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"Our great Qin State is located in the west, and the six states in Shandong all regarded Qin as a barbarian. In order to make Qin State rich and strong, Qin Xiaogong appointed Shang Yang to carry out reforms.……"

At Prince Zheng's residence in Xianyang Palace, the new female tutor Yue Shen was lecturing Prince Zheng on Shang Yang's Reforms. She was meticulous, solemn, and focused, like a strict teacher. Her sharp eyes made Prince Zheng feel timid.

"Wang Zizheng," Suddenly, the Moon Goddess discovered that her student was staring blankly at the garden view outside the window, her soul and spirit wandering to who knows where in the sky, so she raised her voice,"Wang Zizheng!"

"Ah... Oh!?"Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, and said with a forced smile,"I'm sorry, this prince has been absent from duty. Grand... Grand Tutor." Seeing how he spoke in a low voice, he was really afraid of the Moon Goddess.

The Moon Goddess didn't care about the noble status of the young prince in front of her. She had a pretty face, cold as ice, and spoke bluntly:"If you don't know, ask; if you can't, learn; those who can listen and speak without learning have never existed in ancient and modern times. Prince, you are distracted by things and have no intention of learning. How can you be competent as the crown prince, the king, and govern the people in the future?"

"yes……"Ying Zheng lowered his head and sincerely admitted his mistake,"I know I was wrong, please continue, Master."

Although the Moon Goddess was angry, she also knew that Ying Zheng's character was not yet determined, so she should not blame him too much. She sighed and said,"As long as Your Highness reflects on himself this time, let's stop here. Let's continue. Shang Yang believed that as long as the saints could strengthen the country, they did not have to follow the ancient laws. As long as they could benefit the people, they did not have to follow the old rituals.……"

"Shang Yang's views are somewhat similar to those of his teacher."The teacher that Ying Zheng was referring to was Bai Xiaosheng," he said,"The teacher is also a person who does not stick to the old ways and does not hold on to the old ways. Just like the incident of the loss of the Nine Cauldrons, his words and actions were bold and unexpected, but they hit the nail on the head.……"

Hearing her beloved being praised and admired, the Moon Goddess couldn't help but feel proud and proud, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. But Ying Zheng's next words made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Just like his relationship with Princess Zhao Qian, no, it was the Snow Girl……"Ying Zheng said with longing,"He not only broke through the ethics, but also despised the entire Zhao court and treated the King of Zhao as a plaything. A real man should be like this.……"

The more he spoke, the more excited he became. Looking out the window at the snow on the top of the distant mountain, which had begun to melt, he thought, when can I be so manly for a while?

The winter snow melted, winter was about to go, spring was coming, and it was the season of that again. Our young prince had also reached the age of spring love. However, he was a prince, a prince of Qin, and there were some things that he was destined to have no control over, especially in terms of love and marriage.

Just as Ying Zheng was fantasizing about a bright future, a loud bang hit him in the face of reality.

The frosty face of the Moon Goddess was like ice at this moment. He and his sister had come all the way from Mount Li to find him. Although they had the intention of joining forces with Lu Buwei, deep down in their hearts, the sisters knew each other... it was not to see him. The two sisters had both been to his house and met him, but they ran around everywhere but not to their place.

Humph~ Men…

Thinking of this, the Moon Goddess gritted her teeth and slapped the table heavily. With her slender palm, it made a loud noise, which frightened the future king Ying Zheng. He trembled and dared not look directly at her. He thought fearfully in his heart, what did I say wrong? ? ?

"Copy Shang Yang's Code ten times and hand it in tomorrow... If you can't finish it, you will have to spend an extra hour on your homework every day."The Moon Goddess coldly vented her anger on the poor Prince Zheng.

Ying Zheng sighed and responded weakly. After reading Shang Yang's Code ten times, I didn't sleep again that night.


Bai Xiaosheng had a strange look on his face as he stood outside the door, listening to the familiar cold voice of Yue Shen inside, and then to Ying Zheng's pitiful voice. He stood in front of the door, not knowing whether to go in or not.

""Headache." He stretched out two fingers and rubbed both sides of his temples to relieve the fatigue in his heart.

Gai Nie, who was standing next to him, pretended to be aloof, but he kept glancing at someone's face. His childish face wanted to laugh but tried hard not to laugh, which was really funny. Bai

Xiaosheng turned sideways, glared at him fiercely, and said:"You little kid Nie who gloats over other people's misfortunes, if you dare to laugh out loud, I will curse you to never find a woman. Go and love and kill your junior brother for the rest of your life!"

What a vicious threat, but unfortunately it had no threatening power. As soon as he said this, Gai Nie finally couldn't bear it anymore and laughed out loud.

"Shut up……"Bai Xiaosheng covered his mouth, but it was too late.

With a creak, the door was opened, and the cold face of the Moon Goddess appeared in front of the two people. She frowned her lilac crescent eyebrows and said lightly,"Have you heard enough?"

Bai Xiaosheng and Gai Nie stood up straight and shook their heads even more like rattles. Why did they shake their heads? The two nodded immediately.

The Moon Goddess snorted twice, turned around and walked back gracefully.

The two looked at each other at the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

When he saw Gai Nie coming, Ying Zheng grabbed this life-saving straw like a drowning man, and said righteously:"Taifu, as a prince of Qin, you must be proficient in riding, shooting and swordsmanship, so that you can lead troops in battle at any time in the future. Let's go, Guard Gai, accompany this prince to practice swordsmanship."

Before he finished speaking, he pulled Gai Nie away as if he was escaping. As for whether to practice swordsmanship or sneak out to play, it is unknown. Alas, no matter who they are, as long as they are children, they are afraid of going to class like tigers and wolves.

Now, Bai Xiaosheng and Yueshen are left alone, looking at each other.

After an unknown period of silence, Yueshen suddenly said,"Are you considered a man... Can you take the initiative?"

Bai Xiaosheng waved his hands awkwardly and said,"I want to take the initiative, but I don't know how to start. You haven't told me your maiden name yet. I can't always call you Yueshen, Yueshen." Yueshen was slightly startled, the skin on her face turned from snow-white to light red, and she said softly,"My... My name is Qin Qing"

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