Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 50: Treasured success

Xiao Chen hesitated slightly, and still said, "The seniors are not afraid that the younger ones will just lie to you and deceive you. Once you get your benefits, you will turn away after you leave here, and you won't mention it anymore?" This matter is indeed puzzled in his heart, if there is no explanation, it will be uneasy in his heart. [((Eight

"Ha ha ha ha!" Wu Gu smiled on his back, and said lightly: "My husband has survived to this day, and I am confident that my eyesight can make a mistake. Although your junior is more cautious, he should not be the one who believes in unbelief."

"If you are really wrong, that's fine. In the future, I will take you to build up your strength and use the treasures of your old man. Even if you don't seek revenge, some people can't wait to come to find your obscurity."

Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled secretly, I am afraid that this second point is the reason why Gu Gu was so relieved, but confirming this point also settled his mind, arching his hand: "The older generation is assured, although Xiao Chen is not a gentleman, but the promise is absolutely will not forget."

Gu Gu nodded with satisfaction, and looked at Xiao Chen for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "This seat is quite optimistic about your junior. How is this, my descendants are the husband and daughter of the old man, and they must be born beautiful , If you see her in the future, why do n’t you take her as that companion? ”

Xiao Chen's complexion turned into solitude. At this moment, the words suddenly rose, and Shen said: "If this is also a condition of the ancient predecessors, Xiao Chen must not agree." The voice was firm, and there was no room for turning back.

In the human world, there are already four coquettish wives, and he is naturally reluctant to do anything more negative.

The ancient face was expressionless, and then gently shook his head, sighing: "Also, the old man will not be forced on this matter, what will happen in the future, and it depends on their own fate."

"Little guy, since you inherited the black magic gun today, it should be time for this seat to die out, but before that, the old man still has to help you, otherwise you won't be able to get away safely even if you have the treasure."

"Three unicorns who are in heaven and in the world, hehe, the treasure left by this seat, I like to give it to anyone, I ca n’t even assign it to you guys"


After a while, Xiao Chen returned to the body with his mind, his mind moved slightly, the ancient demons and space avatars already knew about the talent, and at this moment his face changed slightly and nodded.

The space avatar stepped forward, and the figure instantly merged into the human race.

The ancient demon avatar's figure shrank sharply and became the size of an ordinary person. The black demon gun in his hand also reduced to more than seven feet. At this moment, he nodded slightly and said, "Taoyou be careful." After all, the ancient demon's mind and body thought, and the figure instantly disappeared.

Xiao Chen raised his eyes, his eyes flickered a little, and suddenly his body whistled out loudly.

"Predecessors, please take action."

Just at the moment his voice fell, the black light on the black demon gun flickered a little, the ancient figure appeared suddenly, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and said lightly: "The old man dissipated today, burning the last trace of **** to become a magic flame, to help you Tempering the flesh, giving you a good fortune! "

"Converge, don't resist."

As the words fell, the man's figure instantly turned into a black spot and got into Xiao Chen's heart.

The next moment, the endless dark flames burst out from his body, the violent atmosphere swept across the mountain, the entire underground cave trembled violently, and numerous dense fissures suddenly appeared on the veins of the five dragons.


Inside the hall, Qianji Sanren sensed the majestic breath from the cold pond, his face changed slightly, and then he turned into ecstasy.

"Tiantian Lingbao is definitely a Tongtian Lingbao! This level of treasures can make countless heavens and even the strongest of the three heavens and above strong!"

"Haha! Mine, mine! The treasure is born today when the husband collects it. Once the treasure is in hand, I will immediately return to the territory of the Yasha clan with a teleportation rune, and then retreat forever!

"Come on, my husband is waiting for you to be born!"

Qianji San's face was full of fiery meaning, his eyes fell on the cold pond, a trace of cracks at the bottom of the object slowly emerged, and the breath of the treasure came out of it.


In the middle of the sandy sea, the sky and sand curtain suddenly fluctuated violently without warning, and the magnetic force raged violently. The wind and sand stagnate instantly without warning, the wind was dissipated from nothing, and the entire sky suddenly darkened. .

