Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 64: Prestige is coming soon

Ban Changpo, the black robe guest met 43 monks of the Nightmare tribe, killed as many as possible, none survived. [1] Y] W. Com


Seven Star Cliffs, 21 black monks and mountain monks, left them all with monstrous powers.


In the Valley of Flowers, the unicorn monks made a surprise attack, instead of failing to seize the opportunity, they were killed by the black robes of the human race. A magical power summoned the star's awn to condense the excalibur. Under the cut, they killed more than a hundred unicorns. Clan monks, the rest escaped.


The black robes of the human race spread the word to the world and walked in a straight line, which meant that they would run across the world. If there are dissatisfied people, they can all come to challenge, and the arrogance is indeed a great shock. However, the peak monks of various ethnic groups never took it to heart. But in the past few days, the black robes continued to do evil, killing many strong aliens one after another. Whenever this person encounters an alien monk, it is impossible to escape.

For a while, the overbearing prestige became more and more prosperous, attracting the hearts of countless alien monks, for fear that his own home would be the next unlucky ghost who died in the hands of the black robes.

The louder the statement, the panic in the hearts of the monks of all ethnic groups increased, and the strong ethnic groups could not continue to sit idly by and finally shot.

On that day, the three nightmare strongmen waited for the Anonymous Riverside to battle against the black robes of the human race, which immediately attracted countless attention, but the results of this battle were greatly unexpected.

The black tribe of the human race won a great victory. With the spirit of Yuanshen, the dream power of the Dai people was destroyed, and the three of them were killed.

After this war, the black robes became even more prestigious.

Killing ordinary monks is nothing, but ethnic masters are not among them. The three nightmare monks at the peak of the late stage of the robbery teamed up to perform the technique of Yuanshen attack. The power of the power cannot be underestimated. They can be easily killed. It is clear that the black robes of the human race are by no means easy. Unpredictable.

Killing the three masters of the Nightmare tribe, the black robe guest did not stop, and continued to move forward, passing by along the way, the alien monks fled in the wind, for a moment with unparalleled power.

Three days later, the Earthlings and Golden Horns took shots and fought in the mountains. The battle was unknown, but the final scene was the mountain fragmented and razed to the ground. After the war, the black robes continued to move forward, and the masters of the two races disappeared, but the results are self-evident.

With successive battles, the black robes made a big noise and helped the monks raise their eyebrows and exhaled. For a time, they established a great reputation among the trial monks of the entire ethnic group.


"Human race, black robes?" The ancient demon lonely shooter showed a hint of coldness, thinking that his most important treasure, the extremely Yin vein, was taken away by a monk of a human race, and even made his heart twitch.

"This tribal trial has been defeated by the human race Xiao Chen, and has led the senior management of the ethnic group to be very dissatisfied. If there is another arrogant and arrogant brazen, I am afraid that after the tribal trial is over, I will really It will lose its status today. "

The bottom of this demon's eyes was spitting, and he suddenly waved his sleeves, and his face was embarrassed. "Since you want to die, how can this devil fail you!"

"Hey, you just killed you and saved your face!"

The ancient demon shot lonely on the top of the mountain, and a blast of wind hit him, making his black robe scream and hunt, his eyes filled with resentment and unwillingness.

"Xiao Chen, no matter where you are, one of the demons will kill you and take back everything!"

"You wait!"


"Oh, it seems that the elders are very reasonable. This group is one of the strongest in the spirit world, and it is indeed strong and unpredictable. Masters can be seen in the trials of this group."

"Hey, maybe the situation that hasn't been around for a long time has just calmed down, because of this person's appearance, it's set off again."

The demon clan is still lazy, but at this moment it is not alone, and there are more than ten powerful and powerful monsters around. But now through the black robe, the demon reluctantly naturally thought of another person, a name that still reminds him today, still makes him unable to bear the coldness of his body.

"Huo Xiao Chen, I don't know if you have been killed like a rumor at this moment?" Looking at the dozen or so big monsters who followed him, Qingteng's eyes could hardly hide his shame. If it weren't for this person, would he They would agree with the ethnic group to take these dozens of powerful guards so as not to be secretly killed.

"No matter what, the demon will never watch the human race show off. Since this black robe guest wants to take the lead in the human race, naturally he should be prepared to stand there."

"Anyone who is dissatisfied can come to challenge, hey, good and overbearing, if you are Xiao Chen, just speak, after all, he has proved with his actions that he is indeed qualified to say such things, what are you? thing."

"Since you want to get ahead, this demon gives you this opportunity."

Speak softly, Qing Teng stretched a lazy waist, the figure fell from the tree vine in a flash, and said lightly: "Go."

No one of the dozen or more monsters spoke, and they all paid their respects and followed.


"Human race, black robes!" Jin Jiao's face was gloomy and watery. In just ten days, the unicorn monks who died in this man's hands have reached hundreds of people. "Since you are determined to die, I will be complete. you."

"Give down the order and find out immediately where the black robes are."

Behind him, a unicorn monk smiled coldly and turned to leave quickly.


Above the void, the Shadow-killing tribe whistled forward, a ray of gods entered into the jade letter of the letter, raised after a few breaths, and could not help but frowned slightly.

"Human black robes?"

In the groan, the person's eyes flickered, apparently his thoughts were twitching.

"Nevertheless, since the strong people of all ethnic groups have shot, it is also a good choice to go for a fun, maybe there may be unexpected gains. As for the human race Xiao Chen, the search has been fruitless for a long time, maybe he has really scoffed. . "

His gaze was reluctant to swipe around, and he felt no gain from the slight induction. Then he turned abruptly, the space around the body was slightly distorted, and he disappeared into the void directly.


The monks at the top of the Yasha tribe, Tianling tribe, Diling tribe, Qiu Ba tribe, and other ethnic groups moved by the wind, and a great wave of waves began.

Xiao Chen was dressed in a wide black robe, with a calm complexion, stepping on his feet, his figure whistling forward, his dark eyes moist and restrained, but faintly flowing in it, making his eyes cold and endlessly chilling.

"The demons, demons, unicorns, yaksha, earth spirits, heavenly spirits,, and other alien monks died in my hands.

"It's time, now it should be almost."

"Come on, I'm waiting for you!"

The faint killing machine tumbled in vitro, causing the temperature in the surrounding space to drop drastically. Pieces of ice were condensing and falling slowly. There was a trace of pale and killing air flowing across the void, adding endless killing to the roar of the air.

If nothing else, a big war is here!

Xiao Chen was calm and quiet, moving forward slowly, waiting for the blade to be cut, and the blood stained the sky.


The black robe traveled in a straight line. It is not difficult to find his whereabouts, just send a monk to inquire about it.

The twelve peaks of Langcang, are 12 high peaks, each of which has a height of 10,000 miles, the mountains are steep, straight into the sky, and stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. Between these 12 male peaks, there are 12 water veins. Through, perennial shocks created large rivers between solid and majestic mountains, and the sound of booming and flowing was endless.

Here, because the mountains are fast, the terrain is dangerous, and there are countless powerful beasts living there, it is the most famous place in Cangyue.

It is today that the peaceful atmosphere here has been directly broken.

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