Due to the time difference of the sky curtain, when Prince Fusu and others on the sky curtain made the first batch of woolen clothes, the common people from all over the country under the sky curtain had just sheared the wool from the sheep.

In the Xianyang Palace, Zhao Gao had just found a dozen sheep from the Shangshi Cheng and led them to the First Emperor and others.

But now, no one cared about the wool that had just been sheared or the sheep in front of them.

Everyone was staring blankly at Prince Fusu and others on the sky curtain who were wearing woolen clothes and trying to cover themselves with woolen quilts.

After a long while, the common people from all over the world finally said something in a low voice:

"Wool can really be spun into yarn!"

As soon as this sentence fell, another voice sounded:

"Moreover, making wool yarn is even simpler than making hemp yarn!"

At the same time, another person in the crowd also added:

"Even woolen clothes are more comfortable and warmer than linen clothes!"

These three simple sentences say���After that, it fell into silence again.

The silence at this moment was like the repression before a volcano erupted.

Sure enough, not long after, among the common people all over the world, someone suddenly shouted loudly:

""Kill the four barbarians! Grab the livestock!"

This sentence was like a fuse, completely igniting the volcano that had been dormant and suppressed in the hearts of the people.

In the next breath, dozens or even hundreds of people shouted loudly at the same time:

""Attack the four barbarians! Grab the livestock!"

In the next breath, hundreds of thousands of people shouted together:

"Attack the four barbarians! Grab the livestock!"Eighty-eight, eighty-eight, zero" was only a few breaths long, so the common people who heard this slogan all looked up to the sky and shouted, screaming:

"" Attack the four barbarians! Grab the livestock!"

In the end, Prince Fusu and others on the sky curtain spun wool thread and made woolen clothes.

But in just a short moment, the common people from all over the world had shouted various slogans like"Attack the four barbarians, grab the livestock".

Just as Lord Xu Zi on the sky curtain, who wanted to make the common people work hard to eat and wear warm clothes, thought, their Qin State and the common people were in such a short supply of cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys.

As a result, the four barbarians who didn't need so many cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys at all were able to own so many cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys!

Is this reasonable?

Is this fair?

Is this justified?

Anyway, the common people from all over the world think that this is unreasonable, unfair, and even more unreasonable!

Thinking of the many cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys owned by the four barbarians, there are no cattle, The common people in Guizhou, who have no sheep, no horses, and no donkeys, are going crazy with envy and jealousy.

Why do the four barbarians have so many cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys that they don’t have?

The common people from all over the world unanimously believe that the cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys owned by the four barbarians should belong to the Qin State and to them! If the Dongyi, Nanman, Xirong and Beidi are willing to obediently offer them the cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys they need, that’s the best.

If they are unwilling to offer the cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys they urgently need, then there is nothing to say, just go to war!

Let them use the Qin swords and Qin bows in their hands to win and snatch back the cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys they need!

If the Dongyi, Nanman, Xirong and Beidi can beat them on the battlefield, then the Dongyi, Nanman, Xirong and Beidi will... , Beidi proved that they were qualified to keep those cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys.

If Dongyi, Nanman, Xirong and Beidi were defeated on the battlefield, it would prove that they, the Qin State and the common people, were the real virtuous people!

Well, martial virtue, who says it is not a kind of virtue.

And since they, the Qin State and the common people are the real virtuous people, then those cattle, sheep, horses, donkeys and other livestock raised by Dongyi, Nanman, Xirong and Beidi belong to them.

That is also very reasonable and reasonable.

Not to mention the cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys raised by Dongyi, Nanman, Xirong and Beidi, even Dongyi, Nanman, Xirong and Beidi themselves must be their trophies!

As for those who are interested in the cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys raised by the four barbarians and plan to Would it be too barbaric to just rob them?

The people of Qin said, no, we are a country of etiquette and civilized people who value"etiquette".

So before we really start robbing, we will definitely send people to ask politely and symbolically whether the other party is willing to take the initiative to send the large number of cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys they need.

