"Beans don’t need to be planted in the ground?"

"Just having water is enough?"

"If this is true, then we will have an extra dish of bean sprouts to eat at home."

"This method is good, even simpler and more convenient than the white bean cubes just now."

"The farmers of Baicao Division are really amazing. They have not only found more ways to eat the beans we usually eat, but also improved the planting methods."

"I'm going to try the bean sprout growing method mentioned on the sky screen!"......

After seeing the farmer's son from the Herb Department on the screen demonstrating a new method of growing bean sprouts, the common people from all over the country took action.

Anyway, they were originally going to try to make bean cakes with beans, and now they were just trying to get some more beans to try to germinate.

For ordinary common people, this was still a risk they could afford.

So even many common people scooped a bowl or half a bowl of beans from the beans that had just been soaked and were going to be used to make bean cakes.���Beans, prepare to follow the method on the sky curtain to see if they can germinate successfully.

In Xianyang City, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng looked at the Shang Shi Ling who was still present and also ordered:

""Tianmu's method, let's try it too."

If this method is feasible, then just as the other"self" on Tianmu thought, the common people all over the world will have an extra food that is easy to grow and harvest.

This is a great thing for ordinary poor common people and the Qin State.

The Shangshi Ling nodded immediately and said:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Then the Minister of Food looked behind him, waved his hand to call over an official, and asked him to convey the Emperor's order to the Minister of Food.

"Eight"eight five zero" five zero" As for him, he needs to stay here and obey the orders of the First Emperor at any time.

On the other hand, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farm children are in pain and happiness at the moment.

The pain is because, from the beginning of the sky curtain to now, the farm children on the sky curtain have shown too much knowledge of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and other aspects that are worth learning and referring to.

From the beginning to now, their hands are about to break from copying.

The happiness is because the feeling of copying another self, or copying other people's homework is really great.

Especially the copied homework It is very likely that someone else's homework will be a perfect score, which will make you feel even better.

To be frank, the knowledge displayed by the farm children on the sky curtain at least saved the farm children under the sky curtain from taking decades of detours!

Thinking of this, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farm children couldn't help but sigh in their hearts that it was good to have a powerful vassal state fully supporting their farm children to do research.

If they were allowed to do the research on their own, it would take at least decades to achieve certain results.

However, the farm children on the sky curtain only spent half a year, or even less than half a year, to achieve so many results.

If they had entered Qin and Xianyang earlier and received the full support of the First Emperor, then perhaps they would have achieved similar rich research results as the farm children on the sky curtain.

Fortunately, it is not too late now. The First Emperor has already established six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture in Xianyang, waiting for the farm children to move in.

After they digested and absorbed all the knowledge revealed by the farm children on the sky curtain, After that, they would be able to leap forward and reach almost the same research progress as those farm children on the sky.

They could even absorb the knowledge and nutrition of the farm children on the sky, and maybe they could stand on the shoulders of the farm children on the sky, and even go a step further and surpass the research progress of the farm children on the sky.

And then push the farm family in their world to another higher level.

With this thought, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farm children, who had felt sore in their arms, suddenly felt no more sore, and they became full of fighting spirit again.

【After listening to Zhongli Chun's story, Qin Wang Ying Zheng and Crown Prince Fusu looked at the buds in the pottery jar with delight.】

【In this era of food shortage, finding any kind of food crop that can be planted and harvested simply and stably, and does not require the use of additional arable land, is considered a great achievement!】

【In addition to the white bean blocks that are still in the process of being suppressed, these two unprecedented foods will definitely bring different changes to the lives of the Qin State and the people of Qianshou.】

【So King Qin Ying Zheng looked at Zhongli Chun and nodded with satisfaction, saying:"This thing is very good!"】

【"Have you developed other similar foods?"】

【"If you have any, please present them all together and I will commend you all for your achievements!"】

【Hearing this, Zhongli Chun's face became even happier and he said,"Yes, Your Majesty, Your Highness, and all the lords, please wait for a moment. I will have someone bring it to you.""】

【After saying that, Zhongli Chun also handed the Houttuynia cordata in his hand to the farmer's son from the Herb Department next to him, and whispered a few words in his ear.】

【Then the farmer left with the buds in his hands, as if he was looking for something.】

【With the white bean pieces and agave buds in front of them, King Ying Zheng of Qin, Crown Prince Fusu, Xu Zi and others were looking forward to the food that the Herb Bureau would present next.】

【The farmer's son from the Herb Department did not keep King Ying Zheng of Qin, Prince Fusu, Xu Zi and others waiting for too long. He left after just a moment.】

【The farmer's son who returned from the trip still held a pottery jar in his hand, but this time the pottery jar was not filled with wormwood sprouts, but a milky white fine powder.】

【Seeing the milky white powder in the pottery jar, Xu Zi recognized it at a glance and said,"Is this flour?"】

【Flour is the product of husking wheat and then grinding it into powder.】

【You can mix it with water and make it into pasta, such as cakes, steamed buns, etc.】

【However, if you want to husk wheat and grind it into powder, you can only use pounding rice or stone milling rice, which is very time-consuming and labor-intensive.】

【Therefore, pasta such as cakes and steamed buns were generally only available to the nobility.】

【As for ordinary people, even if they have wheat, they don't have much time and energy to pound rice, grind rice with stone mills, and make noodles.】

【Zhong Lichun smiled and nodded, saying:"Teacher, you have a keen eye, it is indeed flour."】

【"But we discovered a different way to cook pasta that allows you to double or triple the amount!"】

【"And the taste is better, softer and more delicious!"】

【When these words came out, King Ying Zheng of Qin and Crown Prince Fusu were shocked and asked at the same time,"Are you serious?"】

