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Tải ảnh: 1.048s Scan: 0.035sA few days later, the wedding delegation led by Xiong Qi finally rushed back to the outskirts of Xianyang City. Because there was a noble princess in the convoy, the delegation tried to slow down as much as possible. Xiong Qi had no objection, and he even thought that the slower the better. These days, he has not slept well, tossing and turning thinking about all the people who might know the secret in his heart.

Today, the official road at the east gate of Xianyang City is very spacious, with cavalry clearing the road, officials welcoming, and music and ceremonial music resounding. It can be seen that the Qin State also attaches great importance to this Princess Mi Nuo of Chu.

There is no previous dispute between the two kings, no meeting on a narrow road, and no murderous atmosphere of the army against the net. At this time, the east gate of Xianyang City is a peaceful atmosphere. But Xiong Qi frowned, looking worried, because his father, Yang Quanjun, the leader of the Chu faction of Qin State, was not present...

Could it be that his father knew something! ?

Xiong Qi was very excited, and he suppressed his emotions to deal with the welcoming officials, and led the long delegation into the thick city gate. After thanking the uncles and uncles in the clan and personally settling the princess, the only son and only blood of the current Yangquan Lord returned to his home with trepidation.

As soon as he entered the mansion, he was told by the servants that his father was waiting for him in the study.


Several files of different thicknesses lay quietly on the desk in the study. Some of them were spread out on the top layer. The pages were stained with yellow soup. I don't know how many times Yang Quanjun's bloodshot eyes had flipped through them. Then, they were forgotten and left there, unusually quiet.

Yang Quanjun took a sip of the tea at hand with an expressionless face. The tea was cold. The servants who usually served him didn't have the courage to come in and change it to hot tea as usual. The whole night passed, and he drank cold tea. However, as a fish knows the cold and warm water, these cold teas turned into a stream of heat that burned himself when they entered his chest and abdomen.

Was it the uncontrollable anger, the pain of being deceived by relatives? Or the heartache of being betrayed by the most trusted person? Or the feeling of frustration that he had never had before. His good son actually did something worse than an animal! Hiring someone to kill his brother!

Humans are very strange creatures. The angrier they are, the calmer they are. Yang Quanjun was no longer as angry as he was a few days ago when he learned about the tragic death of his child. His face and eyes were as calm as two pools of dead water, but the water was dark red... There was also a chill spreading around the study, which made every servant who stayed outside feel a fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Dongdong~"Father, the child is back."

There was a knock on the door outside the room.

The familiar voice of the youngest son Xiong Qi was still so kind in Yang Quanjun's ears, but today there was a sting and strangeness.

He really liked this youngest son.

The former Xiong Qi was not only smart, but also caring for his father and brothers.

Sometimes Yang Quanjun even thought, why not let his son Xiong Zhan go to the countryside to become a rich man and give all the property in Xianyang City to Qi'er...

Unexpectedly, this youngest son hid and acted so well that he deceived everyone for so long.

When Yang Quanjun collected his thoughts and cast his calm gaze on the closed wooden door of the study, there was another knock on the door from his son outside:"Father...……"

His eyes suddenly became complicated.

"Come in."

His father's voice was as indifferent as usual. Xiong Qi could not hear any difference. He pushed the door open and came in. He was safe and gentle. Then, the study door was tightly closed, blocking out everything outside, including the light, sound, smell and winter chill.

Yang Quanjun looked at his most proud son in front of him quietly. He didn't know how long he had been looking at him, until his eyes were a little tired. He blinked and said faintly:"What does Mi Nuo look like? What is her character like?"

If Lao Ai were here, he would be very surprised to see this scene. In order to find out the real murderer of his son, Lord Yangquan mobilized the entire Luowang team, and finally spent a lot of money twice at Wanxiang Gate, only then did he know the cause and effect of Xiong Zhan's murder... The father and son in the study had no room for maneuver, and the first sentence the father said to his son was a very inconspicuous name.

Xiong Qi was stunned, and he couldn't see through his father. He forced a smile:"Sister Mi Nuo is a fairy, gentle and elegant. In the future, she will be the mother of Daqin, and she will definitely help Prince Chengjiao manage the harem."

Suddenly, Lord Yangquan sneered a few times and said,"Are you so sure that Chengjiao can sit on that throne! ?"

Xiong Qi looked at his father in surprise. In the past, when his father addressed Cheng Jiao, he would add honorifics such as Prince or Your Highness, or call him nephew to show closeness. But today... he actually called him by his name!

Yang Quanjun sneered continuously, and there was a chill in his laughter:"Do you know that your brother is dead? The coffin is outside."

Xiong Qi showed a sad look on his face, lowered his head, and said solemnly:"My condolences, father, take care of yourself. If my brother knew, he would not want father to hurt his body for him." These were his true words, without a single falsehood.

"Do you know who killed your brother?"Yang Quanjun nodded and slowly handed over a cup of tea.

"I heard from people in the mansion that the murderer is a farmer."Xiong Qi took it, thanked him softly, and said in a daze while holding the cold teacup,"Father, it's better to drink hot tea. Can I get you another cup?"

"No need." Yang Quanjun held his cup with his fingers, took a sip, and said calmly:"The tea will get cold when people leave, and your brother will never drink it again."

Xiong Qi didn't know what to say. After a long silence, he said:"Father, the dead cannot be resurrected, let my brother rest in peace as soon as possible."

Yang Quanjun lowered his eyelids slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm, and said:"Are you so anxious? If I don't go to pay my respects, I won't���See your brother for the last time?"

Xiong Qi's face changed slightly, he lowered his head and said,"My brother died tragically, and I am extremely sad. I don't want to disturb his soul, so I'd better bury him as soon as possible."

Yang Quanjun put the cold tea back on the table, stared into his son's eyes and asked word by word,"Are you afraid of disturbing your brother's soul, or are you afraid that your brother will come to you to take your life! ?"

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