Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 17: Destruction Aura

[Weekend, New Year's Day, I hope all Daoyou will be happy and happy in the new year. W> W>. ] 8} 1] Z] W}. ) C] OM will go out and walk around this time when he has time, and be happy, new year and new weather. 】

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Xiao Chen's face was calm, and she slowly shook her head at this moment. Although Su Su was a bit rude, her heart was not bad. Otherwise, if she really was a woman with a heart like a scorpion, he would not have rescued her before, letting her live and die. All right.

"It ’s okay to have some hardships. The dangers of the cultivation world can only be remembered if you have experienced it first and suffered a loss."

The two Yasha female nuns and three earth spirit monks had problems.

Xiao Chen had already seen this in the first place. Although they fought extremely fiercely, they looked for ways to put people to death, but there was room for them. Moreover, the siege of the siege was extremely mysterious and could be instantly transformed into Siege and siege. Although all of these may be coincidental, their vision is not wrong. Whether it is the panic of the Yasha women or the kinky-evil hotness of the Earth Spirit monks, they are only disguised deliberately. Although the cold murderousness in the eyes is hidden well, it cannot hide Xiao Chen's eyes.

So he has great confidence in his own judgment.

So he can be sure that Su Su will suffer.


Things are as he expected. After Su Su drove the treasure near Yuguang, three monks of the Lingzu race retreated, and two monks of the Yasha tribe were gasping and thanked them again and again. But just when the little girl was proud of looking at Xiao Chen, there was a sudden change.

Two Yasha women raised their hands at the same time and released two large black and white two-color nets. The light was shining, and they caught Su Su directly. There were special monks to deal with the incense sprinkled on the Internet, so Su Su, who had just got the scar, had not had time After revealing his regret, he has just passed out.

"Hey, there are big gains again, this tribal chick is so beautiful, so we are drooling."

"Hurry up, the three brothers can't stand it. Let's take this little beauty to be happy first, and wait for the treasures and so on."

"The two elder brothers said so."

Three earth spirit monks kept swallowing in their mouths.

The two Yasha women Xiu Jiao laughed, and her eyes were white and the three of them looked a little scared. "Why, isn't it easy to be happy with our sisters, it's really anxious to get to this point. It really is your spirit. The style of the dead. "

"But before you are happy, do you help our sisters to catch this handsome afterlife, and then let's enjoy them separately? But you have to be careful not to hurt him."

The two women who listened began to express their arrogance, and the earth monk's face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes fell fiercely on Xiao Chen. The ugliness of this spiritual family is not only lascivious, but also extremely jealous. Both men and women are born with hatred for the same-sex aliens who look better than their own.


With a low humming sound, the three Earthling monks flashed out of the body and rushed straight to their hearts. They made up their minds that even if they didn't really kill this monk, they had to make him suffer.

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly. Now that Su Su has learned his lesson, he is unwilling to waste time here. He hummed in his mouth and stepped forward in a flash.

Raise your arm, blast, and punch straight!

"Look for death!" Seeing that this monk dared to take the lead, the earth spirit monk was even furious. Although he could not clearly sense the practice of this person, the three of them joined forces to confidently kill this person without any problems!

"Hey!" Grinned for the Earthling monk, and the dried-up old skin was tense in his hands. As an underground living group, the Earthling ’s hands have evolved for tens of thousands of years. The digging of the mountain has been extremely hard. Is this Terran an opponent?

Before he had met, he seemed to have seen the painful and miserable scene of the broken bones of his arm, and he felt more excited.


The dull collision sound burst instantly, there were fierce and horrible exits, and the black shadows shot out. Not only did the arm bones completely smash, but the physical body was also severely wounded. The bleeding fountain was sprayed in Qiqiao, and the look was terrifying.

It's just that this traumatized generation is actually the monk of the earth.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly before he shot, but he used the human body to explode alone, and repaired in the early stages of the robbery. It was comparable to the physical combat power in the middle of the robbery, blood madness, superimposed magical ancient archeology, full explosion, combat power. The peak monk in the late period!

Although the spiritual monk in this place was also in the later period of crossing the calamity, but to deal with him physically, he naturally asked for hardship and was hit hard in an instant.

