【After inspecting the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture, King Ying Zheng of Qin and Crown Prince Fusu continued to inspect the other six departments.】

【For example, the Ministry of Industry had the Metallurgical Department, the Cultivation Equipment Department, the Irrigation Equipment Department, the Shipbuilding Department, the Engineering Department, and the Unfixed Department.】

【However, relatively speaking, the Sixth Department of the Ministry of Industry has not achieved much so far.】

【The smelting department, for example, has just built a furnace for casting and smelting, and has only just started smelting.】

【After all, it has only been half a year since the division and construction of the six departments of the crown prince. In such a short period of time, it is unrealistic for the smelting department to achieve some results.】

【The same thing happened to the Shipbuilding Company. In just half a year, the company hadn't even dried the wood needed for shipbuilding, let alone built ships.】

【Even though they purchased dried shipbuilding timber from abroad for shipbuilding, not all of it has been shipped back yet.】

【So without even a ship, the shipbuilding company couldn't come up with any results even if it wanted to.】

【It's impossible for the Mohist disciples of the Shipbuilding Department to set up a small wooden boat and go fishing in the Weihe or Peihe River.】

【As for the Engineering Department, there are some results.】

【For example, the construction of the six ministries of the crown prince was actually planned and completed by the Mohist disciples of the Engineering Department.】

【But because it is so ordinary, even if there is such a construction achievement, it seems like there is no achievement.】

【The Mohist disciples of Wudingsi all studied things based on their own interests and hobbies.】

【This means that no one knows what the Mohist disciples of Wudingsi will research and what effect the research will have.】

【Therefore, the Mohist disciples of Wudingsi are basically fruitless.】

【Although the Mohist disciples of the Irrigation Equipment Department have not yet achieved any results, at least they have a research direction.】

【The Mohist disciples of the Irrigation Department are studying how to transport water from rivers to distant fields without digging river channels.】

【In this way, the people of Qianshou can save the effort of digging river channels and easily carry out irrigation.】

【Therefore, even though the Mohist disciples of the Irrigation Equipment Department have not yet come up with any results, both Qin King Ying Zheng and Crown Prince Fusu have encouraged the Mohist disciples of the Irrigation Equipment Department.】

【After all, if the Mohist disciples of the Irrigation Equipment Department really succeed in their research, then there is no doubt that this will be a great thing that will greatly benefit the Qin State and the people of the world.】

【Therefore, Prince Fusu also promised all the Mohist disciples in the Irrigation Equipment Department that if there were any research difficulties, they could just ask him and he would find a way to solve them.】

【Prince Fusu even planned to ask Xiang Liji to learn about Mohist teachings and techniques after he finished inspecting the six ministries, to see if he could get some inspiration and ideas from them.】

【As for the Farming Equipment Department, it was somewhat"taken away" by the Crown Prince Fusu.】

【The Mohist disciples in the Farming Equipment Department were also researching how to make farming equipment that was more labor-saving and convenient.】

【But after Prince Fusu researched, invented, and improved the plow and the curved plow, and other farmers' children worked with Mohist students to research the pedal-operated loom,】

【The Mohist disciples of the Farming Equipment Department were studying the plow, the curved plow, and the pedal-operated loom.】

【Of course, the Mohist disciples of the Agricultural Instruments Department were not completely fruitless. They also invented some other small items.】

【For example: a harrow, a farm implement used to break up clods of soil after tilling】

【Another example: a harrow, a farm tool used to mix mud】

【The invention of these two agricultural tools has enriched the choice of agricultural tools to a certain extent and slightly improved the efficiency of farming.】

【It's just that the improved farming efficiency is not very high, not as efficient as the plow and the curved plow, so they are not so conspicuous.】

【Although Qin King Ying Zheng did not grant titles to these two agricultural tool inventions, he also gave them generous rewards as encouragement.】

【After visiting the six ministries of the Ministry of Industry, King Ying Zheng of Qin and Crown Prince Fusu continued to inspect other ministries.】

【For example, the Ministry of Personnel】

【The four departments of the Ministry of Personnel: the Assessment Department, the Recommendation Department, the List Department, and the Rank Department were well organized under the management of the Minister of Personnel, Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze.】

【After all, Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze was once the prime minister of Qin State. Managing a mere four departments of the Ministry of Personnel was really enough for Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze.】

【Therefore, after visiting the four departments of the Ministry of Personnel, King Ying Zheng of Qin and Prince Fusu left with satisfaction.】

【Next was the Ministry of Revenue, whose Minister was Zhang Han, the first attendant of Prince Fusu.】

【Although Zhang Han was only sixteen or seventeen years old and looked very young, he also demonstrated his extraordinary management ability.】

