In Xianyang Palace, on the steps outside the Qilin Hall, the First Emperor Ying Zheng stood with his sword in hand, gazing at the sky. Suddenly, without turning his head, he said:

"Fusu, are you 'Eldest Prince Fusu'? Or 'Qin Taizong Fusu'?’?"

As the protagonist of the film, Fusu wanted to say that he was"Qin Taizong Fusu" when he heard his father's question.

However, in the court discussion on the"feudal system" and"county system" not long ago, he said exactly the same words as"Eldest Prince Fusu"!

""Eldest Prince Fusu" could be his real future!

Thinking of the scene of"Eldest Prince Fusu" dying in accordance with the imperial edict, Fusu's face turned pale.

He couldn't imagine what he had done in the future to make his father so disgusted with him.

Not only did he let him go to Shangjun to supervise the soldiers, but he even issued an imperial edict to sentence him to death!

Fusu opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But he found that his throat seemed to be strangled by an unknown hand, and he couldn't even utter a syllable, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

The First Emperor Ying Zheng, who didn't hear the answer, didn't scold anything, because he already knew the answer when he asked.

So the First Emperor Ying Zheng just said:

"You'd better be Qin Taizong Fusu."

At this moment, whether Fusu is"Qin Taizong" or not is no longer important to him.

More importantly, he now urgently wants to use the sky curtain to know why the Great Qin will go to the point where the whole world rebels in the future.

And how the Great Qin in another world can make the world reunite and the people have enough food and clothing and live and work in peace and contentment.

As long as he knows about the future, he will definitely learn from the experience and lessons, so as to prevent the Great Qin from going to destruction again, and make the Great Qin in their world and the Great Qin in the other world prosperous!

In his hands, the Great Qin will never be allowed to collapse!

The hard work of the ancestors of the Qin State will never be allowed to be destroyed by anyone!

"All officials, be prepared to record!"

"At the same time, after the sky curtain passed, orders were issued to county governors and county magistrates across the country to come forward to appease the people and stabilize the people's hearts, to prevent the remnants of the rebels of the six countries from taking advantage of the words of the sky curtain to force innocent people to rebel!"

"In addition, after the sky curtain passes, Meng Tian will personally lead troops to patrol the four directions of the Qin Dynasty to prevent lawlessness. If there is a rebellion by rebels, it will be suppressed immediately!"

"Summon all the princes and princesses here again!"

Ying Zheng did not indulge in the shock and sadness of the possible demise of the Qin Dynasty as revealed by the sky curtain. Instead, he calmed down immediately and made various arrangements in an orderly manner.

After the First Emperor Ying Zheng spoke, the civil officials and generals who were originally shocked by the two completely different futures of the Qin Dynasty revealed by the sky curtain also immediately came to their senses and responded in unison:

""Yes, Your Majesty!"

Looking at the towering, unshakable figure of their Majesty the First Emperor, Wang Jian, Marquis of Wucheng, Wang Ben, Marquis of Tongwu, Wei Zhuang, the left prime minister, Wang Wan, the right prime minister, Li Si, the court judge, Meng Yi, the minister of state, Meng Tian, the internal historian, and other civil and military officials standing behind the First Emperor Ying Zheng all felt at ease.

For the ministers of the Great Qin, and even for countless old Qin people, the First Emperor is their belief and the pillar of the Great Qin!

As long as the First Emperor is there, no matter what they face, the Great Qin will be fearless!

Even if the destiny shows that the Great Qin will collapse in the future, they will never believe in fate and will never accept it! In the old land of the old Han, Zhang Liang's face turned green and white.

Others could not recognize who the young scholar who was arguing with"Qin Taizong Fusu" on the sky curtain was, but he recognized him at a glance.

Because he was very familiar with that person.!

The young scholar who was sitting opposite and arguing with"Qin Taizong Fusu" was himself, or rather, a slightly older self in the future!

Of course, to be more precise, it might be a slightly older self in another world.

But although the worlds are different, the content of the argument is the same.

Ever since the Qin State destroyed the Han State, he has been painstakingly planning to rebel against the Qin State.

After all, the tyrannical Qin State destroyed his country and his family, so it was only natural for him to rebel against the Qin State and seek revenge. However, Qin Taizong Fusu in the sky was questioning and refuting the legitimacy of his anti-Qin movement!

Want to say that the Great Qin State wantonly started a war for its own selfish interests?

But which vassal state in the past Spring and Autumn Period had never started a war?

Including his homeland, the Han State, which was also established on the basis of dividing the Jin State, and also destroyed the Zheng State.

