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"Then he asked Prince Zheng,"Why are the wolves the mortal enemies of the Great Qin?" Cai Ze's heart was filled with emotion, and he could not help but use the honorific title when asking Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng was a little flattered, but his face was calm, and he replied calmly:"This prince has followed his teacher to the northern border since he was a child, and I have witnessed the atrocities of the wolf tribe with my own eyes. Once these beasts cross the border, they will arbitrarily plunder and kill innocent people. So our ancestors of the Great Qin built the Great Wall since the time of Duke Xiao to prevent the Huns. It's a pity that……"

"What a pity!" Cai Ze stroked his goatee, looking peaceful. This didn't look like an examiner testing a prince, it looked like an elder testing a younger person.

"It's a pity that there is a gap in the Hetao area, which is a great threat to our Great Qin."

"Is there any solution to this serious problem?"

"Destroy the six kingdoms and unify the world, then unite the three kingdoms of Qin, Yan and Zhao to build a Great Wall across the north, stretching for thousands of miles, so that the wolf tribe can be blocked outside the pass."

"To destroy the six kingdoms, which country should we start with?"



"The Qin army must pass through Hangu Pass to go east, and Han is the first obstacle."

"What about Zhao State?"


Cai Ze and Ying Zheng asked questions one after another, as if they had endless questions, and the other answered without hesitation, as if there were countless ravines in his heart. The old man and the young man actually ignored the public, sat on the seat of the King of Qin, and the ministers sat high up, under the gazes of thousands of eyes and tens of thousands of people, and answered as if no one was around.

A good literary examination turned out like this. Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but smile bitterly, but he was also happy for Ying Zheng.

"Did you teach him all this?" Lü Buwei asked with a kind smile. Everyone could see that the powerful prime minister of the Qin Dynasty was very happy at the moment.

Bai Xiaosheng shrugged and replied casually,"I just took him around and told him some biographies of the Seven Kingdoms in my spare time. Who knew he remembered so much without saying anything."

Words are not as useful as teaching by example, and teaching by example is not as valuable as self-realization. In the past few years in Handan and the three years in the north, every step Ying Zheng took and every person he killed had his unique understanding. These are things that Cheng Jiao could never learn.

In the silent Xianyang Palace, everyone held their breath, and only heard Wang Zizheng's high-pitched voice with a little childishness echoing in everyone's ears:"……Shandong kings, the legal system is dark, treacherous ministers are in power.

Those who kill are not violent, and are not punished.

Those who have made contributions are not rewarded, and are not granted titles.

The people have lost their hearts.

But Qin, the wise king enforces the law and eliminates private interests, and the country is free of corruption!

The general trend of the world, the wind and clouds are changing, our great Qin will surely unify the world!


"Wang Zizheng——"I don't know who cheered first, but as if infected, all the old Qin people in the audience were boiling. The neat waves of cheers rolled up to the palace, rushed into the sky, mixed with the warm spring sun, and then went up to the ninth heaven.

Amid the rolling cheers, Cheng Jiao seemed to be sitting in a casual manner, but every time a wave of cheers came, his body shook a few times, and every time he shook, the fierce look in his eyes became a little colder, until finally he was full of icy light. The right hand hidden deep in the sleeve had already torn his inner shirt into pieces. He looked at Ying Zheng, who was as dazzling as the sun in the cheers, and his heart was awed. Reason told him to stay calm, and he still had a chance.

But in this situation, what difference does it make if he passed the written test or not?

No one would pay attention to the loser, not Ying Zheng, not Qin Wang Zichu, not Bai Xiaosheng and Lu Buwei, at most Cai Ze occasionally cast a pitying look, but immediately looked at Wang Zizheng with a burning gaze, looking at the ambition in Wang Zizheng.

After a long time, Cai Ze raised his hand to suppress the voice, turned around and bowed to Qin Wang Zichu on the throne, saying:"Your Majesty, I have finished the test, and both princes are qualified to enter the martial arts test."

This was not a reluctance, nor was he deliberately favoring Cheng Jiao. According to the assessment standards set in advance, Cheng Jiao was of excellent quality and was qualified to participate in the next martial arts test.

But after the question and answer just now, how could Cheng Jiao have a place in the eyes of the crowd?

"Thank you for your hard work, Cai Qing. Go down and have a rest."The Qin prince Chu looked worse and paler than the last time Bai Xiaosheng saw him. He ordered faintly,"Wang Jian, the next step is up to you."

Unlike the civil examination, the military examination was held on the Xianyang parade ground. All the Qin monarchs and ministers were present, while ordinary people with titles were not allowed to watch.

At this time, on the parade ground, Wang Jian, the new general of Qin, was standing in the middle of the field riding a Yinshan white horse that was not very tall and handsome.

He was like Mount Tai, making everyone feel awe-inspiring.

The dark silver armor on his body, against the sunlight, the cold light flickered, and coupled with his powerful aura, people did not feel it was exaggerated at all, but felt that it should be so.

However, Wang Jian was wearing a black cloth mask at this time, which added a bit of mystery to him.

"Wang Jian……"Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but look at the generals on the field a few more times, and he felt in his heart that Wang Jian was just like Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an. He was a natural general, a commander, and a genius in military affairs.

Lu Buwei, who was standing next to him, had the same idea.

Today, the Qin regime has been completely in his hands. As for the military power, it is only a matter of time before he takes over Luowang. In the end, the military power in Wang Jian's hands naturally became what he wanted most.

While he was thinking, the sound of war drums rumbled, and two light cavalry galloped into the factory from the southern entrance. When Wang Jian approached, the riders on the horse suddenly reined in their horses. Amid the neighing of the horses, the two princes clasped their fists together and saluted loudly,"Hello, General."

Wang Jian only showed his eyes, and his eyes were very sharp. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly,"Your Highnesses, I'm sorry!"_

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