Princess Qingxue chuckled, Bai Xiaosheng looked at him with a smile and said softly:"Dancing, do you still want to dance?"

The girl as white as snow smiled and shook her head.

The snow was still falling, but the magical thing was that whenever a few naughty snowflakes wanted to get close to the man and woman who were leaning on each other in the yard, an invisible force would bounce them away.

The man and woman who were just beginning to fall in love sat under the ginkgo tree and talked to each other about their mothers and their lives. They had one thing in common, they deliberately avoided the topic of their fathers, as if this person had never existed in their lives.

The eastern sky gradually turned pale, and the day was about to dawn. At this time, a voice looking for someone came from outside:"Princess, princess, where are you?" The girl in Bai Xiaosheng's arms, her face dimmed, knowing that she was leaving.

Bai Xiaosheng knew that meeting tonight was an accident. Looking at her expression, he couldn't help feeling a sense of loss in his heart, as if he was afraid that after the separation today, he would never see this snow-white princess again. But he immediately dispelled this emotion. As long as he thought, there would be accidents everywhere.

"Will you come tomorrow night... no, tonight?"

Qingxue shook her head, her expression even gloomier.

"When will you return to the palace?" Bai Xiaosheng asked.

"Because, because of my brother... I have five days... After that, I might be sent back and forth by my father again.……"

"Do you want to change your destiny?"

""I want to! I want to dream about it!" Princess Qingxue answered without hesitation. She tightly grasped the arm of the man she had just met, as if only this could calm her inner excitement. Deep in her heart, a voice told her to believe in this man.

"Well, make a deal with me~"

Bai Xiaosheng clearly felt the delicate body in his arms tremble suddenly, he knew that Princess Qingxue had wrong ideas.

Sure enough, the simple princess gurgled out of the man's arms and jumped up. The fire of hope that had just ignited in her heart was extinguished in an instant. It turned out that all men in the world are of the same character!

After a long silence, she sighed, her silver teeth almost biting her lips:"As long as you give me freedom, I will stay with you for one night!" She accepted her fate. A helpless woman could not give anything else except this.

Bai Xiaosheng found it funny, but he couldn't help feeling sad. What kind of tragic experience would make a woman sell herself in exchange for freedom.

Princess Qingxue groaned in anger, lowered her head and sobbed softly. Bai Xiaosheng hurriedly stepped forward, wiped away his tears, leaned over to her ear and chuckled,"Dance for me again, and I will let you go free"

"Really?" Princess Qingxue looked at him in disbelief and said,"A dance?" After such ups and downs, she was really afraid that she had heard it wrong.

Bai Xiaosheng looked at the princess whose face was red from the cold, and stretched out his hand to rub her two fleshy cheeks and the slightly cool tip of her nose.

Qingxue was a little uncomfortable with the intimate actions of the strange man, and avoided him shyly.

Her mood was still immersed in the conversation just now.

It turned out that there were different men in the world...

At this time, there was an anxious voice looking for someone, accompanied by footsteps getting closer and closer.

Qingxue was stunned for a moment, smiled, and did not speak, but threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, and then ran out like a gust of wind. Before leaving the hospital, she looked back at Bai Xiaosheng, then looked at the mask that she had brought with her, and stuck out her tongue cutely, thinking that it would be a compensation for being teased just now.

Her eyes rolled and she asked from a distance:"My name is Zhao Qian, what's your name?"

"Bai Xiaosheng"


Bai Xiaosheng sat in front of the bronze mirror in a daze, recalling the scenes in the snowy night, and repeatedly confirmed that all this was not a dream.

His right hand habitually wanted to touch his cheek, only to react that the mask had been taken away by the lovely princess.

He smiled foolishly, and he made up his mind that no matter who stopped him, he would take Qingxue out of the cage of Zhao Wang Palace!

Even if it was the King of Zhao...

There was a knock on the door outside, and Bai Xiaosheng still said foolishly:"Come in.


Zhao Ji pushed open the door, walked in quietly, flipped through the account book, and walked over:"Sir, this is this year's bill. I have seen it. There are no major flaws. You can collect the bill at any time."

Helping Bai Xiaosheng manage his business for several years, for some reason, this poor Handan Ji actually became a little warm, and admired the"man" in front of him who dared to trade with kings and generals at a young age. Especially for Ying Zheng's careful teaching and protection, Zhao Ji was grateful and dependent on him.

Bai Xiaosheng was in a very good mood. He pushed the account book back casually, turned around and said in a gentle voice:"You handle it. Collect the business in Handan as soon as possible and transfer it to Xianyang." Zhao Ji was very smart and cautious. She knew that now was not the time to reveal her inner feelings. She calmly moved her eyes away from Bai Xiaosheng's face and was surprised to find that the gentleman's mask was gone. She asked:"Sir, where is your mask?"

Bai Xiaosheng's face changed slightly, then smiled and said softly:"I gave it away."

Zhao Ji immediately thought of Princess Qingxue in the Taoist temple, smiled charmingly and said:"Winter has just arrived, and spring has not yet risen. Sir, you are already in love?"

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