Want It is said that the Qin Dynasty caused the destruction of the Han State, so didn’t the Han State in the past also cause the destruction of the Jin State and the Zheng State? If the Qin Dynasty was a tyrannical Qin State, then compared with the Jin State and the Zheng State, couldn’t the Han State in the past also be called a tyrannical Han?

After going around in circles, what is the essential difference between the Han State in the past and the Qin State today?

It’s just that the Han State in the past was strong, while the Jin State and the Zheng State were weak, and then the Jin State and the Zheng State were destroyed.

Today’s Qin State is strong, the Han State is weak, and then the Han State was destroyed.

The reason why he opposed Qin was that in his opinion, his home country, the Han State, was the victim, and the Qin State was the perpetrator, so it was natural for him to oppose Qin.

In another sense, his opposition to Qin was in line with the etiquette and loyalty that the nobles of this era respected and recognized.

Or in other words, he did it just to preserve the loyalty and integrity of their Zhang family, who had been the prime ministers of Han for generations. So determined to oppose Qin.

But if Han was also another perpetrator, then his opposition to Qin would be a little untenable.

At least the reasons he used to say"tyrannical Qin is unjust" would not work.

Because Han was also"unjust" before!

So if he wanted to continue to oppose Qin under the slogan of"tyrannical Qin is unjust" as before, then he had to find out where his home country Han was"righteous" to prove the difference between Han and Qin.

Otherwise, he would not only fail to convince others, but also himself.

Of course, this is mainly because Zhang Liang is a wise man, and the most obvious characteristic of a wise man is that he tends to think too much.

If Zhang Liang was just a reckless man, then what Qin Taizong Fusu said would have nothing to do with him, and he would continue to oppose Qin.

So Zhang Liang fell into listing the unrighteous things of Qin, and then compared them with his home country Han, and then found that his home country Han had also done these unrighteous things, and the argument failed.

Then he listed them again, compared them again, and finally got stuck in the dead end of the argument failure.

In Wu County, Kuaiji Prefecture, Xiang Liang, who saw the demise of the Qin Dynasty displayed by the sky curtain of"Prince Fusu", laughed up to the sky:

"Hahahaha, the tyrannical Qin Dynasty will not last long!"

"The rebellion against Qin and the restoration of Chu is just around the corner!"As for the picture of the prosperous Qin Dynasty displayed by the other"Qin Taizong Fusu" sky curtain, he ignored it.

How could the Qin Dynasty in this world be the Qin Dynasty where"Qin Taizong Fusu" was.

Even if it was true, he would not admit it!

Then Xiang Liang looked down at the eleven-year-old boy Xiang Yu beside him and admonished:

"Yu'er, you must study hard and wait for the opportunity to restore Chu in the future!"

"I can no longer give up after studying or learning swordsmanship for only three or five days like I did before."

The young Xiang Yu raised his head and said:

"Reading and learning to read can only help you remember a person's name, and learning swordsmanship can only help you fight one person. If I want to learn, I must learn how to fight ten thousand enemies."

After hearing this, Xiang Liang's face became even happier. He patted the young Xiang Yu on the shoulder and said happily:

"Well, from today on, your uncle will teach you the art of war of our Xiang family, and make you an enemy of ten thousand on the battlefield!"

In Pei County, when the sky curtain appeared, Liu Ji, who was eating dog meat with Fan Kuai, heard the eight characters"Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of different species?" coming from the sky curtain, and his heart was inexplicably touched. Are those who are called kings, princes, generals, and ministers born with good fortune and noble species?

Can't he, Liu Ji, be called a king, prince, or general?

With this thought, his originally calm heart was immediately filled with waves.

Xiao He, the chief clerk of Pei County, and Cao Shen, the prison clerk of Pei County, both walked out of the county government and looked up at the sky curtain. , or frowning, or looking thoughtful.

Han Xin, a young man from Huaiyin County, dropped the branch in his hand and stared at the light curtain in the sky with his eyes wide open.

He inexplicably felt that the young general in the"Qin Taizong Fusu" light curtain who said that the more troops he commanded, the better, was very similar to himself.

It's not that they look alike, but he feels that he can also command a lot of people.

It's just that he has never had the opportunity to try it.

Millions of people, I really want to know what it would feel like to command them.

The young Han Xin looked at the sky, with a flash of envy in his eyes....

Under the canopy of heaven, the nobles of the six kingdoms and the common people from all over the Qin Dynasty had different reactions, some happy, some shocked, some afraid, etc. It could be said that there were all kinds of people.

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