When Emperor Qin Ying Zheng heard Li Si's request, he nodded in agreement without any hesitation:


"After the curtain fell, Li Qing further supplemented and improved the ideas of great unification mentioned by Prince Fusu, and then submitted it to me for review."

"After review, it was promoted to the whole country. All schools of thought in the Qin Dynasty were required to recognize and follow the great unification thought established by the Qin Dynasty."

"If they violated the rules, they would be banned from teaching in public, recruiting students, and refusing to allow their scholars to serve in Qin."

"In addition, Li Qing also came up with a detailed charter for the establishment of the Great Qin Academy and submitted it to me."

"After I have read it, I will delegate it to the court for discussion. If there is no objection from the court, it will be promoted and implemented."

For Emperor Ying Zheng of Qin, when he heard Prince Fusu say that he wanted to establish a set of great unification ideas that would be recognized and followed by all the common people and all the schools of thought.

Especially when this set of great unification ideas was based on"recognizing the correctness and necessity of the great unification of the world, opposing the separatist rule of various countries today", and"agreeing with the authority and power of the monarch, the monarch must have the supreme authority in the world, and the power to absolutely control the world", etc.

Emperor Ying Zheng of Qin immediately realized that this set of great unification ideas could further concentrate his monarchical power and further strengthen the stability of his and Qin's rule over the world.

So even if Li Si did not speak up now, after the curtain fell, he would let all the civil and military officials establish a set of ideas as Prince Fusu said. Such a great unification thought.

And there is another point, that is, he is also secretly dissatisfied with the various schools of thought.

Previously, in order to recruit and gather the huge number of scholars represented by the various schools of thought for his own use, he also deliberately established a"seventy-four zero" official position called doctor in addition to the three officials and nine ministers, which was specially given to the erudite scholars of the various schools of thought.

Although the rank of this official position is not high, officials at all levels will respectfully call them"Mr." and give them special treatment, so that they have the right to make court discussions and suggestions on the construction of the Qin system, the formulation of national development, etc.

And when those doctors of the various schools of thought offended him, he often didn't care too much.

But sometimes his tolerance for the doctors of the various schools of thought seemed to really make these doctors of the various schools of thought have some courage to get He wanted to get more and more aggressive, and even have the courage to contradict and offend him.

So he also had the idea of cleaning up and cracking down on the various schools of thought.

And what Prince Fusu and Li Si said just gave him a way to control and force the various schools of thought to obey him. If any school of thought offended him in the future and was of no use to the Qin State.

He would make it a hidden school, prohibit it from publicly teaching and recruiting disciples, and refuse its scholars to serve in Qin.

If there was any violation, he would exile the disciples of that school to the land of the four barbarians, and he could also call it educating the barbarians in all directions.

In this way, he threatened and controlled the disobedient schools of thought, but did not arouse the feeling of grief for the other schools of thought, nor would he cause dissatisfaction and resistance from other schools of thought to him.

After all, First, he did not directly order the killing.

Even if exiling to the four directions of the barbarian lands was an act that was almost the same as killing.

But as long as he did not directly order the killing, then it would be justified on the surface.

Secondly, if you don't want to be exiled to the four directions of the barbarian lands, that's fine, as long as the school that is designated as a hidden school does not publicly teach and recruit disciples.

But if you know that you will be exiled to the four directions of the barbarian lands if you publicly teach and recruit disciples, but you still want to publicly teach and recruit disciples.

Then this kind of idiot who knowingly committed the crime, he exiled his disciples to the four directions of the barbarian lands, and other schools of thought knew about it, and there was no reason to blame him.

Thirdly, even if the schools of thought were designated as hidden schools, he did not cut off their inheritance.

After all, the schools of thought that were designated as hidden schools were just not allowed by him to teach and recruit disciples in public.

But in private, it is not a problem to recruit three or five disciples and pass on the doctrines of one's own school.

Therefore, for other schools of thought, the First Emperor's move can be regarded as benevolent.

If under such circumstances, there are still brainless schools of thought that offend the First Emperor, are defined as hidden schools, and finally knowingly violate the rules and are exiled to the four barbarians, then it is their own fault.

Naturally, they will not sympathize with them and scold or blame the First Emperor.

Hearing that the First Emperor agreed to Li Si's request, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors immediately changed their faces and wanted to speak up to refute.

"His Majesty......"

However, just as Chunyu Yue and other Confucian scholars opened their mouths, Li Si suddenly turned around and interrupted them with a cold shout:


"The conversation between me and Your Majesty has not yet ended. When is it your turn to interrupt without permission?"

