Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 10: Take a rest

The three choices are all supernatural powers. As for the exercises, the mysterious "Xuantian" obtained by the golden seal is extremely mysterious, and the power is stronger than the left eyebrow Taoist tradition. They naturally do not have to make choices. W]. > 8] 1] ZW. Com

"The human race, the ancient demon avatars are fighting, and the space avatars are fleeing. In the future, the three avatars will continue to cultivate in this direction, so that they can use all their advantages and explode the strongest combat power."

"Since the magical power has been selected, then leave the inheritance hall, get to know the magical power as soon as possible, and then rest for a period of time. You should also leave the space turbulence and return to the outside world." In the space turbulence, you ca n’t tell the direction, Xiao Chen is unwilling. He unknowingly wandered to a farther area, otherwise the return to the human race would not only have to add more time.

With a change of thought, the ancient demon avatar and space avatar returned to integrate, Xiao Chen stepped down, and the figure suddenly disappeared.


For hundreds of years, I have been quietly awakening to magical powers. There are loneliness and chats, but they are all hidden and in my heart. The monk practiced, this is a lonely road. Who can always have a partner with him, the sweetness and bitterness of it, still need to taste alone.

After experiencing loneliness and suffering, the deeper the precipitation, the higher the distance.

The space avatar is within the turbulence of space, and has different talents. He first grasped the magical powers and was close to the end of the earth. After that, he could travel for thousands of miles with his thoughts.

The ancient demons retreat to practice overlord spear shooting, although the progress is not slow, but it will obviously take some time to cultivate to the level of Dacheng.

Human beings have been involved in the ancient antiquity, but they have already achieved some accomplishments. This supernatural power can explode the physical combat power to the limit. With Xiao Chen's current methods, if he shots with all his strength, I am afraid that the physical body alone can wait for the monks in the late period.

As for today, Xiao Chen has exhausted his chances of transforming and improving his mana in a short time, and he has stayed in this space for almost 2oo years. Presumably, the storm that had captured the unicorn has been completely dissipated.

It's time to leave.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, then he got up, waved his hand to break the restrictions, opened the door of the secret room and stepped out.

In March, he stayed in the dojo for a little rest. Long practice will inevitably make people feel tired, so he did n’t continue meditating during this time. Most of the time he sat in the courtyard so quietly, drinking fine wine, sitting still, with frowns from time to time, and his eyes were worried. color.

Although there is no practice, Xiao Chen's body breath is still changing. At first, he was promoted for promotion. The sharp and overbearing breath brought by the soaring physical power gradually turned into gentle and restrained, and finally integrated into the body without any notice.

During this three-month period, he was continually collating and reflecting, sorting out everything he has now.

The human race is repaired at the beginning of the robbery. The physical power is comparable to the middle period of the robbery. The power of exerting blood madness has almost doubled. The three are superimposed, which can fight the monks in the later period of the robbery. If the power of the store is used, the Xeon strike can even kill the monks in the later period of the robbery.

The ancient monster was avatared and repaired in the early days of the robbery. The 80,000-foot ancient monster really exploded, the combat power soared, and the black demon gun was in hand. The combat power was comparable to the human race.

The space avatar is the weakest, at most comparable to the monks in the early days of idle crossing, but it has mastered the origin of space and has extremely fast teleportation. Now it has cultivated the magical powers of the world, and the means of escape is comparable to monks in the heavens and the world.

If the three superimposed combat power bursts and shoots hard, the early monks in the heavens, even if they are not opponents, can escape their lives by virtue of the power of space avatars. As long as he is not facing monks from three realms of heaven and man, Xiao Chen confesses that he can have some life-saving grasp.

Now that he can reach the realm within 4oo years of entering the spiritual realm, his chance is very important, but the left eyebrow dojo is the most critical point. With 3o times the time flow gap, Xiao Chen can be more than others. It takes 3o times as much cultivation time, which is the most outrageous place! It must be noted that the higher the realm, the more the monks' retreat time is calculated in hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years. The larger the base, the more terrifying the effect of a 3o time gap will be displayed.

