In Huayang Palace, the seemingly charming Queen Mother Huayang lowered her long black hair, feeling the steady old hands behind her combing it, and whispered:"Old dog, tell me, are the Chu people stupid, or are the Qin people confused?"

The man behind her was naturally the old eunuch Gao. He smiled and said:"I don't know, I only know that your most beloved grandson is Prince Chengjiao." Prince

Chengjiao has the most orthodox royal blood of Qin and Chu flowing in his body, and he is extremely noble.

This is probably one of the reasons why Queen Mother Huayang strongly supports Chengjiao as the crown prince.

Queen Mother Huayang sighed and said:"Tell me, it would be great if that kid Ying Zheng is really not a descendant of the Qin Dynasty.

" From the tone of his voice, this figure at the level of the ancestor of the Qin Dynasty seems to have confirmed that Ying Zheng is the son of the Qin King Chu.

"Forehead……"This was a big issue involving royal secrets, and Eunuch Gao didn't dare to answer.

Queen Mother Huayang knew what her old partner was worried about, and she didn't bother about the bloodline issue. Instead, she took out something like an ordinary grandmother and said,"I heard that you just adopted a son. What's his name? Zhao Gao?"

Eunuch Gao was slightly startled, and his face was blooming like a chrysanthemum.

He said,"To be honest with you, Queen Mother, little Gaozi is my clansman in Zhao State.

I saw that he was smart and talented, and he looked a lot like me when I was a child, so I led him into the trap.

Now he is a first-class killer at the prefecture level.

I originally intended to send him to be a slave to Master Cheng Jiao, but Lord Yangquan……"He suddenly realized that although he had served Queen Mother Huayang for nearly a lifetime, he had already said enough about Master Cheng Jiao, so he kept silent.

Queen Mother Huayang knew that this old dog was paving the way for her adopted son, and she said in unison:"I said that the matter of Luowang is fully under your supervision. If Xiong Gao does anything weird, you don't need to report it, just follow the rules."

"Yes." Eunuch Gao answered very carefully, but he was muttering in his heart that the Empress Dowager Huayang was still young and her thirst for power seemed to be as strong as ever.

"Oh, right, send Zhao Gao to go and tell him that I, as a grandmother, want to see my grandson, and ask Wang Zizheng and his teacher, what’s his name…"

"Bai Xiaosheng." Eunuch Gao carefully reminded

"Yes, Bai Xiaosheng, I will come to Huayang Palace to meet you after the night banquet."

"I'll do it right away."


In the Health Hall, where rituals and music are performed, the whole room is decorated with red, and guests come and go in an endless stream, which is a scene of prosperity and prosperity. Bai Xiaosheng and Lu Buwei were led by the eunuchs to the first and third seats in the front row on the right. The second seat was still empty. Bai Xiaosheng thought that it should be reserved for Yangquan Jun.

The palace maids who brought food plates and wine sauce in the hall were very beautiful.

Bai Xiaosheng kept peeking at them through the only two holes on the mask, and was secretly happy that the Snow Girl did not come with them.

These palace maids also found that there was an impolite man wearing a mask among the guests.

In addition to being shocked, they couldn't help but guess who this person was and dared to show a mask at the Qin State Night Banquet.

In front of the hall, civil officials and military generals gathered.

On Bai Xiaosheng's left was an old man with gray hair and beard.

After a few words of conversation, he learned that this man was named Cai Ze, who had just retired from the position of prime minister and was now the teacher of Gongzi Chengjiao.

The military generals on the opposite side were all strong men, including Meng Ao and Meng Wu, father and son, who raised their glasses to respond to the toast from a distance to show their friendship.

It seems that the tactics of a few pounds of croton, although a bit shameless, have also been recognized by the military strategists.

At this moment, a slightly fat middle-aged man walked into the hall, walked straight to the upper seat of Bai Xiaosheng and sat down. He glanced at the left side in a very arrogant manner, but said to Lu Buwei on the right side in a strange tone:"There are many rules for palace banquets. Please Prime Minister, please keep an eye on your business friends. It will be bad if you bump into the king later."

Lu Buwei frowned. These words were openly mocking Bai Xiaosheng's low status, and secretly mocking Lu Buwei's merchant background.

It seems that this fat-headed official is undoubtedly Yangquan Jun Xiong Gao, suspected to be the master of Luowang, and the mastermind behind the assassination of Ying Zheng. The two sides have been at loggerheads for a long time, so Bai Xiaosheng was naturally not polite when he spoke:"Then please keep an eye on your son, the king will be here soon. If there is any scandal in the palace, it will be bad."

There are three rows of secondary seats behind the main seat, which are reserved for the officials' families. Sitting behind Yangquan are two handsome brothers with similar looks. One of them is fine, drinking and chatting with his friends in a proper manner, while the other one is much more rude. He even put his hand into the sleeve of a palace maid and forced her to pull, just like a dandy boy.

The palace maids in the Xianyang Palace, regardless of whether they are deflowered or not, are all women of the King of Qin according to the etiquette. Dandy boys coveting the king's women is a capital crime.

""Xiong Zhan!" Xiong Gao immediately stopped the dandy son, then glared at the younger son and said,"Xiong Qi, you watch out too."

The two brothers responded in a meek voice, not daring to act presumptuously again.

His own son had embarrassed himself, and as a father, Xiong Gao had to swallow this loss with tears in his eyes.

"" Dang~" the sound of a gong rang out.

Eighteen sturdy and strong Dragon and Tiger Guards holding long spears walked into the hall in an orderly manner and stood in two rows on both sides.

With a duck-like voice shouting:"The king has arrived."

The most powerful person in the entire Qin Dynasty, the eldest prince Chu, walked slowly from outside the hall, accompanied by Zhao Ji and Prince Zheng on the right, and Concubine Chu and Cheng Jiao on the left, and walked to the throne with a smile on his face and sat down.

""Greetings, Your Majesty."

All the ministers in the palace knelt down respectfully and saluted, except Bai Xiaosheng, who bowed slightly. Prince Qin Chu just nodded and did not ask any questions.

"All the nobles, please stand up and take your seats."

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