"Confucians, who have always respected etiquette, do they respect such etiquette that does not distinguish between superiors and subordinates?"

As a disciple of the former Confucian Xunzi, Li Si knew very well what the Confucian"etiquette" included.

As long as Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors dared to continue to interrupt him before he finished his speech, he would dare to use the Confucian"etiquette" to belittle the other party for not understanding"etiquette" as a Confucian scholar.

Then he would put a big hat of academic lacking and easily misleading the students on the other party.

Finally, on the grounds that their talents were not worthy of being Confucian doctors, he directly knocked down the doctoral official positions of Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors.

By then, it would depend on whether Chunyu Yue and others, who were labeled as"not academically proficient and easily misleading the students" and lost their status as Confucian doctors, would be able to survive. How dare they continue to be teachers and teach other Confucian scholars!

It can be said that as soon as Chunyu Yue and others opened their mouths, Li Si had already prepared a series of small combos in his mind, ready to counter at any time.

When Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors heard what Li Si said, they felt as if their throats were blocked.

Because it was just as Li Si said, before Li Si and the First Emperor finished their conversation, they hurriedly interrupted without authorization, which was indeed contrary to the Confucian"etiquette".

Therefore, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors could only bow to Li Si and the First Emperor, asking them to continue their conversation.

At the same time, Chunyu Yue and other The Confucian doctors also quickly began to draft in their minds.

They were thinking about how to persuade the First Emperor to withdraw his previous order after Li Si finished his speech, or whether to hand over the task of establishing the great unification of Qin to them, the Confucian doctors.

Otherwise, if Li Si, the representative of the Legalists, was really responsible for establishing the great unification of Qin.

Then the thoughts and words of their Confucian predecessors would definitely be different from the great unification of Qin established by Li Si, and nine out of ten would need to be modified.

But if they were really forced to modify the thoughts and words of their own school's predecessors, then they, who had just reprimanded Zhang Cang for having no integrity, would have to turn to In the blink of an eye, they will fall into a situation of going back on their words and destroying their reputation.

However, if they do not modify the thoughts and words of the predecessors of their own school to conform to the great unification ideas of Qin, then the Confucian school to which they belong will be demoted to a hidden school by the First Emperor, and thus lose the opportunity to flourish and be reused.

Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of the moment when the First Emperor's order comes out, either to advise the First Emperor to withdraw his order, or to snatch this task from Li Si.

Seeing that Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors did not continue to speak rashly, Li Si was not disappointed, because he also had another set of small tricks for Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors who did not speak.

Then, Li Si turned around again and looked at the First Emperor and bowed:

"Previously, Doctor Baijia had refuted and insulted in public, which was already a disrespect to the king!"

"But your majesty is kind and generous, and did not bother with the hundreds of doctors. He also said that this would not happen again." (To read the violent novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"However, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors just now knowingly committed the same mistake and refused to correct it!"

"As the Minister of Justice, I request that Chunyu Yue and other relevant people be punished for their misconduct in front of the emperor, knowingly committing crimes, refusing to correct their mistakes, and defying your majesty's authority!"

"To correct the majesty of your majesty and to purify the atmosphere of the hundreds of scholars!"

When these words came out, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian scholars immediately widened their eyes. They never expected that Li Si was still waiting for them here.

At the same time, the other civil and military officials present were even more afraid of Li Si.���[]

Just now they thought that Li Si would punish the heart but not the person, but then they heard the charges that Li Si had put on Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors: impropriety in front of the emperor, knowingly committing a crime, knowingly not correcting the mistake, and contempt for the majesty of His Majesty.

Tsk tsk tsk, this is the rhythm of wanting Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors to die on the spot!

At the same time, the evaluation of the brotherhood between Li Si and Zhang Cang by all the civil and military officials in their hearts was raised a few points again.

At least from the current situation, the status of Zhang Cang, the junior brother, in the heart of Li Si, the senior brother, is still quite high.

At least Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors insulted Zhang Cang, and Li Si was really willing to kill Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors for Zhang Cang, the junior brother!

Well, when dealing with Zhang Cang in the future.

Even if we don’t look at Zhang Cang’s future career potential, at least considering that Zhang Cang has such a protective senior brother Li Si, they should give Zhang Cang a little more face.

In case Zhang Cang feels that they are making things difficult for him, he will go to complain to his senior brother Li Si.

If Li Si comes back to trouble them, they will be in big trouble.

