The Wangchuan River and the poplar forest were terribly quiet, and it seemed that only his own heartbeat echoed in his ears.

Bai Xiaosheng's eyes sank, and the true energy in his Dantian flowed throughout his body. He was alert to Ji Yan with 100% of his attention, and was alert to the possible ambush in the poplar forest with 20%. Although he arranged for Xiao Ling to help, the royal family of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was a dynasty after all. Even if this dynasty was on the decline, who would dare to underestimate the foundation of a dynasty?

"How many years have passed, how many years have passed."Ji Yan looked at Bai Xiaosheng, his face full of anger,"My Ji Zhou Dynasty has come to this. Even you, the cowards, dare to despise the power of the emperor!"

Even at this point, Ji Yan still did not forget the glory of Ji Zhou, and regarded himself as the master of the world. Maybe in his heart, this world belongs to his Ji Zhou royal family, and others, including the seven kings of the seven countries, are nothing more than slaves of the Ji Zhou royal family.

Bai Xiaosheng sighed,"You must know that this world will eventually change its master. It's time for your Ji Zhou royal family to step down."

Ji Yan knew that Bai Xiaosheng was telling the truth, he slowly closed his eyes and swallowed back the tears of unwillingness in his eyes, after a while, he opened his eyes and said firmly:"Even so, I will never allow the Fantasy Sound Box to fall into the hands of villains!"

"A scoundrel?" Bai Xiaosheng put the Magic Sound Box into his pocket, looked at Emperor Zhou with disdain, and said sarcastically,"You stole the Magic Sound Box by force. Do you think the dignified Emperor Zhou wants to confuse right and wrong? The thief crying"Catch the thief?"

Ji Yan was startled, his pupils shrank slightly, and he asked tremblingly,"Could it be...could it be that you are from that lineage?"

"Does it matter whether it is or not?"

With a whoosh, Bai Xiaosheng came with a pen, like a ghost in the night. The distance of several feet was only a few feet away, but in an instant, his pen was like a hook, hooking straight into Ji Yan's heart.

The next moment, in Bai Xiaosheng's astonished eyes, the tip of the pen fiercely pierced into Ji Yan's left shoulder, and then pulled it out in a very short time, bringing out a streak of blood. The blood dyed the wolf hair red, and also dyed Bai Xiaosheng's sight red.

With a sound of sword ringing, Bai Xiaosheng held the pen across his chest and floated away.

At this time, Ji Yan was half squatting on the ground, his entire left palm was covered with blood, and his dry right hand was holding the sword, with a few new broken lines on the sword edge. When Bai Xiaosheng stabbed earlier, No one knew what method the old emperor had used to force his chest open. In the blood, he launched a counterattack in an attempt to take back the Fantasy Sound Box.

Bai Xiaosheng only felt a tingling sensation on his wrist. His eyes, which had been calm and relaxed, were now full of solemnity.

He was careless...

He thought that relying on his nearly master-level cultivation, it would be a piece of cake to kill an old and last emperor. But he did not expect that the old emperor would be so unpredictable and cruel!

Ji Yan coughed twice and said,"Even if the Fantasy Sound Box is destroyed, I will never let you take it away!"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Xiaosheng held a pen in his hand. The pen was like a poisonous snake, stealing the soul and wandering around Ji Yan's body. Each move was aimed at the vital point. At this time, he had already given up any thoughts of underestimating the enemy and treated his opponent with the heart of a strong man.

Ji Yan ignored the injuries on his left hand and shoulder, suddenly stood up, and swung his sword to meet him. His sword skills and sword moves were very different from those of the various schools of thought and the common schools in the world. Every move and every style had the momentum of a swimming dragon. There were bursts of shocking sounds, and the sword and pen intersected. Ji Yan did not notice that the sword in his hand was already covered with dense spider-web-like cracks.


I don't know how long it took, but in the locust and poplar forest, the sword light was still flashing and the brush and ink were flying. The two people in the forest fought from the edge of the forest to the depths of the forest, and then fought back to the reed marsh. Along the way, I don't know how many birds were startled and how many locust and poplar trees were broken. Some panicked birds mistakenly fell into the sword energy and were instantly twisted into bloody limbs.

After a few more breaths, the sword light and true energy disappeared in the locust and poplar forest.

Five steps in front of Bai Xiaosheng, Ji Yan stood with a sword in his hand, and a trace of sick blood appeared on his pale face. The palm of his left hand was no longer bleeding, because his blood had drained out, and his entire left arm was drooping weakly. The right hand holding the sword was shaking constantly.

With a crackling sound, his sword broke with a sound like the breaking of glass.

Ji Yan knew he was finished.

If he could be ten years old, it would be hard to predict who would win or lose in this fight tonight. But... everyone will get old one day.

But defeat is defeat, victory is victory, God is always ruthless, even cruel and heartless.

"It's time to send you off."

Bai Xiaosheng exhaled a breath, his eyes showed no pity, only respect. He didn't expect that this old man would fight with him for so long, so long that a hint of paleness appeared in the eastern sky.

Ji Yan weakly raised his eyelids, glanced at the man who was about to take his life, and said,"Thank you."

Bai Xiaosheng smiled in astonishment:"What are you thanking me for?"

"You had countless opportunities to escape from the battle and take the Magic Sound Box. But you didn't do it.……"As if he had used up all his strength, Ji Yan knelt on the ground and said,"You gave me a decent death, so I naturally want to thank you.""

"Ha~ You think too much."Bai Xiaosheng was speechless, unable to deny that he did have this thought. After all, Ji Yan was a king, albeit a king of a fallen country.

At this moment, a beam of fire shot up into the sky in the northern night sky. The fire was blazing for more than a hundred feet, illuminating the entire night sky like daylight.

"Luoyang City, broken……"

Under the flames, the last glory of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the last capital city, Luoyang City, was gradually disappearing in the sea of purgatory, turning into broken monuments and ruins, until finally endless ashes. The surface of the Luo River reflected all of this calmly, and the flaming red water flowed eastward without stopping, as if to commemorate the end of a dynasty.

"Is there anything you want to say?"Somehow, facing this last emperor whose country was destroyed and whose family was ruined, Bai Xiaosheng had no words to say.���As soon as I took action, I felt a sense of grief for the rabbit's death.

"Be careful of Donghuang Taiyi."

Bai Xiaosheng was slightly surprised. Just as he was about to ask, he found that the Zhou emperor had closed his eyes forever.

He was gone.

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