【Although Prince Fusu was shocked that most people in the world could not remember everything they saw and heard, after the shock, Prince Fusu frowned deeply.】

【Because Prince Fusu suddenly realized that if most people in the world really couldn't remember everything they saw and memorize everything they heard like him,】

【This means that most students will spend a lot of time just on learning to read and write.】

【Even if he wants to train a qualified and useful student, it will take at least ten to fifteen years, or even twenty years~~!】

【This amount of time is too - too long!】

【It was so long that Crown Prince Fusu found it unacceptable!】

【His prince's six ministries were newly established, but they were very short of manpower.】

【For example, the Ministry of Revenue's Foreign Trade Department, he was also preparing to form his own large-scale caravan to trade with various countries.】

【But can a caravan that can trade with kings, nobles, ministers and wealthy merchants of various countries be successful if its members are illiterate?】

【Of course not!】

【For example, the Shipbuilding Department of the Ministry of Industry wanted to produce ships in large quantities. In addition to the limitation of raw materials, the shortage of shipbuilding manpower also seriously delayed the progress of shipbuilding.】

【There was also the manufacture of the plow and the curved plow that would soon be handed over to the Crown Prince's six ministries. Even though his father would mobilize another group of craftsmen to help him,】

【However, compared to the need to produce and manufacture the plows and curved plows that all the people of Qin needed, the number of craftsmen was still far from enough.】

【If the Mohists did not have enough craftsmen, how could they set up production lines to quickly and mass-produce plows and curved plows?】

【However, it is not possible to train Mohist craftsmen immediately. It also takes a long time.】

【For example, the craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry are either descendants of the Mohist Xiangli family, who have been influenced by their family elders for more than ten years, and then slowly learned and honed their skills.】

【Or they are old craftsmen who have explored and learned for more than ten years, or even decades. Their skills are considered to be above average among the disciples of Mohism.】

【For such old craftsmen, as long as they are clearly informed of the unified production standards of the Mohist school, they will be able to get started quickly.】

【But the question is, how many descendants of Xiangli clan of Mohism are there?】

【How many experienced craftsmen among the people have similar skills that meet the standards?】

【To be honest, not much!】

【to���It cannot meet the current needs of Prince Fusu for craftsmen.】

【That is why Prince Fusu wanted to train more students who could read and write, and then the Mohist disciples of the Ministry of Industry would teach them some simple skills, and finally send them the relevant parts production standard requirements.】

【In this way, even if they learn slowly and their skills are temporarily low-end, as long as they can read and produce according to unified standards,】

【Then as long as there are more students with such basic skills, it can more or less improve the production and manufacturing efficiency of the industry.】

【However, the long study time of ordinary people undoubtedly affected Prince Fusu's plan.】

【Of course, even if it affects Prince Fusu's plan, this problem is not a big deal.】

【Because Prince Fusu had also thought of a backup plan before, that is, in the case of a shortage of craftsmen, he could first recruit craftsmen from the other six countries to Qin.】

【This will not only greatly supplement the number of craftsmen that Qin State lacks, but also further improve the production and manufacturing efficiency of Qin State's military equipment or agricultural equipment.】

【At the same time, it can also reduce the number of craftsmen in the other six countries, thus weakening the production and manufacturing of military equipment in the other six countries in disguise.】

【If all the craftsmen of the other six countries can be recruited to Daqin, then Prince Fusu will want to see what the other six countries will use to fight Daqin after they have exhausted the remaining military weapons and equipment in stock.】

【What really made Prince Fusu frown was that he realized another thing through the fact that it took ordinary people a long time to learn the characters of various countries.】

【"Father, there are some things that need to be done after unification, and I think we can start preparing for them now!"】

【Prince Fusu raised his head and looked at his father with sharp eyes.】

【Zhang Cang, who was standing by, suddenly heard these words. He was originally stunned and came back to his senses.】

【What did he just hear?】


【Should we start preparing for unification now?】

【Although he had heard that Qin was the most ruthless country among all the countries before he entered Qin,】

【The Qin kings of all dynasties have always dreamed of unifying the six kingdoms and the world!】

【But hearing about it is one thing, seeing it with your own eyes is another.】

【Especially after seeing the six-year-old Crown Prince Fusu speak firmly about unification and the need to start preparing for unification now.】

【Zhang Cang couldn't help but sigh at the ambitions of the successive Qin kings, and was also curious about the education of the princes by the successive Qin kings.】

【I am very curious about how the Qin kings of all dynasties passed on their ambition of"unifying the six kingdoms and the world" to the people.】

【In contrast, the princes and princes of the other six countries did not seem to have such an idea.】

【It must be said that in terms of courage, the other six countries are far inferior to Qin.】

【When Qin King Ying Zheng heard the words of his eldest son and crown prince Fusu, he raised his eyebrows and asked curiously in a calm manner:"Prepare in advance for the future of unification?"】

【"What preparations to make?"】

【Prince Fusu said in a calm tone:"Unification?"】

【"What is unification?"】

【"The Qin Dynasty unified the six kingdoms."】

【"But this is only a territorial unification."】

【"The unification that Qin really wanted to achieve, in addition to the unification of territory, also included the unification of writing, culture, weights and measures, currency, and ethics!"】

【"There are also other visible and invisible things, all kinds of chaotic and disorderly things, all must be standardized by a completely new standard, which will serve as the only unified standard for Qin and even the world in the future!"】

【"Only when we truly achieve the same writing system, the same wheel gauge, the same customs, unified currency, weights and measures, etc., can we truly achieve great unification!"】