Of course, if the other party is unwilling to obediently send the cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys they need, and refuse their request, then the other party is shameless and looking for death.

So in the face of such a situation, they should naturally send the other party to die.

Moreover, even if they really don't talk about"etiquette", even if they really like the large number of cattle, sheep, horses and donkeys raised by the four barbarians, so they want to rob them directly, so what?

Do you know what era it is now?

It is the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!

And what kind of era was the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period?

This is an era of ritual collapse and music destruction!

The ritual system established by the Zhou Dynasty has long collapsed, and the music education has long been destroyed.

Even the last remnant of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was conquered by the former King Zhuangxiang of Qin.

The Great Zhou Dynasty had long since perished!

So in this case, it would be a joke to talk to them about"rituals" and"Zhou rituals" and ask them to talk about"rituals" and practice"Zhou rituals".

Who has time to talk to them about"rituals" when they are hungry and cold?

Being well fed and clothed is the biggest and most important"ritual" for the people of Qian!

If anyone disagrees with the"ritual" of the people of Qian, then they will kill the other party and the four barbarians together!

So at this moment, the people of Qian all over the world want to go to war against the four barbarians, which can be said to be extremely strong.

Even if the First Emperor told them that after they defeated the four barbarians, they could share the spoils of war such as cattle, sheep, horses, and donkeys.

Then even if they were asked to bring their own dry food to fight the four barbarians, they would not have many complaints.

In Pei County, Xiao He and Cao Shen heard the slogan of"attack the four barbarians and rob livestock" coming out again, and they all frowned, and then slowly relaxed again.

Cao Shen shook his head and sighed:

"At this point, even if the First Emperor himself could hold back, he probably wouldn't be able to suppress the greed and desire of the common people."

First it was the cow, then the donkey, and then the sheep.

Prince Fusu on the sky curtain repeatedly emphasized to the people of the world how much help and benefits owning cows, sheep and donkeys could bring to their farming, food and clothing.

What's more terrifying is that all the help and benefits described by Prince Fusu are real.

As long as the people of the world can own the corresponding cows, sheep and donkeys, then the help and benefits mentioned by Prince Fusu can be truly owned by the people of the world.

In other words, now the people of the world are only short of a cow, a donkey and a sheep to obtain the various helps and benefits described by Prince Fusu.

Under such circumstances, the desire of the people of the world to obtain a cow, a donkey and a sheep can be said to have reached the strongest level in history.

However, although the people of the world are extremely eager to obtain a cow, a donkey and a sheep, the Qin State does not have enough cows, sheep and donkeys to provide them.

At this time, the four barbarians just happened to have a large number of cattle, sheep, and donkeys!

How much the people of the world are eager to get a cow, a donkey, and a sheep at this moment, and how greedy the people of the world are looking at the four barbarians!

At this time, if anyone prevents the people of the world from swallowing up the four barbarians and getting their own cattle, sheep, and donkeys.

Then he is the enemy of the people of the world!

Even if this person is the First Emperor himself, it is estimated that he will not be an exception!

The First Emperor swept away the six kingdoms and unified the world. His prestige was so great that he It is so high that it is unprecedented.

However, it is still unknown whether such prestige can suppress the common people who are completely aroused by the greed of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

After all, greed can not only make people blind, but also make people"fearless" in disguise.

Even Cao Shen suspected that if the First Emperor did not order the crusade against the four barbarians and rob the cattle, sheep, and donkeys of the four barbarians.

Then I am afraid that the common people from all over the world will secretly run to the border areas to rob the cattle, sheep, and donkeys of the four barbarians in groups..........

Such an outrageous thing is very likely to happen according to the outrageous martial spirit of the people in this era..........

Xiao He, who was sitting opposite Cao Shen, thought for a moment and then said:

"If we try to suppress the people's will and opinions, not only will we fail to suppress them, but we may also trigger other incidents."

"A more appropriate solution is to take advantage of the situation and attack the four barbarians."

