestral dead leaf ancestor destroyed himself and killed him.

At this point, of the five old monsters, only one thousand people scattered to survive.

This weird hurriedly shot, spilled the storage ring on the ground, put away all the magic weapons, and then sat down cross-legged, and began to close his eyes to recover the internal injuries. The avatar was destroyed, and although he had severed most of his ties, he still suffered some trauma.

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