【At least the six departments of the Ministry of Revenue, namely, the Food Department, the Clothing Department, the Salary Department, the Coordination Department, the Foreign Trade Department, and the Miscellaneous Affairs Department, were all doing their respective duties under Zhang Han's management in an orderly manner.】

【Even Qin King Ying Zheng could not find any mistakes.】

【This made Qin Wang Ying Zheng praise Zhang Han's extraordinary management ability, but also sigh at the good luck of Prince Fusu.】

【Although among the civil and military officials under his command, there are many officials who can manage the six departments of the Ministry of Revenue as well as Zhang Han.】

【However, there are very few people as young as Zhang Han.】

【After all, Zhang Han is only sixteen or seventeen years old now. If he is given another twenty years to grow, King Ying Zheng of Qin estimates that Zhang Han will definitely be able to take on the position of Nine Ministers!】

【If Zhang Han is given another thirty years to hone his skills, he may be able to take the position of Prime Minister.】

【Even if he abdicated and Prince Fusu succeeded him thirty years later, as long as Zhang Han did not make any big mistakes during this period,】

【With his own abilities and his experience as the first attendant of Prince Fusu, it is almost certain that Zhang Han would have a place as the left and right prime minister of Qin.��】

【That is why King Ying Zheng of Qin sighed at the good luck of Prince Fusu. The Zhongshu Yushi who was arranged for Prince Fusu somewhat casually and not too casually turned out to be a talent of the Nine Ministers or even the Prime Minister.】

【After visiting the six departments of the Ministry of Revenue, King Ying Zheng of Qin and Crown Prince Fusu continued to inspect the Ministry of Justice.】

【The Minister of Justice is Meng Yi, the younger brother of Meng Tian, the current attendant of King Qin Ying Zheng, and also a very good-looking talent of King Qin Ying Zheng.】

【If Zhang Han could become the Nine Ministers of Prince Fusu or even the Prime Minister in the future,】

【Then Meng Yi may become one of the nine ministers of Qin King Ying Zheng in the future, or even the prime minister.】

【It was precisely because he valued Meng Yi so much that King Ying Zheng of Qin sent Meng Yi to the Prince's six ministries to hone his skills.】

【After he has been trained, he will transfer Meng Yi back to work for him.】

【Meng Yi also lived up to the expectations of Qin Wang Ying Zheng. At least under the management of Meng Yi, the Minister of Punishment,】

【The three departments of the Ministry of Justice, namely the Law Department, the Supervision Department, and the Punishment Department, also performed their duties and responsibilities, so that the entire six departments operated according to the rules and regulations formulated by the crown prince and the ministers of each department. 】

Under the sky, all the civil and military officials in the Xianyang Palace once again focused their attention on Meng Yi and Zhang Han.

Among them, there is no need to mention Meng Yi, although Meng Yi is not a nine minister or prime minister now.

But now as a senior minister, Meng Yi, in terms of status and position, is not inferior to the nine ministers, except that he is not as good as the left and right prime ministers.

They would not be surprised even if Meng Yi was transferred to become a nine minister one day. This may be a matter of sooner or later in the eyes of all the civil and military officials.

Unless one day Meng Yi surpasses the post of nine ministers and directly becomes the left and right prime ministers, then they may be surprised. What really shocked and surprised them was Zhang Han.

By the way, since the first sky curtain broadcast ended, Zhang Han, who was originally only the Zhongshu Yezhe Cheng, has been promoted to Zhongshu Yezhe Ling by the First Emperor with a random reason.

In other words, Zhang Han, who was originally the second in command of one of the more than ten departments under the Shaofu, has now become the head of one of the more than ten departments under the Shaofu.

Originally, Zhang Han, who was at the bottom of the list of civil and military officials in terms of official position and status, suddenly jumped to the middle and lower levels of the civil and military officials present.

Zhang Han saved several years, or even more than ten years of hard work!

However, that's fine, listen to how the"King of Qin" on the sky curtain evaluates Zhang Han!

He has the talent of the Nine Ministers, or even the talent of the Prime Minister!

What a high evaluation!

All of them, the civil and military officials, have worked diligently and hard all their lives, but they may not be able to sit on the position of the Nine Ministers, let alone the position of the left and right prime ministers. And Zhang Han

, a small official who had never been looked at seriously by them a month and a half ago, had the opportunity to sit on the position of Nine Ministers, or even the position of Prime Minister.

���How could they not be envious and jealous!

What was even more terrifying was that according to the ability shown by the sixteen or seventeen-year-old"young Zhang Han" on the sky curtain, and his special status as the first attendant official of Prince Fusu.

In the future, as long as the"young Zhang Han" did not make any mistakes, then after Prince Fusu succeeded to the throne of King Qin.

The"young Zhang Han" would almost certainly sit on the position of Nine Ministers, or even the position of left and right prime ministers, as the"King Qin" on the sky curtain said.

