The clouds have disappeared, the fog has dispersed, the wind is still blowing, and the snow is still falling. It is at this moment.

The snow is still falling outside, but the carriage is warm as spring. After great joy and great sorrow, Princess Qingxue, no, now she should be called Snow Girl, is hiding in Bai Xiaosheng's arms. Bai Xiaosheng looks at his woman with heartache, humming an unknown ballad in a low voice. The song is long and has the magical power to soothe the heart.

"This tune...what's the name? Where is it from?" Xue Nu moved forward and asked.

Bai Xiaosheng gently replied,"It has no name. My mother hummed it for me when I was a child."

Xue Nu was afraid of touching his scar and was also afraid of being unhappy, so she quickly changed the subject:"When are we leaving Handan?"

At this time, the carriage they were riding was on the way back to Handan. Under Bai Xiaosheng's arrangement, Zhao Ji had gone back to prepare. The palace maids who served Xue Nu were also dismissed by Bai Xiaosheng, so there was a rare world of two people in the carriage now.

Bai Xiaosheng hugged her tighter and said with pity,"In a few days, I will take you away from this cage forever. Never come back again."

"" Hmm~" Bai Xiaosheng didn't lower his head, so he couldn't see Xuenu's expression, but the trembling from her arms must be due to palpitations and fear. Xuenu was deeply afraid of the Zhao Palace in Handan.

She believed it without a doubt and said softly,"I won't go back to the Zhao Palace. You help me arrange it." Her words were full of resistance and disgust.

Bai Xiaosheng comforted her,"It has been arranged." He lowered his head and kissed Xuenu on the warm forehead. Suddenly he smiled and said,"As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, you follow the chicken; if you marry a dog, you follow the dog. From now on, you are no longer a princess, but just an ordinary merchant's wife."

This was said in a very"vulgar" way. The words"marry","chicken","dog" and so on entered Xuenu's ears, making her feel ashamed for a while, but the last three words"merchant's wife" made her heart warm, and she replied faintly,"I can't count money and keep accounts. You have to teach me."

Bai Xiaosheng smiled and replied,"Then let my wife count money and keep accounts, and you just spend money."

Before getting married, this woman is already calling me. The Snow Girl blushed, bit her cute lower lip and spit a few words but was too lazy to refute anything. Who told this man to say that? She didn't feel the slightest bit of bad feeling.

People are in high spirits when they are happy, Bai Xiaosheng is in a very good mood. For him, the biggest gain of this trip to Zhao State is not the deal with Lu Buwei, but having her. The whistling sound of the wind and snow outside gradually stopped. When the curtain of the carriage was lifted, the sky was cold and clear, with no clouds in the sky. It looked like a clear and bright sky.

With the sound of horse hooves and ruts, the carriage turned the bend of the mountain and drove onto the official road. It would be back to Handan City in half a day.

At this moment, there was another sound of rolling on the road beside the car. It turned out that a strangely shaped carriage came forward, decorated with yin and yang ornaments, sun and moon totems, and gods. Mysterious and noble. Especially the window frame, which was gilded with two three-legged golden crows with spread wings, lifelike, as if they were about to fly away.

Yin-Yang family?

Bai Xiaosheng looked over curiously, and through the curtains, he could see a half-lazy woman in the Yin-Yang carriage, leaning against the window with her chin on her hand. Although he couldn't see her face clearly, he vaguely guessed that she was a beautiful woman.

Perhaps sensing something, the woman in the carriage opposite lifted the curtain and looked at him. She was immediately surprised, and then she understood and smiled kindly.


A deafening noise interrupted the man and woman who were looking at each other from a distance. A huge rock fell from the sky and hit Bai Xiaosheng's carriage very accurately. The carriage was destroyed and the horses were killed, and the sky was filled with flying snow.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, waves of sound barriers broke through the air, and more than 30 killers appeared.

"Stay alert, he won't die so easily!"The man who spoke was obviously the leader of the assassins.

The assassins drew their swords and approached cautiously. When they reached the boulder, they saw several cold lights and countless poisonous hidden weapons bursting out at the assassins.

""Not good, retreat quickly!" The leader shouted, waving his sword, and the dense sword net blocked all the incoming hidden weapons.

But the other killers were not so lucky.

After a series of crisp sounds, the hidden weapons rained down, and there were muffled groans and falls to the ground.

Countless killers screamed and fell to the ground, spitting black blood and died.

As soon as the hidden weapons passed, the killing intent continued.

An eight-inch long judge's pen came from the front and stabbed the nearest killers.

With two thuds, two beautiful and bright red spider lilies bloomed on their chests.

The remaining killers in groups of three or two immediately surrounded the leader to prevent sneak attacks.

In a short while, the roles between hunter and prey were reversed.

"Luowang is getting worse and worse." Bai Xiaosheng took Xue Nu and walked over like he was taking a leisurely stroll in the garden to enjoy the snow. Looking at the assassins who were waiting for battle, he said with contempt,"I thought that the people coming this time were at least as good as Ba Linglong, but I didn't expect them to be another bunch of trash."

The assassin leader frowned and thought to himself that the other party had obviously expected an ambush and had made arrangements in advance, and who knows if there would be a backup plan.

Bai Xiaosheng saw this and said lightly,"Don't worry, in this wilderness, there are only your people, and no one else is yours." But as soon as he finished speaking, a sound like the sound of a spring sounded behind him,"I'm not from Luowang."

Everyone looked in astonishment, and saw that the Yin-Yang carriage was intact. A glamorous and noble woman walked on the snow like a lotus. Her deep eyes were full of light, like the scorching sun in the sky, bright and moving. Different from the extremely pure beauty of the Snow Girl, the beauty of this woman highlighted the words"arrogant" and"noble".

The arrogant and noble woman slowly came to Bai Xiaosheng, bowed and said,"Yin-Yang family Ji Yanran greets you, sir."

Ji Yanran? She is the one who ran errands for Lu Buwei... Bai Xiaosheng's eyes showed a little surprise. He really didn't expect to meet the other party under such circumstances.

With the mask covering her, Ji Yanran couldn't see his changing expression, so she looked up and shouted to somewhere,"Over there..."���"You've been watching for so long, it's time for you to show up."

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