【Prince Fusu's brief and powerful words made the originally calm King Ying Zheng of Qin feel overwhelmed.】

【Before this, including King Ying Zheng of Qin, the unification that the Qin kings had always pursued was the unification of territory.】

【As for the so-called unification of writing, culture, measurement, currency, ethics, etc., Qin Shi Huang and the previous Qin kings never thought about it.】

【After all, the goal of territorial unification alone had taken the Qin kings hundreds of years to pursue but had yet to achieve it.】

【As the unification of the territory had not yet been completed, the Qin monarchs and ministers of all dynasties naturally had no time to think about the so-called unification of writing, culture, measurement, and currency.】

【In other words, the so-called unity of writing, culture, measurement, currency, and ethics are all things that need to be considered after the unification of the territory is achieved.】

【However, both King Ying Zheng of Qin and Prince Fusu had great confidence in unifying the territory, unifying the six kingdoms, and unifying the world.】

【Especially in the eyes of King Ying Zheng of Qin, the world will either be unified in his hands or in the hands of Crown Prince Fusu. There is absolutely no third possibility!】

【Regardless of whether the unification took place under his leadership or under the leadership of Crown Prince Fusu, it was something that was bound to happen sooner or later.】

【After the unification of the territory has become truly within reach,】

【So it is only natural to start preparing for the unification of writing, culture, weights and measures, currency, ethics and morality after the unification of the six kingdoms.】

·········Ask for flowers··0

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【After all, it would be much safer to make preparations in these aspects in advance than to hastily promote the unification of these aspects after the six countries are truly unified.】

【So King Ying Zheng of Qin also looked at Crown Prince Fusu and said seriously,"What do you think?"】

【Prince Fusu also said with a serious look:"The Qin State cannot unify its territory for the time being, but the Qin State can start preparing for the unification of other aspects in advance."】

【"I also ask my father to allow me to recruit wise and capable officials to unify and simplify the characters of all countries in the world, including Qin, and create a new unified font!"】

【"After the Qin territory is unified, all existing characters of Qin and other vassal states will be banned and abolished!"】

【"Let the world have only one kind of writing in the future, and that is the new Qin characters after the unification of the Qin Dynasty!"】

【"Later, the words of the various schools of thought,》、《The Book of Documents, the Records of the Grand Historian of various countries, etc., were all re-recorded in the new Qin characters, so that the whole world would have the same writing system!"】

【"Through the unification of characters, we can achieve the unification of culture throughout the world!"】

【"And likewise, he recruited wise and capable officials to study the customs of Qin and other countries in the world, taking the essence and discarding the dross."】

【"Re-establish a unified set of ethical morals and behavioral norms, so that everyone in the world can practice the same ethics!"】............0............0

【"In addition, the Mohists and other wise officials were summoned to refer to the wheel tracks, weights and measures of Qin and other countries in the world, and to extract the essence and discard the dross."】

【"Ultimately, we will use a new and better system of tracks and weights and measures to ensure that all vehicles in the world have the same tracks and unified weights and measures!"】

【"He also recruited other wise and capable people such as Ji Ran's family, and also referred to the monetary systems of Qin and other countries in the world to design a new monetary system for Qin."】

【"After Qin unifies the other six countries in the future, it will abolish the currencies of the other six countries and use a new monetary system to achieve monetary unification throughout the world!"】

【"In short, if Qin wants to unify the world, it must not only destroy the six kingdoms, but also destroy the current Qin Kingdom.’!"】

【"Only by wiping out everything that Chu, Qi, Yan, Zhao, Wei, Han, and Qin had!"】

【"With Qi, Chu, Zhao, Yan, Han, Wei and Qin as fuel, we will be able to rebuild a unified empire unprecedented and incomparable since ancient times on the ruins of these seven countries!"】

【After Prince Fusu's words fell, whether it was King Qin Ying Zheng, Zhang Cang, or Meng Tian, Zhang Han and others who followed behind King Qin Ying Zheng and Prince Fusu, they were all stunned.】

【Although Qin Wang Ying Zheng also knew that Prince Fusu wanted to achieve great unification in other aspects, even Qin Wang Ying Zheng did not expect that Prince Fusu would be so crazy.】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin originally thought that Prince Fusu would use the existing Qin writing, customs, wheel tracks, weights and measures, etc. as the standard for the future unification.】

【However, who would have thought that Prince Fusu was not only dissatisfied with the writing, customs, wheel tracks, weights and measures, etc. of the other six countries,】

【Crown Prince Fusu was even dissatisfied with Qin's own writing, customs, wheel tracks, weights and measures, etc., and wanted to abolish them all!】

【Then, using the seven kingdoms as fuel, they would create a completely new set of writing, customs, wheel tracks, measurement systems, etc. that would be completely different from the current seven kingdoms and uniquely suited to the future unified Qin.】

【Such a grand spirit would shock even the King of Qin Ying Zheng】

【But after being shocked, Qin King Ying Zheng couldn't help but get excited.】

【What kind of unprecedented magnificent and grand empire would be one that was born with Qi, Chu, Zhao, Yan, Han, Wei, and even Qin itself as fuel?】

【King Qin Ying Zheng didn't know, because before this, there had never been such an empire.】

【But King Qin Ying Zheng thought that it would be a good idea to create such a unified empire with his own hands.】

【So King Qin Ying Zheng also looked at Prince Fusu, smiled and said:"Yes!"】Lili.

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