"I was just saying it, but you really hit me……"Bai Xiaosheng's mask had long gone, and his beautiful face, which was enough to make all the women in the world jealous, was specially taken care of by Feiyan. On his left and right cheeks, two bright red palm prints were very eye-catching, and his eyes had been hit by countless punches, turning into panda eyes.

He couldn't understand why the other party got a thousand taels of gold and silver with just a few words. If this happened to an ordinary person, he would be very happy. Even if the Yin-Yang family was not short of money, there was no need to beat him up.

Fortunately, he was just thinking about it in his heart. Feiyan didn't practice mind reading, so she couldn't read the complaints in his heart, otherwise he would be beaten again.

Feiyan looked at the man's embarrassed figure, and then she felt better. She blushed and spat out her silver teeth, saying angrily:"A thousand gold and silver notes, what a huge sum of money~" She leaned down, and her pretty face was almost close to the tip of the man's nose,"I don't want it!"

Bai Xiaosheng hurriedly closed his eyes, and was sprayed with saliva in his face before he could dodge. He smiled bitterly and said:"If you don't want it, just give it back to me. Why hit me?"

Based on the basic principle that a good man does not fight with a woman, Bai Xiaosheng did not fight back when he was beaten. Feiyan's attack was also very measured. Although Bai Xiaosheng's nose and face were swollen and he looked terrible, they were all flesh wounds, and his muscles and bones were not injured.

As for whether Feiyan was distressed for her future husband or had other reasons, only she knew.

She rubbed her fists and stretched her muscles and bones. She did feel much more comfortable, turned around and got out of the car. Bai Xiaosheng smiled with panda eyes and got out of the car as well.

At this time, it was dark outside, with stars dotted in the night sky. Under the starlight, the sky and the earth were clear. Xiao Ling and Mu Bu Wuyan Girl had already prepared dinner. Looking at the limping Bai Xiaosheng, they almost laughed out loud. They urged him to come forward and said jokingly,"Oh, you're injured. I have some excellent medicine here. Would you like some?" As he spoke, he took out a bottle of medicine that was obviously produced in a small workshop and shook it.

Bai Xiaosheng was about to get up, but she kicked him in the waist and cursed,"Get out, brother. I'm young and energetic. I don't care about this little injury."

With a muffled sound, Xiao Ling fell to the ground in embarrassment!

Xiao Ling didn't know how aggrieved he was. He only took out some medicine to strengthen the muscles and bones, not some messy medicine. But this self-praise was a bit too much, which made people daydream. The two girls by the campfire looked at this scene and giggled. Of course, only Feiyan was laughing, and the speechless girl was still indifferent.

"Stop it, come here quickly……"


The night was in such a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

"In fact, we call this river Wangchuan." Feiyan squatted by the river, her fingers gently sliding across the water, causing ripples to spread to the other side of the river. The south gate of Luoyang City on the other side of the river opened seven or eight feet wide in the night, which was enough for two carriages to run side by side.

Bai Xiaosheng stared at the carriages that were obviously one real and one fake, guessing which carriage the secret treasure of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was in, but asked,"Have you been to Luoyang?"

"When I was very young, my parents took me and my sister to escape. The Eastern Zhou royal family was chasing us fiercely. My grandfather and the close associates of the family were almost all dead. We had no choice but to hide in Luoyang City for a while."The time in Luoyang was the happiest and most relaxed time I have ever had. Isn't it strange that I can live comfortably in the enemy's lair?"

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is often the safest place.

Bai Xiaosheng naturally would not find it strange.

He calculated the time.

According to the information provided by Donghuang Taiyi, in another hour, two Eastern Zhou carriages would pass through Wangchuan.

Feiyan sighed, smoothed the hair that was messed up by the river wind, and said with a frown:"But in the end, father and mother could not escape...

They died tragically under the knife of the Eastern Zhou royal family.

Even the family secret treasure was taken away.

My sister and I are lucky to be saved by the Yin-Yang family.

In such a big world, my two sisters don't have a warm place to go.


Bai Xiaosheng frowned slightly. His family was broken up, his parents died tragically, and he grew up in a cold Yin-Yang family. It was indeed a bitter fate. However, Bai Xiaosheng was not too moved, because he had also experienced this. He was... numb.

Feiyan watched the carriage passing over the arch bridge, her eyes gradually sharpened, and she said firmly:"Now, it's time to take back what belongs to the family!"

Bai Xiaosheng's eyebrows stretched, and he said:"The other party must have been prepared. Although the royal family of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is not as powerful as before, it has settled down for 800 years and there is no shortage of loyal soldiers."

Feiyan turned around and smiled softly, saying:"Don't you still have you?" Bai

Xiaosheng was speechless for a moment. After thinking of the messy things he had tinkered with along the way, he said:"Fortunately, I didn't come empty-handed."

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