The king issued an order, appointing Prime Minister Lu Buwei as the Grand Marshal and Meng Ao as the deputy general, and divided the troops into two groups. Three days later, they set out to attack Hangu Pass.

Ying Zheng was secretly arranged by Bai Xiaosheng and Lu Buwei to sneak into the military camp and was handed over to a vanguard officer to serve as deputy.

It has been a long time since he went to the battlefield. When Ying Zheng, a young prince who had been in the wolf tribe battlefield in the northern border since he was young, heard the news, his blood boiled, and he began to rub his hands, wishing to leave immediately.

For others, going into battle and killing the enemy is a great opportunity to make merit and be rewarded, but for Ying Zheng, going to the battlefield is only about killing the enemy.

"Teacher, Zhongfu, I can't wait any longer!" Ying Zheng's face flushed. The army would not set out for another two days.

"Your Highness, you have to be careful.

The five countries that are attacking together are not as strong as the wolf tribe.

The commanders are Li Mu and Xiang Yan, who are experienced in many battles and are good at making plans.

The mindless fighting with the wolf tribe must be lost.

"Bai Xiaosheng warned Ying Zheng seriously.

In the northern border, the wolf tribe killed the young man too mindlessly, but the battle outside Hangu Pass was not about passion or whose soldiers were more ruthless, but whose strategy was more cunning.

"By the way, Prime Minister Lu, who will you leave His Highness to?"As Lu Buwei was very careful about Ying Zheng, he would definitely send his confidants to protect him. However, the battlefield was changing rapidly, and as a vanguard officer, he had to act as a front commander in addition to charging into battle. Bai Xiaosheng really wanted to know where this vanguard officer who was protecting Ying Zheng came from.

""It just so happens that I'm going to meet this vanguard officer. Let's go together?" Lü Buwei invited with a smile.

Bai Xiaosheng was slightly startled. Who on earth could make Lü Buwei lower himself to meet him?

Curious, the three of them left the prime minister's residence, got on a carriage, and went all the way out of Xianyang City, heading straight to the Lantian Camp, the foundation camp of Qin.

The Dragon and Tiger Cavalry, the most powerful soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, were stationed in the Lantian Camp. They were dedicated to guarding the capital of Xianyang, so they were only a hundred miles away from Xianyang. If Xianyang was in danger, they could rush to help in two hours at most.

Under the leadership of Lü Buwei , Bai Xiaosheng and Ying Zheng walked into the Lantian camp and went straight to the rear of the camp, to the ordnance supervision room.

Along the way, the fierce and ruthless Qin army was in full view. Amid the deafening sound of war drums, the soldiers came out like tigers and wolves from the mountains, their voices like thunder, their spirits like rainbows, straight up to the sky, and their killing was deafening.

Faced with this situation, Ying Zheng was unexpectedly dumbfounded. He pulled his teacher, pointed at the soldiers on the parade ground and asked,"Teacher, why are their armor and protective gear much thinner than that of the Zhao army?"

Indeed, the armor worn by the Dragon and Tiger Cavalry looked like a light shirt with iron sheets hanging on the outside. Ying Zheng believed that with just a light chop, he could break the defense and kill people. Wouldn't it be equivalent to sending oneself to death to go to the battlefield like this? Unable to help but ask this question,

Bai Xiaosheng explained lightly:"The armor of various countries is heavy and defensive, with the primary purpose of protecting the lives and safety of the soldiers.

But because of this, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers was greatly reduced.

In the past, a set of qualified armor would weigh at least 60 kilograms and at most 80 kilograms.

Just imagine, wearing such heavy armor on the battlefield, the soldiers would not kill many people and would be exhausted, and it would be a fart battle.

So, someone proposed the method of 'throwing away armor and helmets'.


Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and he remembered what Bai Xiaosheng once said: The best defense is offense. He exclaimed with admiration:"Giving up defense for offense and raising combat effectiveness to the extreme, the person who proposed 'throwing away armor and helmets' is definitely not an ordinary person!"

Lu Buwei, who was walking in front, heard this and paused. Yes, it was Lu Buwei who proposed and implemented the method of throwing away armor and helmets.


As they approached the ordnance supervisory room, they were hit by a wave of heat before they even entered the room. They could see flames rising to the sky. They could hear a series of deep and powerful knocking sounds. As soon as they entered the room, the heat wave was even more overwhelming, swallowing up the cold wind and snow that the three people had brought in from outside.

"It's really hot." After adapting to the temperature in the room, the three of them looked around. The first thing they saw was countless sharp swords and long spears neatly placed at the base of the left and right walls.

Bai Xiaosheng pulled out one of them and examined it carefully. Then, a chill came from the sword.

"Wow, so comfortable."Bai Xiaosheng suddenly felt cool all over like the spring breeze in March, and slowly sheathed the sword back to its original place. As soon as the sword left his hand, the heat wave hit him again. Bai Xiaosheng knew that what just passed through the sword was not cold air, but... murderous aura!

He guessed who Lu Buwei brought him to find.

Looking up at the sword-making platform, he saw a young man with his upper body bare-chested concentrating on hammering the sword blank. The apprentice beside him reminded him several times, but the man turned a deaf ear, as if he only had the sword in his eyes.

Lu Buwei was not in a hurry, and stood aside, Watching the man forging the sword quietly.

Finally, the man put down the hammer, and the red sword blank had begun to take shape. At this moment, the man suddenly cut the palm of his right hand, and a few drops of blood slowly dripped onto the red sword body.

With a few sizzling sounds, the sword blank was like a bloodthirsty creature, greedily sucking up the blood without leaving a drop. As the blood merged into the sword body, the sword body began to cool down, and a stern murderous aura suddenly rushed over, constantly washing the nerves of everyone present.

Ying Zheng was slightly stunned, and said tremblingly:"What a strong murderous aura! How could such a strong murderous aura suddenly emerge?……"

Bai Xiaosheng pointed at the young man's eyes and reminded him,"Look at his eyes."

"His eyes……"

Ying Zheng looked over at the man and when his eyes met, he felt as if he was looking into the eyes of a wild beast.

"There was only murderous intent in his eyes, no anger.……"Bai Xiaosheng felt more and more that this young man was the person that Lü Buwei was looking for.

The sword had been forged, but the young man still ignored Lü Buwei. He held the new sword and presented it to Ying Zheng, saying,"This sword is for you." After Ying Zheng took the sword, he said to Lü Buwei,"Prime Minister Lü, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lü Buwei was slightly surprised. He did not remember informing him in advance that he was coming. He did not change his expression and asked,"Good boy, how did you know I would come to find you?"

The man smiled confidently and said,"Prime Minister Lü sent people to my hometown, wasn't it to find out about me?"

Lü Buwei laughed, patted the man on the shoulder, and praised him,"Good boy, just for this, come with me. You will definitely be the vanguard officer of this prime minister!"

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