However, this was not the most terrifying thing. What was even more terrifying was that the evaluation of the"King Qin" on the sky curtain and the outstanding performance of the"young Zhang Han" would obviously affect the first emperor of their world!

If they competed with Zhang Han in the future, then with the same merits and only one position. Would the first emperor be more biased towards them?

Or would he be more biased towards Zhang Han, who was evaluated by another"King Qin" as having the talent of Nine Ministers and Prime Minister?

Obviously, he was more biased towards Zhang Han, not them!

In fact, it was indeed the case.

Now Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at Zhang Han, who had just been promoted to the position of Zhongshu Yezhe Ling, carefully.

In Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's view, he and the other"self" on the sky curtain were the same in all aspects except that Fusu was different from his son.

Even in other aspects, he felt that he was even better than the other"self" on the sky curtain.

So Qin Emperor Ying Zheng naturally believed in the evaluation of the other"self".

And a top talent with the talent of Jiuqing, or even the talent of the prime minister, was not discovered before.

But now that it has been discovered, such a top talent must not be wasted in vain.

It just so happens that the Qin State is now lacking talents in all aspects.

So Qin Emperor Ying Zheng is also considering whether to throw Zhang Han to the left prime minister Wei Zhuang for training, or to throw Zhang Han to the right prime minister Wang Wan for training, or to throw Zhang Han to the court judge Li Si for training.

Because both the left prime minister, Wei Zhuang, and the right prime minister, Wang Wan, are relatively old.

In addition, compared with the two left and right prime ministers, Wei Zhuang and Wang Wan, the court judge Li Si is more capable and his behavior is more in line with his wishes.

So he is also ready to wait for Li Si to sort out the new reform, and then promote Li Si to the position of prime minister based on his merits in the reform, and then let the two left and right prime ministers, Wei Zhuang and Wang Wan, retire and live in honor.

At that time, one or two positions of the Nine Ministers will be vacant. If Zhang Han can hone his skills under the two left and right prime ministers, Wei Zhuang and Wang Wan, or under the court judge Li Si before that, then it is not impossible to further promote Zhang Han to the position of the Nine Ministers.

After all, Zhang Han is now also the Secretary of the Central Secretariat. If he really wants to say 963, he is only one step away from the Shaofu, one of the Nine Ministers.

Although there are dozens of civil and military officials who are also stuck at this step���More.

But if Zhang Han himself has made certain achievements and has the ability to match, then it is reasonable for him to promote Zhang Han to the position of Jiuqing.

As the focus of everyone's attention, Zhang Han lowered his head slightly and did not show any strange color.

But in his heart, Zhang Han was also very excited.

He did not expect that the other"self" on the sky curtain could actually get such a high evaluation from another"King of Qin".

And the other"King of Qin"'s high evaluation will inevitably affect the first emperor's perception of him in their world.

Even next, the first emperor is likely to give him some training and tests.

If he can perform well and successfully complete the training and tests of the first emperor, then he is very likely to soar to the sky!

The position of prime minister dare not dream, but he may really have a chance to sit in the position of Jiuqing.

But in the same way, if he cannot perfectly pass the training and tests given to him by the first emperor, then he is very likely to fall into the abyss.

In short, opportunities and risks coexist.

Can he refuse such a risk?

Of course not!

If there is no such opportunity, it would be fine, but since there is such an opportunity, even if it is accompanied by huge risks, he must not miss it.

He is confident that he is no worse than the other"self" on the sky curtain!

What the other"self" on the sky curtain can do, he can also do!

And the court judge Li Si, who was sitting in front of a group of civil and military officials, looked at Shangqing Meng Yi with a vigilant look.

As one of the nine ministers, Li Si has longed for the position of prime minister and is determined to get it!

Whoever wants to sit in the position of prime minister is his competitor!

And obviously, Shangqing Meng Yi is one of the powerful competitors for the position of prime minister.

After all, behind Meng Yi is not only Meng Tian, the internal historian who is also deeply trusted by the first emperor, but also the Meng family who is deeply favored by the first emperor.

And behind him, except for himself, there is nothing.

If he wants to compete with Meng Yi, he has to show more of his ability and be more daring!

At least let the first emperor know clearly that perhaps in terms of family background, he is far inferior to Meng Yi.

But in terms of ability, Meng Yi is far inferior to him, and he is the most suitable to be the prime minister!

Originally planning to keep the core outline of the new law hidden for a while, Li Si decided to present it to the first emperor after the curtain falls.

Even if the new law will not be implemented so quickly, at least it can let the first emperor realize how much he, Li Si, takes the first emperor's instructions to heart, and how outstanding his ability to do things is!

And the most important point is how suitable he, Li Si, is for the position of prime minister!.

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