A touch of extreme black suddenly appeared, swelled like a black hole, and swallowed up the space of 100 million miles. The countless strong people of the entire unicorns instantly noticed the anomaly here, and suddenly turned to look at it, and exclaimed countlessly.

"Tiantian Lingbao was born!"

"Being able to have this power will spur changes in the heavens and earth in the spiritual realm. The treasures now born in the world are definitely the treasures of the ethnic group and belong to the extremely high existence of Tongtian Lingbao."

"It turned out that the news of the birth of a treasure was true, so the other news should not be false, but I don't know who the three strong tribe of our tribe, Richard, and Tujiao will finally get this superb treasure!"

"These three people have been evenly matched for thousands of years, and do not want to rise or fall between each other. They are the most dazzling presence among the peak generations of the later generations. This time, if the three of them win, they will have the upper hand from then on. Two people from each other are receiving more attention from ethnic groups. "

"This is a battle for treasures, and it is also a test of these three people by the ethnic group. The winners will definitely be reused!"

"Look at this time, who can laugh to the end!"

Countless unicorns who are powerful in heaven and humanity exert their magical powers to penetrate their endless distance and bet on the desert. Although the ontology can't come, it is enough for them to know who has won the first time.

Under the shadow of the sky, three men, Tassel, Richard, and Tujiao, opened their eyes at the same time, all of them flashed with energy, and there was a big explosion outside the house.

A trace of evil spirits emerged from the three, accompanied by the rise of the general situation, although they did not really fight, but the momentum between them has already fought fiercely!



The space of ten thousand miles was shattered at the same time, and the sand beast king appeared from the sand sea, roaring and irritable. Sensing the breath of Arcana, they are also unable to settle down.

The tassel flashed in his hand, and a spear appeared in his hand instantly. The whole body was silver and white, and the whole body instantly trembled, and then the sharp and extremely indomitable breath burst from the air.

Richard sneered, silently, three feet of Qingfeng appeared in his hands, the sword body was like autumn water, but did not reflect the light, as if all the objects falling on it, even the eyes, would be swallowed directly, weird and hidden Sweep the six poles.

The horn of the soil hummed, his hands suddenly flashed its dazzling turquoise light, and it writhed and turned. It turned out to be a two-foot-sized, yellowish body with a dense spiky mace, although it was a magical power. It is extremely solid, and the turbulence is turbulent.

The three of them are very clear about the nature of today ’s battle for treasure. It is about the status of the ethnic group and the potential of the future. Who dares to belittle it? This time, we have already taken out the strongest magic weapon in our hands, and we know that we attach great importance to it.

After these three men, the tassel breath was overbearing. In the past, Richard was slightly gloomy, fierce and savage, the soil was dignified and thick, and he was quite strong. Among them, this tassel is the most suitable for the black magic gun. If the three people compete according to normal circumstances, the final possession of the treasure will be taken away by this person. But things are often not as beautiful as people think, everything is full of variables.

It was at this moment that the entire veil of shading sky suddenly trembled, as if it had suffered some kind of invisible blow, and there were hundreds of thousands of feet in size cracks appearing there, and a violent blast of breath burst from it.

Countless people here are secretly saying that the treasure is born.


The ground shook, and Dianyu's spirit flashed wildly, but it was still difficult to hide the situation. Gradually the fragmentation began to collapse and annihilate in a large area, and the crack in the ground cold pool became more and more large, and the spread of breath strengthened.

Qianji Sanren waited nervously. At this moment, his complexion changed, and his mouth suddenly drank, "Blood refining treasure, leave it to the old man!" This weird complexion turned white instantly, and a lot of fine blood was sprayed between the mouths, and his hands instantly turned into one. The shadow of the group, ten fingers flipped, and thousands of tricks were played between the hands, forming a **** array, covering the entire space above the cold pool, once the treasure was born, it would fall into the ban.

"Nether blood forbidden is a special refining magic trick obtained by the old man who broke into the Nether Tribe with his nine lives and hunted down his clan master to search for souls and souls. It is dedicated to dealing with treasures above the Lingbao level, and it will never go wrong."

"As long as the treasure is born and entangled by my blood, it will imprint the old man's breath. Although it can not be completely refined, it can also be collected by me. It is not too late to leave here again!"

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