Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 7: Thunder robbed

A pair of giant eyes of Jieyun Thunder Dragon stared at Xiao Chen. Among them, the killing was almost condensed into substance. For a long time, he ran away and weakened the power it contained. It already made this thunder dragon with a high intelligence. The only thought was to release his strongest blow and kill this humble robber ant completely!

The majesty of the calamity, no creature dares to provoke, otherwise only death will end. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. Com

A distance of 30,000 miles passes by.

Xiao Chen looked pale, and seemed to have no power to escape. He could only watch the sky fall, staying asleep, his shape shrinking from 83 thousand feet to the size of an ordinary person, his breath was more frivolous and weak.

A thunderous roar emerged from the mouth of Jieyun Leilong, let this humble surviving soul, completely die! This object was within a thousand feet of Xiao Chen, and with a roar in his mouth, he actually burst his body directly, and instantly released the most powerful attack it could explode.

Extremely violent, the power of the violent thunder turned into a wave of blood, spreading the horror, sweeping forward madly.

Xiao Chen's complexion was paler, his eyes staring at the **** thunder, and his pupils contracted violently, but his dark eyes were not fearful, and some were endlessly cold, as the bottom of the abyss was undetectable.

It was when the **** thunder was less than one hundred feet away from him that his whole hair was stimulated by the force of this pounding destruction, and Xiao Chen spit out the four words gently:

"Left eyebrow guard!"

The moment the sound fell, a shadow appeared in a temple in the void, but the size of Zhang Yu was enough to completely protect Xiao Chen's entire body. A noble, majestic, majestic, and majestic breath exploded from it, which made people look down. Can't help but be in awe of the heart, it seems that this temple is the most noble existence in the world, and it is never allowed to be blasphemed.

It was at the moment when the virtual shadow appeared in Dianyu. The 36th thunder of the promotion included the thunder that suddenly threw down and turned into a thunder pool, instantly engulfing Xiao Chen's figure.

Lightning flashes wildly, and the power of destruction is filled in the empty thunder pool, but in it, the shadow of the temple remains motionless. Thunder Power can be as weak as a breeze in front of it. You can rag it violently, but you ca n’t do anything to it. damage.

Until this moment, Xiao Chen was completely relieved. In the face of the thirteenth thunderbolt-shaped thunder dragon, he thought quickly and finally decided to respond.

In the turbulent space, using the power of space to continuously weaken the power of Lei Long, and then repair it as the peak of the explosion, then weaken its energy, and then completely explode and weaken the power of Thunder Road, and finally cast the left eyebrow. guard.

One after the other, interlocking, this creates an entry situation.

For the promotion, the left eyebrow guard time was extended to five breaths, so that was enough. Thunder Dragon spreads, Thunder rages, and its inherent power is rapidly weakening. Presumably after five breaths, it has been reduced to Xiao Chen's limit.


Two interest.

Three interest.

Four interest.

Five interest.


In the tremor, the left eyebrow guardian magical power reached the time limit, and the palace virtual shadow disappeared instantly.


Although the loss is extremely heavy, the 36th thunder residual energy is still comparable to the 35th thunder. The five thunder beasts contain thunder power. Xiao Chen's figure falls into it, and the flesh is struck by the thunder of the thunder.



The flesh was torn and the blood was pouring out, but before it had flowed down, it was completely steamed in the thunder. The force of destruction is madly plunging into the flesh, completely destroying its vitality.

Lei Dao is punished by punishment, heavy killing, overbearing, and raging!

Xiao Chen groaned in his mouth for a moment. He didn't dare to pause for a moment. The thought of the ancient demon appeared in the thunder pool instantly, and he shared the power of the destruction of the thunder with him. Together began to devour the Thunder.

The three took their sides in the thunder pool, devouring madly.

The human body of Xiao Chen and the clones of the ancient demons are all pale. Both of them had suffered minor traumas. At the moment, the secret method of "Swallow the Thunder" is fully operating, and all the power of the thunder that has entered the flesh is consumed and refined into life Embrace yourself. The physical body is constantly wounded and repaired, which is constantly strengthened in this process.

Fortunately, the Thunder power can be weakened to the extreme, the three shot at the same time, but can barely bear.