【Based on the original amount, the amount is increased by two or three times out of thin air. Doesn't this mean that the original portion of food can now be used as three portions of food?】

【If this is true, then the significance and role that this new way of making pasta can play are enormous!】

【For example, in terms of military supplies and fodder】

【If this new pasta cooking method is used to prepare the military supplies, wouldn't it be enough to only provide one-third of the original amount of military supplies?】

【If this is true, then this can be said to have greatly reduced the pressure on military supplies and logistics brought about by Qin's attack on the six countries.】

【If Qin's original military supplies and food were only enough for Qin to launch an attack on one country, then now with the same amount of military supplies and food, Qin can even launch attacks on two or three countries at the same time!】

【Even if Qin did not attack multiple countries at the same time, it could still sustain the war for a longer time by consuming the same amount of military supplies and fodder as before.】

【You know, food and fodder must go before troops move.】

【In war, what we fight for is often logistics and food supplies.】

【If your logistics and food supplies are far more sufficient than your opponent's, then before the battle even starts, you will have already won by five points!】

【Even if they are defeated, they can always recruit an army and continue to fight on the battlefield as long as they have sufficient logistics and food.】

【Even if you can't defeat the opponent for a while, or even if you are in a stalemate with the opponent, you can choose to drag the opponent into a war of attrition with more sufficient logistics and food.】

【It is also a correct way to fight a war by directly competing with the opponent in terms of basic national strength and forcibly using more sufficient logistics to drag the opponent to death.】

【It can be said that with sufficient logistical supplies, both the king and the generals will have more options when facing war.】

【For example, in terms of disaster relief】

【You know, when natural disasters and man-made disasters occur, the thing that the victims lack most is food.】

【Only by transporting the most food to the disaster area in the shortest possible time can more disaster victims survive.】

【However, in the current era of poor road traffic conditions, it is extremely difficult to quickly transport large amounts of food to the disaster area.】

【Therefore, how to use less food to feed more disaster victims in a short period of time has become a big problem in disaster relief..........】

【For example, some disaster relief officials would mix various wild vegetables and weeds into the food and let the disaster victims eat them..........】

【This can not only satisfy hunger to a certain extent, but also further extend the time of disaster relief until the day when more disaster relief food arrives.】

【For example, some disaster relief officials would choose to cook porridge directly and let the people drink the porridge water.】

【Although drinking porridge alone is not enough to satisfy hunger, if you lie on the ground without moving after drinking it and become a living dead for a while, you can still barely hold on for a short period of time.】

【As long as they can hold on, they will have a better chance of surviving until more disaster relief food arrives.】

【If we use the new noodle method that Zhong Lichun mentioned, which can increase the original amount by two to three times,】

【So the amount of food that was originally only enough to feed one person can now feed two or three people!】

【The relief food that could originally only last for ten days can now last for twenty days to a month!】

【In the future, the chances of survival of the people in Guizhou when encountering natural disasters and man-made disasters will be greatly improved because of the new noodle making method mentioned by Zhongli Chun.】

【For example, in terms of the population of the people in Guizhou】

【The population of the people of Guizhou is closely related to the grain output.】

【Grain production was low, so even if a baby was born, the people could not afford to feed it, so they could only abandon or drown the baby.】

【If the grain yield is high and the people can feed more children, then they will naturally not abandon or drown their children.】

【As time goes by, the population of the people in Qianshou will naturally increase slowly.】

【If the population of the people of Qianshou increases, then the national strength of the country will naturally be enhanced in disguise.】

【For example, if the population of Qin could double or triple, and they could all be fed, then King Ying Zheng of Qin would immediately start the great cause of unifying the six kingdoms.】

【After all, the people of the entire Warring States period���The total number is only between 20 and 30 million.】

【Among them, the population of Qin State is probably between three million and four million. If it doubles or triples, the population of Qin State will reach nearly ten million or even tens of millions!】

【If the population of a tiger and wolf country like Qin could reach nearly 10 million, or even tens of millions, then the other six countries would not have to fight and could just surrender.】

【Even if the six countries could put aside their grudges and truly unite, they would not be able to resist the Qin Dynasty, which has a population of nearly 10 million or even tens of millions.】

【With a population of over 10 million, the huge size of Qin State was enough to crush the other six countries with its basic national strength.】

【In addition, Qin State implemented a more advanced military merit system than the other six 1.0 countries, and the other six 1.0 countries would not have the slightest ability to resist.】

【For example, in terms of eating enough】

【At present, it is impossible for all the people in Guizhou to have enough food, but if we adopt the new pasta method,】

【So, without increasing the number of family members, if the two to three times more food is kept for ourselves, then everyone should be able to eat their fill, right?】

【If all the common people in Qin State could have enough to eat, would there be any need to worry that they would not support Qin State or the King of Qin?】

【Do we still need to worry that Qin will not be able to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world?】

【No need to worry at all!】

【As long as the Qin State and the King of Qin can ensure that all the people under its rule have enough to eat, then the people under its rule will certainly support the Qin State and the King of Qin.】

【Similarly, the common people under the rule of Qin will certainly conquer other vassal states for Qin and the King of Qin!】

【There are other aspects of hiring corvée labor, etc.】

【It can be said that a new method of making pasta that can increase the amount of pasta by two to three times the original amount has an effect and significance that is no less than that of a top general like Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an!】

【Even a top general like Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an, may not be as significant and valuable as this new noodle making method that can increase the amount of noodles by two to three times out of thin air!】

【After all, a top general like Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an, can only play a role for a few decades.】

【However, a new pasta recipe that can double or triple the amount of pasta out of thin air can be passed down through the generations, even until the day when mankind dies.】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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