After all, among all the civil and military officials in the court, there are only a handful of people who are not afraid of Li Si, who is now one of the nine ministers and is likely to be one of the left and right prime ministers in the future....

At this moment, Zhang Cang was deeply moved.

Before the sky curtain appeared, he had not taken the initiative to deal with his senior brother Li Si.

Even after knowing that his senior brother Han Fei died at the hands of his senior brother Li Si, he subconsciously distanced himself from his senior brother Li Si.

After the sky curtain appeared, strictly speaking, he did not have much brotherly affection for his cheap senior brother Li Si. What he wanted more in his heart was to use the relationship of brotherhood to hug his senior brother Li Si's thigh and borrow his power.

But now he saw that just because someone insulted him, his senior brother Li Si not only wanted to kill people and kill their hearts, but even wanted to cut off the inheritance of the other party's school.

This made Zhang Cang feel ashamed and guilty for what he had thought and done in the past, and felt that he had misjudged his senior brother Li Si in the past. His true character was obviously a person with a cold face and a warm heart.

At the same time, Zhang Cang felt a deep gratitude for his senior brother Li Si.

Even at this moment, Zhang Cang was thinking in his heart, if his senior brother Li Si had something to do in the future and needed his help.

Then no matter how difficult this matter was, even if he had to go through fire and water, he must do it for his senior brother Li Si, so as to repay his senior brother Li Si's kindness to him.

And Li Si didn't know anything about this. After all, the reason why he targeted Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors was just because he was narrow-minded and used to doing things ruthlessly. He either didn't take action or he would kill with one blow.

And if he really wanted to say it, he didn't do it all to vent his anger for Zhang Cang.

After all, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors not only scolded Zhang Cang, but also him, Han Fei, and the first teacher Xunzi.

Among them, the status of the first teacher Xunzi in his heart is needless to say, but what are Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors? They even dared to scold Han Fei? If you really want to scold Han Fei, then only he can scold him!

Just like Han Fei will die in the end, he can only die in his hands!

As for the others, dare to scold Han Fei and his master Xunzi?


After hearing what Li Si said, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng nodded slightly and said:

"Drag Chunyu Yue and others away, give them fifty strokes of the cane, banish them from the palace temporarily, and do not enter without an imperial edict. They must reflect on their mistakes and recover from their injuries at home for a month!"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng was also dissatisfied with Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors.

After all, the reason why Fusu was so different from the crown prince Fusu on the sky curtain was not only because of their different innate talents, but also because Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors deliberately taught Fusu wrongly, which was also an important reason.

So after Li Si handed him a suitable excuse, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng also ordered the punishment.

Even if it were not for the sky curtain, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng felt that it was not appropriate to cause a death in front of the sky curtain.

In addition, the crimes committed by Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors could be big or small, and they could be directly punished.

If the execution of Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors for this reason might chill the hearts of other doctors of the Hundred Schools of Thought, then the order he issued now was not just to lash with fifty sticks, but to execute them directly.

Upon hearing the punishment from the First Emperor, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors immediately became flustered and wanted to speak up to defend themselves.

However, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng was too lazy to listen to their explanations and glanced at the Doctor-in-Chief of the Nine Ministers.

The Doctor-in-Chief immediately summoned the palace guards to drag Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors away.

In order to prevent Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors from continuing to disturb the First Emperor, the Doctor-in-Chief Ling even ordered people to stuff things into their mouths, so that they could only stammer and be unable to speak.

When the other doctors of the Hundred Schools of Thought saw this, they only felt happy about the misfortune of others, without any sympathy.

It can only be said that Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors’ past behavior style really disgusted other doctors of the Hundred Schools of Thought, so today no one came to plead for them.

The only one who might plead for them, the eldest son Fusu, was still on his way to tour the country on behalf of the First Emperor to comfort the orphans and the poor, so naturally he could not save them.

Moreover, according to the First Emperor’s treatment of Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors The punishment, in addition to fifty strokes of the cane, is probably the most serious, which is temporary expulsion from the palace, and no entry without an imperial edict, and confinement at home for a month to reflect on one's mistakes and recuperate.

One must know that the Tianmu is broadcast once every half a month, and now Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors are banned from entering the palace for a month, which means that they will miss two opportunities to participate in and discuss the Tianmu with all the civil and military officials in the court.

And how much opportunities these two Tianmu will contain for these doctors of hundreds of schools, no one can say for sure.

But if anyone fails to participate in it at the fastest speed and at the closest distance, then he will definitely suffer in the end.

PS1: I'm adjusting my work and rest these two days, sorry..

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