"Then, they delayed the battle temporarily on the pretext of preparing military supplies and gathering information about the enemy."

"Then he ordered people to speed up the production of more superior agricultural tools such as plows, curved plows, and pedal-operated looms, and then followed the method of"exchanging labor for tools" mentioned by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain."

"The people of Guizhou temporarily shifted their desire for cattle, sheep, donkeys and other livestock to obtaining these farm tools."

"Then we will try to reform the law and eliminate the malpractices within this period of time, using the sky curtain as a reference."

"After solving the major domestic problems, it would be a safer solution to start the campaign against the four barbarians.

Cao Shen nodded slightly in agreement, and then looked towards the void in the direction of Xianyang City and asked curiously:

"I just don't know what choice the Emperor and his civil and military officials in Xianyang will make."

Although he was confident that his and Xiao He's intelligence was no worse than that of the civil and military officials in Xianyang.

But he would not underestimate the civil and military officials in Xianyang because they were there to help the Emperor conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world.

Maybe someone among them could come up with a better solution than they thought, which was also very likely.

In the old land of the old Han, Zhang Liang listened to the voices of the people outside who wanted cattle, sheep, and donkeys one after another. He also looked up in the direction of Xianyang City, as if he saw the tyrant Ying Zheng, and smiled and said:

"The people's hearts and minds are boiling with excitement. Will you follow their will?"

"Or should we suppress the will of the people?"

If we follow the will of the people, then the Qin State and the tyrant Ying Zheng will be forced by the people of the world to send troops to attack the four barbarians.

But it is not so easy to attack the four barbarians. The logistical supply line is much longer than that of attacking the six countries, the detailed intelligence of the four barbarians is not well prepared, and the climate and soil in the barbarian land where the four barbarians are located are not suitable.

In each of the above situations, one careless mistake may very likely cause the Qin State to defeat the four barbarians.

By then, the Qin State may not only suffer heavy casualties, but also further damage the personal prestige of the tyrant Ying Zheng.

If we suppress the will of the people and do not send troops to attack the four barbarians for the time being.

Although there will be no casualties, the personal prestige of the tyrant Ying Zheng will also be consumed as a price.

If such things are done too much, it will become more and more difficult for the tyrant Ying Zheng to subdue the world with his personal prestige.���Difficult.

Both options, no matter which one, are welcome to Zhang Liang.

Anyway, as long as he sees that Qin and the tyrant Ying Zheng are not developing well, he will be in a good mood.

In Xianyang City, after seeing that wool can be used to weave wool yarn, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng has only one idea in his mind, that is, he must annex the barbarians and turn the barbarians' grasslands into Qin's large sheep and cattle farms!

In this way, Qin and the people of Qianshou can have sufficient cattle and wool to use.

After all, there is no place suitable for large-scale cattle and sheep breeding in Qin, and even if there is, it must be used to raise horses first.

So after thinking about it, the best solution for Qin is to swallow the barbarians' grasslands, so that Qin has places to raise sheep and cattle.

However, the internal situation of Qin is not stable yet, and Qin Emperor Ying Zheng does not plan to send troops to attack the four barbarians on a large scale now.

Prepare to send envoys first, and let the barbarians from all directions pay tribute to a batch of cattle, sheep, and donkeys on the grounds of Qin's unification of the world.

If the other party disagrees, then send a small-scale army to wipe out some small barbarian tribes, intimidate and blackmail the other party.

If the other party still refuses to surrender, then write down the names of the barbarian tribes first, and if a small-scale army can be sent to wipe them out, then send a small-scale army to wipe them out directly.

If a small-scale army cannot be sent to wipe them out, then wait until the internal reforms of Qin are completed and the hands are free.

At that time, Qin will send a large-scale army in one fell swoop to directly flatten the other party!

In short, in this world, what Qin has set its eyes on will sooner or later belong to Qin!

Even if it is a blade of grass on the grassland, it must be surnamed Qin!.

Added by: Naruto789

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