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"Mencius said:"He who uses force to pretend to be kind becomes a hegemon, and a hegemon must have a great country; he who practices virtue and benevolence becomes a king, and a king does not need to be big.

Tang conquered people with seventy li, and King Wen conquered people with a hundred li.

He who conquers people with force does not win their hearts, because his strength is not enough; he who conquers people with virtue wins their hearts and sincerely obeys, just like the seventy disciples who obeyed Confucius.


Dr. Chunyu Yue was explaining today's topic in class.

It must be said that today's class is very important, as it aims to teach this group of people about the future of the Qin State, which is higher, the kingly way or the hegemonic way, which is better or worse, which may affect the foundation of the entire Qin State.

However, Bai Xiaosheng, who was sitting on the side, had no interest in this, and even looked down on it.

That's right, he looked down on it.

What he looked down on was Chunyu Yue himself.

Because during Chunyu Yue's lectures, he intentionally or unintentionally belittled the hegemonic way and elevated the status of the kingly way.

The kingly way and the hegemonic way have the same origin and complement each other.

If the kingly way is not popular, the hegemonic way will rise to make up for it, and vice versa.

There is no higher or lower between the two.

"You seem to dislike Confucianism?" Yue Shen, who had just arrived when the lecture started, sat aside and saw Bai Xiaosheng's mouth slightly raised, as if with a hint of contempt, so she asked

"It's not that I don't like Confucianism, but I don't like these sour Confucianists who clamor about ruling the world with the etiquette of saints all day long.

"Bai Xiaosheng looked at Chunyu Yue who was talking big on the stage with great disgust,"I once heard a story.

There were two neighboring countries.

The weaker country frequently sent troops to harass the stronger country, and each time only plundered a small amount of land and property.

The monarch of the stronger country wanted to send troops to regain the lost land many times.

However, the Confucian scholars in the court jumped out and said that the two countries were friendly and the weaker country had been paying tribute year after year, so there must be a reason for the invasion and plunder.

Then they brought out a set of principles that fighting and killing are not benevolent monarchs, and forced the monarch to be embarrassed to send troops.

In the end, the strong country was eaten away by the weaker country little by little.

Ironically, the first thing the monarch of the new country did after taking office was to kill all these Confucian scholars.


This is a sad and funny story. A sour scholar can only harm a few people at most, but a group of sour scholars together can corrupt a country. This story is of course made up by Bai Xiaosheng, because there is no such country in the world. No matter how stupid the king is, he will not appoint sour scholars to govern the country.

"Ridiculous Confucianism." Yueshen naturally heard the meaning. Although she studied Confucian classics carefully, she didn't have much of a good impression of Confucianism. After all, there are very few Confucian scholars who are knowledgeable, wise and flexible.

Recently, there is an article called"Five Vermin" written by Han Feizi, a disciple of Master Xun. It has spread all over the world and caused a sensation among the princes. In the article, Han Feizi wrote that there are five pests in the country: Confucianism, diplomacy, knights-errant, gourmets, and merchants.

Coincidentally, Bai Xiaosheng, a businessman, seems to have been criticized by name. Although the business vermin mentioned by Han Fei refers to the kind of profiteers who hoard goods and live in strange places, how many ordinary people can understand this?

When he thought about going out in the future, there would be a group of people pointing and scolding behind him. Bai Xiaosheng didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He laughed at himself:"I turned out to be a pest?" Unexpectedly

, Yueshen almost laughed out loud when she heard it. She said angrily:"It's not wrong to say that you are a pest. Look at what you have taught your students to be like. Bai

Xiaosheng didn't understand why, but when he saw her laughing, he followed her to see. It turned out that Yu Yue was testing the princes.

"What is the kingly way?" Chunyu Yue gently tapped Cheng Jiao's desk and asked in a friendly manner.

Cheng Jiao replied seriously:"Governing the world with the emperor's principles, pacifying the subjects with benevolent policies, without bias or partisanship, is called the kingly way."

Chunyu Yue nodded and asked:"What is the hegemonic way?"

""Use force to bully the weak, use force to conquer foreign countries, use force to establish a country, and use force to govern a state."

Cheng Jiao's answer was all from the book, and it was very conventional. Chun Yuyue, or the sour scholar, liked this kind of well-behaved student who was very conventional.

After being satisfied, Chun Yuyue looked at Wang Zizheng. It was not difficult to see that the look he gave Wang Zizheng was very different from Cheng Jiao's, as if he was looking at Wang Zizheng with some dislike and reluctance.

"It seems that Chunyu Yue doesn't like Ying Zheng very much."

Bai Xiaosheng muttered in his heart.

Indeed, compared with the polite and orthodox royal family member Cheng Jiao, Chunyu Yue is quite repulsive to Ying Zheng, the boy from Handan. But he still needs to teach him.

"What is the kingly way?"

Ying Zheng looked at Bai Xiaosheng for a few seconds and said,"Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish!"

"Ridiculous!" Chun Yuyue almost jumped up and down,"Why are you so overbearing?"

"Those who obey me and those who disobey me will all perish!"

Hearing this answer that went against common sense, Chunyu Yue was so angry that he shook all over:"Evil words! Evil words!... Your Highness, today I will explain to you the way of the sage."

After saying this, Dr. Chunyu did not care about Cheng Jiao, and actually left the other students behind, sitting in front of Ying Zheng and talking about everything, quoting from scriptures.

Bai Xiaosheng shook his head with a smile and looked at the Yueshen who was smiling coquettishly beside him, and said awkwardly:"These... seem to be taught by me."

The Yueshen finally recovered her breath, and with tears in her eyes, she said:"What you taught is not wrong."

Who said that Bai Xiaosheng taught wrong? Compared with the implicit expression of Confucianism, what Bai Xiaosheng taught was just to peel off the beautiful coat that was used to cover up the shame and conceal the truth.

"This summary is really insightful.……"The Moon Goddess took a long time to come up with a sentence.

Regardless of this, Ying Zheng couldn't stand Chun Yuyue's chattering, and slammed the table and said,"Enough, if you can only talk about war on paper like Zhao Kuo, I will never take your class again!"

Chun Yuyue was so angry that he ignored etiquette and pointed at Ying Zheng and said,"Rotten wood, rotten wood... rotten wood cannot be carved.……"Before he could finish his words, his eyes rolled back, his head tilted, and he fainted because of Ying Zheng's anger.

"This psychological quality……"

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