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Tải ảnh: 0.033s Scan: 0.023sWalking on the dark blue stone road of Yin Yang Family, there is a bright moon in the sky and three people in the forest. Feiyan's neck no longer hurts, only a light bite mark, a little itchy.

Bai Xiaosheng's mouth is swollen, it was bitten by a woman. He took a breath of cold air and accidentally pulled the painful part, complaining to Feiyan beside him:"I just passed the picture to you through the blood, why do you have to bite it back……"

Feiyan smiled and said,"Who told you to bite so hard?" Then she turned her eyes and stared at the silent Yueshen, making it difficult for the latter to remain calm and her mind was in turmoil.

Unable to bear her sister's gentle gaze, Yueshen exhaled and said,"Why are you looking at me!?"

"What do you think?"Fei Yan raised the corners of her lips slightly, but did not continue. In her heart, she was very happy. She had not expected that the Moon Goddess's eyes had such a deep connection, enough to make all the women in the world envious. While she was happy for her sister, she also understood the demons in her sister's heart.

Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed Bai Xiaosheng's right arm, bowed her head to his shoulder like a wife, closed her eyes, and walked forward with Bai Xiaosheng.

Bai Xiaosheng tilted his head to look at her and saw that her long eyelashes were stained with a layer of silver halo, which showed a kind of pure and charming beauty, and the most outstanding eyes in her appearance were particularly bright in the night? The silver moonlight does have a kind of magic.

The hazy immersion seems to have turned her, who is already the most beautiful in the world, into the most beautiful elf in the world.

If the beauty can do this, Bai Xiaosheng cannot be indifferent.

His heart trembled, but he still smiled. He just put his hands behind his back, tried to slow down his pace, and said:"Come home with me."

Hmm~ After a soft, almost inaudible moan, she buried her face deeply in his arms. Originally, Feiyan wanted to stimulate Yueshen in this way to see what her sister's attitude was towards her lover, but she didn't expect that when she leaned on his shoulder and listened to him say lightly,"Come home with me." She had thought of the words to tease her sister in her mind, but she couldn't say a word and fell in love with her first.

On the contrary, Yueshen looked at this scene very calmly, as if to say, you guys are intimate, I will just watch and not say anything. However, the angry humming sound was clearly heard by Bai Xiaosheng.

"oops……"Bai Xiaosheng smiled teasingly,"It seems that Lady Yue looks down on me. But……"

Feiyan chuckled. Everyone could tell that it was just a joke. Yueshen naturally understood it, but someone as proud as her would not lower herself to play the role of a woman chasing a man. Maybe she was too shy, or maybe she was unwilling to accept that she was one step behind Feiyan. The blue eyes under the veil glared at a certain man fiercely, and said,"Don't dawdle, hurry up, Donghuang Taiyi is still waiting for us." Then she left the two of them angrily and walked away.

Feiyan raised her head, rolled her eyes at Bai Xiaosheng, and said,"You are such a hypocritical person. You say no, but you really want it in your heart." As she said that, she patted his chest.

"Yes, I am a hypocritical man. Bai Xiaosheng held her face down and said to her slightly cold nose,"Why? Do you regret falling for me?"

Feiyan smiled and said,"Yes." Bai

Xiaosheng stared into her eyes and said seriously: It's easy to get on the boat, but it's hard to get off the boat. If you want to run, you can't do it unless you……"

"Unless what?"

"Unless you give me a baby first." Before he finished speaking, Bai Xiaosheng burst into laughter. Feiyan could no longer talk back. If she really gave birth to a child, could she still get off the boat? Bite him twice.

Bai Xiaosheng looked at the gate of the Yin-Yang Observatory at the end of the long corridor and asked in a low voice:"What does Donghuang Taiyi want us to do? Didn't we give him the Magic Sound Box?"

Feiyan frowned and replied in a serious voice:"I don't know, but we must be extra careful of Donghuang Taiyi in the future. I always feel that he is planning something……"

Secret words, of course, must be transmitted in secret, and only two people can hear them. This is the lesson Bai Xiaosheng learned from the Xianyang Palace. There may be someone behind the wall, not to mention that this is someone else's territory.

In front of the Observatory, Yueshen looked helplessly at the two people who came together, and it seemed that she was a little impatient.

Yueshen was really afraid that he would say something shameless again, so she hid in the Observatory with a stern face. Seeing her sister being bullied, Feiyan, as a sister, could only pinch someone to punish her.


Still under the mysterious and profound Great Zhou Tianxing Doutu, Donghuang Taiyi was like a god, quietly gazing at the starry sky above, calculating the trajectory of fate. The Stargazing Hall, which should have been empty, now had nine huge objects, to be precise, nine treasure tripods. That's right, what is now placed in the Stargazing Hall is the national treasure that Lü Buwei snatched from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and lost in Sishui - the Nine Tripods of King Yu!

There were slight footsteps in the quiet Stargazing Hall, and a man and two women walked in.

When Bai Xiaosheng saw the Nine Tripods in the hall, he couldn't help but get excited. He didn't care about Donghuang Taiyi, and quickly came to the Nine Tripods, touching every inch of the Nine Tripods and every piece of bronze.

Donghuang Taiyi took a look, but didn't see any movement. The Stargazing Hall, which should have been deep and dark, suddenly lit up, and the fire on the surrounding walls illuminated the Nine Tripods in the hall clearly.

Suddenly, Bai Xiaosheng laughed like crazy. After being crazy for a long time, he gradually stopped talking, walked to the center of the Nine Cauldrons, looked around at the world's greatest treasures surrounding him, and said in an extremely excited voice:"This is the world!"

"Hush." Donghuang Taiyi on the high platform said softly to stop the noise, with a hint of inexplicable smile in his voice,"The world is not so quiet."

Indeed, the Nine Cauldrons symbolize the world, but the world will never be as quiet as the Nine Cauldrons for people to watch and appreciate.

Donghuang Taiyi continued:"Throughout the ages, those who have challenged the cauldron have become a passing cloud, and the kings, princes, generals and ministers are just passing by."

Donghuang Taiyi said this sentence extremely sadly, as if he was reminiscing about the dynasties of the ages, feeling that heroes and heroes were nothing more than a handful of yellow earth in the end.

Bai Xiaosheng suddenly turned around, with divine light flashing in his eyes, especially bright and shining, even the starlight of the thousands of stars above would be eclipsed in front of him.

This one look, proud of the world, the world, and the world. Donghuang Taiyi was also moved, the man in front of him had the whole world in his eyes.

Bai Xiaosheng was heard saying loudly with great confidence:"But my name Bai Xiaosheng will last forever!"

After these words, Donghuang Taiyi was moved again, and even the nine dead things, the Nine Cauldrons, vibrated and rang, as if they were responding to Bai Xiaosheng.

Feiyan, who was standing by, looked at the heroic figure surrounded by the Nine Cauldrons, with tenderness in her eyes. The figure was not tall, but just standing there, it made the Nine Cauldrons look insignificant, as if the Nine Cauldrons should be small, and he should be supremely tall. At this moment, Feiyan was sure that he was her man. Thinking of this, she looked sideways and found that Yueshen's eyes also had the same look, but she was much more restrained.

"Oh?" Donghuang Taiyi's smile became more obvious,"Just relying on the Qin State?"

"No!" Bai Xiaosheng shouted again,"By me!"_

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