"Zuomei Dojo is the most precious treasure that Xiao Chenxiu will rely on. It is extremely important to me. There must be no point difference. Before this information is not enough, it must not leak a little bit, otherwise it will definitely provoke it. It ’s terrible. ”

"There are countless powers in the spiritual realm, and it must not be used at will unless it is extremely secure and hidden."

Xiao Chen reminded himself secretly, keeping this in mind, and dare not forget everything. But at this moment, his brow could not help but wrinkle gently, "The left eyebrow dojo is naturally the best place to cultivate for my human body, but the ancient demon avatar needs to devour the pure magic energy, and the space detachment remains. The best place to practice is within the turbulence of space, otherwise even a 3o time flow is useless. "

"Can we only see the treasure in front of our eyes, but we can't let the two avatars use it."

This has become a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

After all, the two avatars are Xiao Chen's extremely important hole cards. Bursts at critical moments can play an extremely important role, and they can even reverse the situation. Naturally, they cannot be leaked at will. In the realm of cultivation, you can only live for a long time by holding cards in your hands that are unknown to others. Otherwise, once all of them are exposed, it will be easy to be designed and not far from death.

The space avatar is okay. It can stay in the turbulence of the space. As long as it is carefully hidden, it will not be revealed. And even if it is in danger, it can quickly reach the human race to meet.

But the ancient magic clone is a bit troublesome.

Xiao Chen frowned halfway, suddenly his eyes flickered a little, and he said stupidly in a secret way. Now he has very limited knowledge about the various uses of the left eyebrow dojo, but it does not mean that others do not know. Ganoderma retreat inherits the medical tradition, but there is another person here.

Under the old tree, I heard Xiao Chen's words, and the arrogant face showed a proud look, respectfully said: "Why do the young palace masters take care of some trivial things? I think my left eyebrow dojo is extremely powerful, but it is the old palace master's hard work and hard work. During the strong period, it accommodated millions of gatekeepers, and there were hundreds of millions of slave servants in the six branches of the left eyebrows. Of course, there were monks of various colors. Among them, magical cultivation was naturally not a minority, and there were also cultivation sites specially prepared for them in the Taoism. "

"Now the young master has mastered some of the dojo's prohibitions. You can try to unlock the restraints on the slaves, and then the slaves will take you to the Temple of Heaven."

Xiao Chen heard a joy in his heart, and couldn't help but frown slightly, but he didn't know how to lift the ban on the old locust tree.

Shubo seemed to see what he was thinking, and smiled, saying, "The young master only needs to poke a hint of divine thought into the master's token, and then he knows that the old slave is not false. , You can get different permissions. "

Xiao Chen nodded when he heard the words, and his consciousness easily entered the purple jade card that had been silent in the eyebrows, and he now has some initial permissions of the left eyebrow dojo, including the method of lifting the dojo's ban on plant life.

Although the tactics are not complicated, they are quite mysterious. After learning about half an hour, Xiao Chen barely grasped them.

With both hands stretched out, it instantly turned into a mass of ghosts, and several Taoist runes slowly condensed out, showing a pale golden color, and instantly fell into the body of the old locust tree.

It was at the moment when the rune fell into the tree, the breath in Shubo's body changed slightly, and the imprisonment in the body had dissipated. After that, he could move freely without being bound by the body.

"Thank you, Lord Ender, and the slaves for freedom of movement." The look of the old locust tree was quite agitated, and he wanted to kneel down and give a big gift during the talk.

Xiao Chen waved his hand quickly and stopped, saying, "Shubo doesn't have to do this, but I don't know why Master Zuo Mei wanted to lock you up here and not allow him to move around freely. Why can't the girl of Ganoderma lucidum be restrained?"

Shu Bo didn't dare to forcibly give a gift. At present, he can only be pulled up by Xiao Chen. He heard the words and said, "The old man first leads the way for the young master of the palace, and then I will explain this to you on the road." Forward false lead forward.


ps: In the previous chapter, there were 66 pillars supporting the Tianshui Spirit, 48 human races were refined, and 18 of the ancient demons should be refined. . This is really an idiot's mistake. In the shame, I hope everyone can forgive me. Due to the problem of the mobile wireless reading base, the chapter errors cannot be corrected, so it is proposed to notify here and bow down.

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