On this day, the sky was still dark. In the distance in the east, the morning sun shyly showed only half of its head. For a moment, the light gradually spread and the sky began to slowly brighten, indicating that a new day was about to begin.

At the entrance of Xianyang City, merchants and farmers had already lined up in a long queue, just waiting for the time to open the door, so that they could rush in to grab a good stall and make the first business of the day.

There was a young man in the crowd. He was wearing simple clothes and his hat brim was pressed tightly, but there were still a few strands of hair flying out. As he walked slowly, the strands of hair trembled, especially in the cool breeze at the end of September.

Seeing the young man getting closer and closer, the pair of eyes exposed outside the brim of the hat flashed with a sharp light. The bystanders trembled for no reason and found that the young man was carrying a three-foot-long sword on his back. The sword was horizontal on his shoulder and used by the young man as a carrying pole. Two or three bundles of animal skins of unknown beasts were hanging on the"carrying pole".

When they got closer, they saw that the hide was bluish-white with pure black stripes on it. Strange? What kind of animal hide was this? In doubt, a well-informed hunter suddenly became alert, and his strong body trembled three times for no reason. In the cool morning, he was actually frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

""Did you see a ghost? Why are you so scared?" The hunter's partner patted his shoulder and asked.

The hunter moved his throat and stammered out a few words:"This... this is, the skin of the green-fanged black tiger!"

As soon as these words came out, people all took a deep breath of the cool morning air.

They didn't know what the two words"qing liao" meant, but the three words"xuan hu pi" really shocked them.

What is Xuanhu? It is a big insect in the mountains, a white insect with hanging eyes, which is more ferocious than a tiger in the mountains.

A few years ago, a tiger appeared in the suburbs of Xianyang and injured countless people.

In the end, it was the soldiers sent by the Lantian camp to strangle it.

It is said that many soldiers were injured.

Ordinary tigers are like this, and the legendary drooping eyed black tiger will eat people alive?

This young man killed a white tiger by himself? Frightened by the young man's awe-inspiring momentum, people subconsciously thought that it was the young man who killed the white tiger.

There was a little more awe and admiration in the eyes of the people looking at the young man, and they couldn't help but make way for the young man to pass first. This is respect, respect for the strong.

No matter when and where, people worship the strong.

About two hours later, the roosters in the city raised their necks and shouted loudly. The crowing of tigers echoed in Xianyang City. The guards at the city gate opened the closed gate on time.

The young man with the tiger skin on his sword took the lead and walked through the long gate into the city.

The black tiger skin is extremely precious. A complete black tiger skin is a treasure to drive away evil spirits and disperse the house. It is worth at least a thousand taels of silver. If it is urgently needed by a wealthy family, it can be doubled or even five times.

Many merchants have the idea of buying tiger skins. They follow the young man not far away, ready to find an appropriate time to make a move.

After a few miles, the young man came to the most prosperous street in Xianyang City - Xifeng Street (fictitious, don't take it personally). But the people walking inside are all big-bellied people with pearl hairpins on their heads. You can tell at a glance that their families are not short of money.

The young man raised his head, looked around a few times, and chose the one on his left. The plaque hanging high on the door beam is painted with black lacquer, and it is obviously engaged in the business of precious treasures.

"Do you buy tiger skins?" As soon as the young man entered the store, he threw the black tiger skin on the counter.

The counter receptionist was a young man who had never seen such a direct seller. He was stunned for a moment, then ran to the back hall to call the shopkeeper to deal with it.

The shopkeeper yawned, as if he had just crawled out of bed, and was a little grouchy. He spoke a little harshly:"Ordinary tiger skins, we don't sell them.……"He froze when he was halfway through his words. His eyes, like a prostitute seeing a beautiful woman, were fixed on the blue-fanged black tiger skin on the counter, and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

He walked quickly forward, suppressing the urge to grab the white tiger skin for himself, stroking it carefully, feeling the smooth touch on his palm, and asked,"Young man, one price, seven hundred taels."

The merchants who were following outside the door became anxious when they heard this. They cursed the guy for being shameless, but they didn't dare to go in to stop him. They just hoped that the young man would not be blinded by money and be cheated.

The young man frowned, looked at the shopkeeper and said,"You are not the buyer I am looking for. Goodbye."

After saying this, the young man grabbed the white tiger skin, walked away, and went straight out the door without any intention of lingering.


Walking on the streets of Xianyang City, the sun had already set, half of it sinking into the horizon. Selling from early morning to dusk, the white tiger skin was still hanging on the boy's sword. To be honest, the merchants in Xianyang City were very dishonest. They tried every means to get the tiger skin from the boy, cheating, threatening and tempting. Anyway, they used all they could. Fortunately, the boy had good martial arts skills and resolved them one by one. In fact

, there was a boss who was quite sincere. He asked for 999 taels of silver, which was only one tael away from a thousand taels of silver, but the boy still refused. It's not for anything else. One tael is a deduction, and one hundred taels is also a deduction. What's the difference?

"Hey... there is one last one. If it doesn't work, we can continue tomorrow."

Looking at the quiet and deserted shop not far away, the young man smiled bitterly and walked in.

Zhong Buwang was just about to close the shop and start real business, but when he saw the young man coming in, he couldn't help feeling displeased and said,"Dear guest, we are ready to close. If you have any business, please come early tomorrow."

The young man ignored everything else and said directly,"Green fang black tiger skin, one thousand taels of gold, do you want it or not?"

Green fang white tiger skin, one thousand taels of gold? You are robbing me!

Zhong Buwang was immediately angry and said,"Young man, this is not how you do business."

The price of one thousand taels of gold was not for the black tiger skin, but for the young man himself. As the saying goes, there are many good horses, but few good horse trainers. The young man came out of the mountain after completing his training, and he was proud of himself. He called himself a good horse, and only hoped for the wisdom of the horse trainer. But the huge Xianyang City was full of people who were blind and could not even pass the test of one thousand taels of silver.

Just as the young man sighed and prepared to leave, he heard another voice:"One thousand taels of gold, good! Buwang, give it to him!"

Zhong Buwang bowed, took out one thousand taels of gold without hesitation and put it in front of the young man. Although he believed in his brother's judgment, he was still puzzled and asked:"Senior brother, the black tiger skin of the blue fangs is at most five thousand taels of silver."

Bai Xiaosheng smiled, pointed at the young man and said:"I didn't buy the tiger skin, but the man. Young man, what's your name?"

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