Now that he has verified his self-cultivation, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered fiercely, and his punch came out again!

This punch is a superimposed explosion of the human race, the ancient demon avatar, and the space avatar. Although they have not done their utmost, the combat power has soared, but it is enough to cross the calamity of the extreme level. With the indestructible physical destruction, the power is even more fierce. No match!


The second punch was knocked down, and it was too late for the monks to meet the Earth Spirit, and the flesh was directly smashed into the rain of the sky, and even the Yuanshen never escaped and was killed together.


The horrific fighting power that Xiao Chen burst out suddenly made the surviving earth spirit monks and yaksha females look pale. At this moment, they were about to escape, but felt that the surrounding space was sinking, and then it was like a quagmire.

Teleportation magical powers show, but can't break the space.

Xiao Chen was expressionless, and said lightly at the moment, saying, "Today, none of you can escape!" These five people are sexually immoral, and the design trap must have killed many monks' lives.


Whispered, turned abruptly, shot violently!

The two Earthling monks escaped in desperately, shot in desperation roar, and burned the mana primal gods at the same time, but they were still not rivals. No matter what, I blasted them with one punch and killed them!

The roar came to an abrupt halt, the three Earthling monks died, and the storage ring was directly taken away.

"I also ask Daoyou to raise your expensive hand and let my sister take a chance. As long as Daoyou agrees, the two of them are willing to swear and serve, and any Daoyou will be willing." The two Yasha females looked pale and asked softly.

However, during the conversation, the two captured Su Su in their hands, their palms faintly confronted their key points, and once something was wrong, they were afraid that they would slay a killer to threaten them.

Xiao Chen's blue shirt hunted, turned black, and looked calm. He did not show the slightest difference in response to the two, his body flashed a little outside, and he shot without any warning, but he did not care about Su Su's safety.

The two female yaksha females obviously did not anticipate this situation. At this moment, they screamed, "Stop, if you dare to take another step forward, our sisters will kill the woman directly!" .

The aura in the fiber hand flashed wildly, and it seemed that it would be shot directly in the next moment.

Xiao Chen heard that there was no pause in his movements, and he never stopped moving!

"Kill her!" The Yasha female Xiu Xi broke out in resentment in despair. Even if they die today, the two of them will take the woman and bury them together.

The voice did not fall, the two shot at the same time, their palms went straight to the eyebrows and their chests were shot down. With their cultivation, Su Su had no resistance in the coma. Once he was hit, he would die. However, just when the two Yaksa women's repair palms were less than a minute away from her, aura of light burst out, and a vast, majestic, domineering, majestic atmosphere burst from Su Su's body instantly, and the two Yasha women's repairs had no resistance at all. The force, even before the slightest sound, has been torn into pieces by this mighty spiritual force.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed slightly, his pupils contracted violently, watching the horrible spiritual force bursting from Su Su's body and still spreading wildly, a sudden drink came from his mouth.

"Left eyebrow guard!"

This aura of power overwhelmed the strong men in the three heavens and above, and made him feel the extremely clear crisis of life and death. Dianyu virtual shadow condensed out in an instant, the size of Yu Yu, enveloped him.

The next moment, Destroyer Aura engulfed Xiao Chen's figure directly.

In an instant, everything is calm.

With Su Su's body as the center, the space within a thousand square feet is completely steamed on both the ground and the space, and it is wiped away.

There was a little light on the outside of Jiao's body, and Su Su's figure was suspended in the air, until the space crack disappeared, and then she slowly landed in a deep pit, with a pretty face and calmness, still trapped in sex.

Xiao Chen's complexion was slightly gloomy. If it weren't for the left eyebrow dojo, I'm afraid he is in danger today. When Su Su left when she first shot, Xiao Chen already realized that there was an obscure guardian energy in her body. Once threatened by death, this force would guard itself by action. It was because of this that he only shot. There will be no scruples. It's just that he really saw the power of this power, but it shocked his heart.

This power passed away, but the devastating lethality that burst out at this moment was too horrible. Even if the monk in the heavens and the three realms was only approaching Su Su's intentions, he would be wiped out instantly.

It seems that the power behind this little girl is a little bit scary.

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