【After briefly understanding that the fertilizer group was researching feces and sludge as fertilizer, King Ying Zheng of Qin, Crown Prince Fusu and others got on the carriage and headed towards the Forestry Department, one of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture.】.

【After all, the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture cover an area of dozens of acres at least, and hundreds of acres at most. If you have to walk between the six departments, you may not be able to visit all the six departments even if you walk until dark.】

【Therefore, special carriages were set up between the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture to quickly travel between the six departments.】

【"This is the Forestry Department, which is mainly responsible for the research of the cultivation and planting of various fruit trees."】

【"According to the different types of fruit trees, we have also divided them into different fruit tree planting research groups."】

【"For example, there is a research group that specializes in cultivating and studying how to grow peach trees, a research group that specializes in cultivating and studying how to grow persimmon trees, a research group that specializes in cultivating and studying how to grow plows, and so on."】

【"There are currently 16 types of fruit trees in the Forestry Department, including peach, persimmon, pear, orange, date, apple, apricot, cherry, plum, hawthorn, etc."】

【"We are also continuing to search for other suitable fruit trees and plan to transplant them to the Forestry Department. We expect that the number of fruit trees in the Forestry Department will increase in the future."】

【Xu Zi, who was leading the way, pointed to the fruit trees around and introduced】

【After listening to Xu Zi's introduction, Crown Prince Fusu looked at the fruit trees around him with a smile and asked,"Will all these fruit trees bear fruit this year?"】

【Prince Fusu also likes to eat sweet fruits. Basically, a portion of seasonal fruits will be delivered to him every day.】

【If these fruit trees bear fruit this year, he might consider bringing his brothers and sisters here to pick all kinds of sweet fruits.】

【I think it should be a good way to communicate and contact brothers and sisters.】

【Xu Zi shook his head and said,"These large fruit trees were basically transplanted from other places in the past few months."】

【"They are still being carefully cared for, and it is not yet certain whether they can successfully bear fruit by the end of this year."】

【Hearing Xu Zi's reply, Prince Fusu's eyes also flashed with disappointment.】

【Chen Xiang, who was following behind Xu Zi, also smiled and said,"Privately, we call Lin Musi the Hundred Fruit Garden."】

【"The implication is that we hope that in the future there will be at least one hundred different kinds of fruit trees in the Forestry Bureau, so that the Hundred Fruit Garden will truly live up to its name!"】

【"But for the time being, there is still a long way to go, and we need to continue to work hard."】

【A hundred different types of fruit trees?】

【I thought about the future when there will be a hundred different kinds of fruit trees in the Forestry Bureau, and when they are ripe, I can pick them by myself.】

【Prince Fusu was also in a rare mood, he turned to look at his father beside him and asked:"Father, are there any traveling merchants in Qin who travel all over the world to do business?"】

【When Prince Fusu asked this, King Ying Zheng of Qin guessed what he was thinking and said with a smile:"You want the merchants to help you collect different fruit trees from all over the world and then transplant them to the Forestry Department?"】

【Prince Fusu nodded and said,"Well, the more types of fruit trees there are in the Forestry Bureau, the more planting research the farmers in the Forestry Bureau can conduct, and the people of Qianshou will have more choices for fruit tree planting in the future.""】

【"Once the Forestry Bureau has selected fruit trees that are hardy, easy to grow, and bear a lot of fruit, they will be promoted to all parts of the country."】

【"By then, ordinary people all over the world can plant a few fruit trees of their choice in front of or behind their houses, and apart from watering them, they don't need to take care of them on weekdays.〃」 "】

【"In autumn, we can harvest some sweet fruits, so that the children of Guizhou can have a little sweetness in their mouths after a year."】

【"You can even choose to sell these fruits and vegetables to add an extra source of income to your family."】

【"After all, if the common people only rely on the food output from the fields, it is really too little and too hard."】

【"If we can help the people of Guizhou earn a little extra income, then we should try to help the people of Guizhou earn a little more income."】

