Bai Xiaosheng, it sounds like neither a name nor a surname. The surname refers to the blood relationship from a common ancestor (in the pre-Qin period, it was mainly from the maternal line), while the clan name is a branch under the surname. The royal families of Qin and Zhao were all descendants of Fei Lian, so they were called Ying and Zhao.

Ying Zheng (just follow the common practice, it has been called this for thousands of years and cannot be changed.) once asked this master who was not a master:"Teacher, what is your real name?"

Bai Xiaosheng laughed and led the apprentice who was not an apprentice, and said without turning his head:"The name is just a code name."

The man who was a prince of a country but had a rough life tilted his head, thought for a while and said as if he understood:"Teacher, what you said is right, but it seems wrong... According to the teacher, there is no difference between cats, dogs and you and me?"

Bai Xiaosheng was a little surprised. Although Ying Zheng was the legitimate grandson of a prince, he must have some unique features, but he thought that it was not easy for him, who was born in the royal family, to compare aristocrats with peddlers. But on second thought, it is reasonable for Ying Zheng to realize this point since he followed his mother Zhao Ji in the market and suffered all kinds of hardships since he was a child.

"My name is root, I miss home……"Speaking of homesickness, Ying Zheng expressed his deep sorrow,"I don't know when I can return to Qin.……"

Bai Xiaosheng turned around and looked at him. Because he was wearing a mask, his expression could not be seen. He only said calmly,"Don't worry, the day of returning to Qin is not far away.""

"Really!" Ying Zheng stared at his teacher with his eyes shining. When he saw Bai Xiaosheng nodded in affirmation, he was immediately as happy as a child and almost fell off the horse.

Bai Xiaosheng said unhappily:"Look at you, don't tell others that you are my student when you go out."

"Yes, I know I was wrong."Ying Zheng admitted his mistake with a bitter face. He still remembered that the first lesson his teacher taught him was to stay absolutely calm no matter where he was. But the word"calm" is easier said than done.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng looked at Bai Xiaosheng with more admiration.

A few years ago, when he was accepted as a student by him, he had never seen him take off the mask, as if the mask grew on his teacher's face.

At first, Ying Zheng was still unwilling to accept it.

It was too unreliable to take such a young person as a student.

Now thinking about it, it still seems ridiculous.

It was just a self-deprecating laugh rather than a joke.

Years ago, Li Mu returned to Handan to report on his work.

It happened that the Wolf Clan was marching south.

The Yanmen army was leaderless and in chaos.

It was the teacher who went deep into the enemy camp with one stroke of his brush.

Surrounded by 100,000 wolf bandits, he killed the leader of the Wolf Clan with one stroke of his brush.

He also tattooed the word"dog" on the face of the current leader, saying that wolves are worse than dogs, which was extremely humiliating.

The Wolf Clan therefore fled in panic.

Until now, Ying Zheng still can't forget the tall figure who defeated 100,000 wolf riders with one stroke of his brush.

The more he remembered, the more Ying Zheng wanted to take off the mask and see the true face of his teacher. He tried countless times, but all ended in failure without exception.

""Teacher, why do you always wear a mask?" Ying Zheng thought that after knowing the reason, he could use this as a breakthrough.

Bai Xiaosheng suddenly smiled and said mysteriously:"I don't wear it all the time. There are a few days every year when I take off the mask."

Now, Ying Zheng was even more puzzled.

He only took off the mask a few days a year, so what about eating and washing his face at other times? Fortunately, Bai Xiaosheng couldn't hear his complaints, otherwise he would definitely give him a warning.

People must learn to adapt.

The grasslands outside the Great Wall are vast and the world is vast with flying snow.

It was almost September, and it was snowing heavily outside the Great Wall.

It was white at a glance.

Two people and two horses walked on the snow, leaving long horseshoe prints behind them.

The fourteenth is approaching, and it's time for Ying Zheng to return to Handan, otherwise, some things will be exposed, and some people will be anxious.

"It's September 14th again……"Bai Xiaosheng sighed, his words were filled with infinite melancholy, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

"There are only a few days until September 14th.……"Even though they were wearing a mask, Ying Zheng knew that the teacher's expression must be gloomy. He didn't know what September 14th meant to the teacher, but it must be very important. So he stopped worrying about the mask and asked tentatively:"Teacher, September 14th, are you going to take off the mask?"

To Ying Zheng's surprise, Bai Xiaosheng actually answered directly:"Yes."

Ying Zheng understood very well and did not ask for a deeper meaning. In order to ease the atmosphere and make the teacher happier, he changed the subject and said:"Teacher, what do you think the King of Zhao will give you when you go back this time?"

As soon as he said this, Bai Xiaosheng hit him with his pen again. Fortunately, he was quick-witted and dodged it.

After missing the first strike, Bai Xiaosheng did not pursue. He took back his pen leisurely and lectured:"What do you mean by giving? That's called trading. Do you understand?"

Yes, trading. Bai Xiaosheng is a businessman, but unlike ordinary merchants, he does not sell rare treasures, does not sell rouge and powder, and rarely accepts gold and silver. He is very strange, and he does not look like a businessman.

Someone once offered a thousand taels of gold just to help Bai Xiaosheng once, but Bai Xiaosheng turned a blind eye.

There was once a girl who was penniless and could only hum a nursery rhyme. But Bai Xiaosheng was willing to travel thousands of miles to avenge her.

In Bai Xiaosheng's own words, doing business depends on your mood, and what you accept depends even more on your mood.

"teacher……"Ying Zheng looked a little unhappy, and said dejectedly,"You accepting me as your student is also a deal?"

"That's right."

Bai Xiaosheng's answer without hesitation instantly crushed the faint hope in Ying Zheng's heart. He really hoped that the teacher would sincerely accept him as a student, not for anything else, but the reality was so cruel.

How could Bai Xiaosheng not see Ying Zheng's thoughts? He did not comfort him, but explained coldly:"As a teacher, it is natural to receive compensation. Do you want me to teach you for free? Remember, there is no free lunch in this world. If there is, it must be the last meal."

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