It is in the turbulent space of space that one side of Lei Chi rages, two figures sit cross-legged, and Thunder Dragon surrounds them in a circle to guard the two. As time passed, this thunder pool existed for a full three days, and then the last trace of strength was lost and completely disappeared.

It was at the moment when the thunder pool disappeared that Xiao Chen's human body, the ancient demon avatar, and Thunder Dragon opened their eyes at the same time, all of which had flashes of thunder.

The ancient demon sprung up, stepped forward, and the figure instantly integrated into the human race.

The little blood roared, and the shape actually went crazy up to ten thousand feet. He shook his head and swung his tail, and suddenly shrank into Xiao Chen's eyebrow space.

Xiao Chen flickered with aura of light on his hand, took out the green robe and put it on his body. With a thought, the figure suddenly disappeared. Only the left eyebrow dojo appeared, slowly floating in the depths of the turbulent space.


In the Dojo Trial Ground, Xiao Chen stood by his hands and moved his mind slightly. The ancient demons and space avatars appeared at the same time. At this moment, they looked at each other and laughed on their backs.

Ascended into the spiritual realm, the powerful members of the Yasha clan have to explore the secret realm, and after a few dangers, they have almost fallen, carefully. As of today, they have finally become the last person to laugh.

Nowadays, it is a great advancement. The human race, the ancient demon avatar, and the space avatar all broke through their own bottlenecks. With the help of Lingmai Gelatin, the initial promotion of the robbery, the strength soared, and the three superposed. In the realm, if you blast the strong blow regardless of the exposure of your hole cards, it is even comparable to the monk in heaven.

Such magical powers, even in the spirit world, can be regarded as entering the ranks of the strong!

"Now that I am making great progress, my body is more strengthened, and the accumulation of mysterious fetuses in the second realm of the" Gongfa "is deeper. If we can break through, the combat power will definitely increase again!"

"The 66 pillars that support Tianshui are formed by the endless years of the Yanbo Qianshui Array, which contains the power of endless water spirit. If it can be swallowed and refined, it will certainly increase my physical power again, and may even help me Promote directly to the imperial realm! In addition, there is also the inheritance of the Zuo Mei Taoist School. In the early years, he was weak and had no qualifications for cultivation, but presumably, by virtue of my current practice, I should be able to start contact. "

"Now in the spiritual realm, there are countless powerful men. I must upgrade to cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise I may be buried in a little storm. Although I now have the ability to break open space to return to the outside world, I should still Cultivate for a period of time in the turbulent space, raise your strength to the limit level for a period of time, and consider other things. "

"Cultivate, restore and adjust yourself first. When you return to the peak, you will immediately start refining 66 Lingshui Lingzhu, and then open the left eyebrow path to inherit and try to improve as much as possible!"

Xiao Chen settled his thoughts, the three major avatars sat down cross-legged, and began to recover their injuries.

As time passes, it will be September.

Xiao Chen's human body, ancient demon avatar, and space avatar opened their eyes at the same time.

The human body waved their hands, and the aura of light flashed. 66 Lingzhu pillars appeared suddenly. Although there was the power of the fire to seal the town, there was still a slight sensation of coldness.

When his eyes fell, Xiao Chen's brow could not help but wrinkled slightly. This substance contained the power of water and spirit from Yin to Han. Once the town was lifted, it might not have been refined. The energy contained in it would kill him completely. How to refine it? It became a problem.

"With the means I have today, the only source of fire that can withstand the cold pillars of Tianshui Lingzhu Senhan seems to need to start from this point to refine this thing."

Xiao Chen ’s human body frowned slightly, then raised his hand, and the power of the source of fire was scattered from the center of his eyebrows to cover him. He stepped forward and landed with one hand on the pillar of Zhangyu Tianshui Spirit. Extreme Yin-The power of water spirit is absorbed into the body.

The power of the water spirit enters the body, and an endless chill is immediately exuded, and the flesh and blood mana flow is almost stagnant.

Xiao Chen mobilized Mana to encircle, "Tun Lei" was cast, and relied on its mana operation mode to refine this silky water power. Although it could be refined into pure water energy and integrated into its own body, the degree was extremely slow.

It takes only a small amount of time to complete. If you want to fully refine the power of the water-containing spirit in the pillar of water spirit, the time spent will be unimaginable.

This situation is obviously unacceptable to Xiao Chen.

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