【"This is also one of the main reasons why I set up the Forestry Bureau and let a group of farmers' children study fruit tree planting!"】

【Xu Zi, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farm boys standing by were also in awe when they heard what Prince Fusu said.】

【Back then, they traveled around the world and had never seen any princes, crown princes, nobles, or other nobles.】

【However, apart from Crown Prince Fusu, among the princes, crown princes, sons, ministers and nobles all over the world, has anyone ever thought about how to allow the common people of the world to earn a little extra income besides the crops in the land?】

【Maybe someone has thought about it, maybe not.】

【But the only one who really thought about it and was willing to devote a lot of manpower, material resources, time and energy to study, try and realize it was Prince Fusu!】

【Before this, even King Qin Ying Zheng had never thought of this.】

【After all, before this, King Qin Ying Zheng's mind was full of how to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world. As for small things like giving the people of the world a little extra income, it was probably not seen or thought of by King Qin Ying Zheng.】

【He is truly worthy of being the Crown Prince Fusu who learned farming words from him, benevolent and loves the people!】

【At this moment, if possible, Xu Zi simply hoped that King Ying Zheng of Qin could immediately lead the Qin State to conquer the six kingdoms, unify the world, and then quickly abdicate to the crown prince Fusu.】

【In this way, the common people from all over the world can live a good life under the rule of Prince Fusu.】

【Thinking of this, Xu Zi also bowed to Prince Fusu and said:"Your Highness is kind and loves the people. I, on behalf of the people of the world, thank you!"】

【"I, the son of a farming family, will live up to your highness' trust and will select the most suitable fruit trees for planting in front of and behind houses for your highness and for the people of the world!"】

【Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farm boys also bowed to Prince Fusu and said,"We will not let your Highness down! We will select the most suitable fruit trees for the common people to plant in front of their houses for your Highness!""】

【Prince Fusu raised his hand and said,"Master Xu, your words are too kind. I am just putting forward some ideas."】

【"The ones who really worked hard are Master Xu and the other farm kids. I should thank you on behalf of all the people in the world!"】

【Then, Prince Fusu and Xu Zi and other peasant boys became a harmonious couple.】

【After Prince Fusu won over Xu Zi and other peasants, King Ying Zheng of Qin finally spoke:"There is a wealthy merchant in Shu named Ba Qing who often helps Qin with its military supplies."】

【"The caravans under them often travel around the country to do business. Later, I can summon them to Xianyang together with Wu Shiluo."】

【"At that time, you can meet together, and if you need anything, you can tell them and let them help you collect it!"】

【Prince Fusu immediately raised his head and said happily,"Thank you, father!"】

【After this episode, Xu Zi led the way and pointed at the fruit trees around him, and continued to introduce:"This area is planted with persimmon trees. We have also made different divisions according to the age of the persimmon trees."】

【"For example, we can see that the fields in front are empty. They are the fruit planting areas, where the seeds were just planted this year."】

【"We want to study how many years it takes for peaches to bloom and bear fruit from the time they are planted."】

【"And in this process, how do we cultivate and plant so that the persimmon trees can produce more and sweeter persimmons!"】

【"The persimmon trees in the back were transplanted not long ago and are mature trees."】

【"We want to study these grown persimmon trees to see if they have any problems with insect pests."】

【"And how to cultivate and prune mature persimmon trees so that they can produce more and sweeter persimmons, etc."】

【Under Xu Zi's guidance and explanation, King Qin Ying Zheng, Prince Fusu and others also walked through one orchard after another and saw one kind of fruit tree after another.

Under the canopy, the people of Qianshou, who were originally busy picking up feces everywhere and digging silt from rivers and ponds, saw that Prince Fusu invested so much manpower, material resources, time and energy to study the planting of various fruit trees, just to select the most durable, easy to plant and fruit-producing fruit trees.

So that they can plant them in front of and behind their houses and harvest them in autumn.���At this time, the whole family can taste the sweetness of fruits and vegetables, and increase their income in addition to the crops from the land.

