"Li Mu, we should be honest with each other when we meet old friends.

" Outside the car, Bai Xiaosheng tried to make Li Mu reveal his true face through conversation.

As long as the fact that Zhao State had intercepted and killed Ying Zheng was established, Li Mu would not dare to kill Ying Zheng morally.

While talking, Bai Xiaosheng looked around inconspicuously and estimated that Li Mu had about a thousand men under his command.

He thought that Li Mu still had some concerns and did not dare to bring too many troops to pursue.

In fact, Bai Xiaosheng's guess was wrong.

It was not that Li Mu did not want to bring more, but that he could only bring so many.

The military power of the Zhao army defending Handan was actually in the hands of Guo Kai.

These more than a thousand people were put together by the personal soldiers of Li Mu and Pingyuan Jun, and their combat effectiveness was far less than that of the regular army.

The only pair of eyes that were revealed on Li Mu's face narrowed slightly, and he said coldly:"Bai Xiaosheng, don't waste your breath.

There is no Li Mu here, no Zhao soldiers, only a group of bandits!


He has made up his mind that if he cannot keep Ying Zheng, he will stage a drama of"Prince Zheng died in the hands of bandits". In this way, it will be difficult for Qin to attack Zhao.

Bai Xiaoxue couldn't help but shook his head, feeling that things are unpredictable. Even a military god like Li Mu will have to play the role of a bandit one day.

After the two of them spoke, Ying Zheng stepped forward and said in a somewhat immature voice:"Li Mu, you are not worthy of being a military god."

"Oh?" Li Mu smiled as if it was a matter of course. In his mind, as long as he could get rid of Ying Zheng, the prince who threatened Zhao, his personal reputation would not matter."Your Highness, let me teach you another sentence, 'The art of war is to deceive.’"

Ying Zheng was angry and didn't respond. He knew that what Li Mu said was right.

Bai Xiaosheng also agreed, thinking that he was also half a military strategist. Speaking of the military strategy master Sun Bin, he once used the strategy of"encircling Wei to save Zhao", so today he could imitate it and use the strategy of"encircling Zhao to save Zheng".

After thinking about it, Bai Xiaosheng looked at him with a smile and said,"My mountain king, I happen to have a priceless treasure here, and I want to give it to King Yu as a bribe. What do you think?"

"What treasure is that? Take it out and have a look." Li Mu took advantage of the situation and played the role of the bandit leader, and replied in a very serious manner."If I'm happy, maybe I'll let you guys go."

Judging from the tone and posture, it's not the first time for Li Mu. Could it be that Li Mu was born into this business... Bai Xiaosheng speculated maliciously. However, his tone did not change, still with a sense of joking about life:"It's said to be priceless, why would you carry it with you?"

Li Mu narrowed his eyes, murderous aura began to ripple, and said coldly:"Oh? Are you going to buy on credit?"

Bai Xiaosheng smiled and said:"No, no, the most annoying thing about doing business is buying on credit. Whoever buys on credit will be unhappy. I prefer to settle payments."

"What do you want to do?"

Bai Xiaosheng suddenly raised his hand, pointed to the eastern sky, and said,"My baby is there."

Li Mu looked in the direction, and saw the blue sky and white sun, the sun was shining brightly, and there was nothing else except a few leisurely white clouds. Thinking that the other party was deliberately playing a trick on him, he frowned slightly and was too lazy to continue the bandit game, and said bluntly:"It seems that you are stalling for time, Bai Xiaosheng, I don't have time to talk to you. Leave Ying Zheng, or Ying Zheng dies in the hands of bandits, you choose one."

As the voice sounded, more than a thousand bandit riders around them showed their weapons, waiting for Li Mu's order, and they would attack forward.

Bai Xiaosheng remained calm, shook his head slowly and continued:"Over there, there is a city, Handan City."

Handan!? Hearing the name of this city, Li Mu's heart moved for no reason, his eyes shot cold light, and he shouted:"What do you want to say! ?"

Under the sharp gaze, Bai Xiaosheng remained unmoved. He waved his sleeves to dispel the faint chill, and then said lightly:"It's nothing, the treasure I'm talking about is Handan City."

Li Mu's body was shocked.

He knew that Bai Xiaosheng was not a man who shot without purpose.

Since he mentioned Handan, something must have happened in Handan.

Bai Xiaosheng noticed all the slight abnormalities of Li Mu.

Not long ago, the Yan army launched an attack and captured several cities of Zhao State in the name of borrowing the road.

Calculating the time, the news should have reached Handan.

However, Lian Po, the old general sent by the King of Zhao to monitor, was unable to meet the enemy.

Because the King of Zhao only gave him 3,000 people.

If it was only 3,000 people, it would be fine.

With Lian Po's ability, 3,000 against 30,000, even if he couldn't defeat the strong with the weak, he could still defeat the strong with the weak.

But the bad thing was that the King of Zhao didn't believe it in the early stage and turned a deaf ear to Lian Po's warning letter, which delayed the military plan.

When Lian Po reacted, the city had already been occupied by the Yan army.

""Sir, the Prime Minister has an urgent report that the Yan army is attacking the city, and he is calling you back to the city!"

The report from his subordinates woke Li Mu up suddenly. He looked at Bai Xiaosheng in shock, and he could almost conclude that he had planned all this.

"Bai Xiaosheng, I still underestimated you!"

"You are too kind. Bai Xiaosheng said at the right time:"I have a way to save Handan from danger."

"What method?"

""Host Yan Dan!"

That's right, the Yan army's attack on Zhao was also secretly operated by Bai Xiaosheng. He took advantage of Yan Dan's eagerness to return home and promised Yan Xiang some treasures. Everything was so simple and natural.

""Sir, the Prime Minister is urging you to return quickly. The King has already known that you have returned to Handan and is looking for you like crazy!"

The subordinate urged again, making Li Mu hesitate. Between Ying Zheng and Handan, in the end, he chose the latter, suddenly reined in his horse, turned around, and led his men to Handan.


Bai Xiaosheng breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Li Mu and his group leave. At this moment, Zhang Han arrived late with 30,000 Zhao prisoners.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaosheng pulled Zhang Han aside and asked,"Did the Zhao soldiers take that thing?"


Bai Xiaosheng's expression changed drastically, and he dragged Xue Nu and others to grab a few horses and ran away without a trace.

""Why are you running?" Just as Zhang Han was puzzled, a few farts were heard, followed by a foul smell, and then a sound of running water. All the 30,000 captives urinated and defecated on the spot. The stench spread, and the birds in the mountains and forests could not stand it and fled.

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