All the people in Qianshou paused, and then more enthusiastic praise than ever before broke out all over the world.

"Prince Fusu is kind and virtuous! Prince Fusu is holy and virtuous!"

"How could we, the common people, deserve such honor and ability to make His Majesty Fusu care about us so much!"

"How wonderful it would be if I could become a citizen under the rule of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Fusu. I am willing to die for His Royal Highness Crown Prince Fusu!"

".々 I am willing to die for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Anyone who wants to hurt His Royal Highness the Crown Prince must step over my body first!"

"Long live His Majesty Fusu! Long live the Qin Dynasty!"

"I only wish that His Royal Highness Crown Prince Fusu will be free from illness and disaster, be in good health, and live a long life of ten thousand years, ten thousand years, and ten thousand million years!"......

In Xianyang City, even Emperor Qin Ying Zheng had to admit that in terms of benevolence and love for the people, no one in the world could compare to the Crown Prince Fusu.

At least in the past, from the Shang and Zhou dynasties to the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, he had never seen or heard of anyone who cared so much for the people.

Right Prime Minister Wang Wan couldn't help but sigh:

"His Royal Highness Crown Prince Fusu is truly benevolent and virtuous!"

"The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of ancient times must have been no more than this!"

The left prime minister, Wei Zhuang, also nodded and said in agreement:

"Yes, when it comes to caring for the common people, I am afraid no one can compare to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Fusu!"

"If we talk about reputation at this moment, I am afraid that apart from Your Majesty, no one's reputation can be higher than that of His Royal Highness Prince Fusu!"

The court judge Li Si also said with a complicated expression:

"If His Royal Highness Prince Fusu were in our world, I even suspect that as long as he came out and said a word, countless people would choose to follow him, and even go through fire and water for him, and they would not hesitate!"

Chunyu Yue and other Confucian scholars on the side were even more excited and said with tears in their eyes:


"This is benevolence!"

"This is what our master meant when he said that the benevolent are invincible!"

"As long as a benevolent person loves the people, he can win the hearts of the people all over the world. What the teacher said is right!"

"His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince Fusu, is indeed a benevolent and virtuous Confucian monarch, who has deeply understood the Confucian idea of governing the country with benevolence and love for the people!"

On the other side, the Mohist Xiang Liji saw Chunyu Yue and other Confucian disciples being so shameless, and immediately said unceremoniously (Zhao, what the hell):

"What Confucianism's benevolent government and love for the people? It sounds as if the Crown Prince Fusu has learned your Confucianism."

"Even if this is benevolent government and loving the people, it is the idea of benevolent government and loving the people contained in the words of the farmers. What does it have to do with you Confucians!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Fusu has studied the farmer's language seriously for half a year with the farmer Xu Zi!"

"Moreover, the idea of benevolent government and love for the people is not unique to you Confucians!"

"My Mohist school also has the idea of benevolent government and love for the people, which is even more thorough than your Confucianism!"

"If we follow your Confucian view, then can't I also say that His Royal Highness Crown Prince Fusu has deeply understood our Mohist ideas of equality and love for the people?"

"You are just bullying the farm kids because they are not here right now. If you have the guts, wait until the farm kids come before saying such shameless words to them!"

Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farm children who have not yet arrived in Xianyang and are writing down the various fruit tree plantings that they will also need to study in the future, do not know what happened in the Xianyang Palace.

If they knew, they would definitely give Xiang Liji a thumbs up and give him a big thumbs up!

At the same time, they invited Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors to fight in the grove outside the palace.

As long as Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors dare to keep the appointment, then Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farm children will dare to let the Confucian children know how strong they are who have been farming all year round! If

Chunyu Yue and other Confucian children do not fight, they will spit out the overnight meals, and they will not be able to live up to the four big characters"farmers" hanging on them.

As for Zhang Liang, Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu, Wei Ju, Tian Dan and other six countries, they either sighed softly, or murmured to themselves,"Why do we need to do this?", or looked disdainful, or laughed at them, etc.

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