Chunyu Yue and other Confucian scholars beside the eldest son Fusu frowned when they saw the prince Fusu on the sky curtain interacting with Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan and others.

If the time when the self on the sky curtain met the prince Fusu was the same as the time when the self in this world met the eldest son Fusu.

Then the self on the sky curtain would have to wait at least a few more years before he could really meet the prince Fusu when Qin Wang Ying Zheng recruited hundreds of doctors to Qin.

But the problem is that it would be too late by then.

The eldest son Fusu in this world did not actively contact Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan and others.

Therefore, Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan and others did not take the initiative to contact and interact with the eldest son Fusu.

When he and other Confucian doctors entered Qin to teach the eldest son Fusu, they had the opportunity to instill Confucianism into the eldest son Fusu.

Then let the eldest son Fusu resist and oppose other Hundred Schools of Thought, and not get close to Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan and others, but get close to their Confucian doctors.

But according to the practice of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, in the next few years, Prince Fusu will definitely frequently contact and move with Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan and others.

When he and other Confucian doctors on the sky curtain have the opportunity to meet Prince Fusu and teach him.

It will be very difficult to instill their Confucian thoughts into Prince Fusu again and let Prince Fusu get close to their Confucianism.

However, no matter how much Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors did not want to see Prince Fusu on the sky curtain getting close to Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang, Right Prime Minister Wang Wan and others. The future development direction of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain would not change because of their ideas.

In the old land of the old Han, Zhang Liang looked at the actions of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain and couldn't help but sigh.

Prince Fusu on the sky curtain not only has the favor and attention of the tyrant Ying Zheng, but now has the support of a group of civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty.

In that world, Prince Fusu's position can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai, and no one can shake it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liang once again felt that the heavens were unfair!

Qin State first produced a tyrant Ying Zheng who swept across the six countries, and now it has produced a prince Fusu who can be called a natural emperor.

Even if this prince Fusu is from another world, Zhang Liang still feels unfair.

If such a prince Fusu came from their six countries, from their Han State.

Then Zhang Liang felt that with a natural emperor like Prince Fusu as the"King of Han" and him as the Prime Minister of Han.

Even if he faced the tyrant Qin, Ying Zheng, what was there to fear!

In Huaiyin County, the young Han Xin did not understand what was behind the actions of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

However, the young Han Xin knew what"The Art of War" and"Guanzi·The Art of War" meant.

That means teaching people how to march and fight!

And the young Han Xin, who was born to be interested in commanding the army and marching and fighting, was naturally interested in"The Art of War" and"Guanzi·The Art of War".

Unfortunately, however, neither Wang Jian, who received"The Art of War", nor Meng Wu, who received"Guanzi·The Art of War", opened it to take a look.

Instead, both of them just carefully put the manuscripts of"The Art of War" and"Guanzi·The Art of War" aside, and then chatted with Prince Fusu about all sorts of things.

This made the young Han Xin, who wanted to take advantage of the sky curtain to learn"The Art of War" and"The Art of War" for free, very disappointed.

"I really want to read the complete"The Art of War" and the"Guan Zi: The Art of War" which I have never heard of before.》"

Young Han Xin looked at the rough sand table he had drawn on the ground, muttering in frustration:

【After meeting the Meng family, Prince Fusu returned to the palace to pay his respects to his great grandmother, the Queen Mother Huayang.】

【Lady Huayang was one of the concubines of King Qin Xiaowen, Ying Zhu. Later, she was made his principal wife because she was deeply loved by King Qin Xiaowen, Ying Zhu.】

【Later, as Qin Xiaowen Wang Ying Zhu ascended the throne, Lady Huayang became Queen Huayang.】

【Although Queen Huayang was favored by King Qin Xiaowen, Ying Zhu, she had no son.】

【Later, under the promotion of Lu Buwei, the former prime minister of Lu, Queen Huayang adopted Qin Zhuangxiang King Ying Yiren as her heir, and Qin Zhuangxiang King Ying Yiren was renamed Ying Zichu.】

【After the death of Qin Xiaowen Wang Ying Zhu, Qin Zhuangxiang Wang Ying Zichu succeeded to the throne, he also honored Lady Huayang as"Queen Mother Huayang"."】

【The mother of Qin Zhuangxiang Wang Ying Zichu, Xia Ji, was honored as"Queen Mother Xia"."】

【At that time, in the harem, Queen Mother Huayang and Queen Mother Xia were both respected.】

【However, after Queen Mother Xia passed away in the seventh year of Qin Wangzheng's reign, the entire harem was once again ruled by the current Queen Mother Huayang.】

【This is not only because of the identity of Queen Mother Huayang, but also because of her"wisdom"】

【To put it bluntly, since the death of Qin Xiaowen Wang Ying Zhu, the Queen Mother Huayang has never relied on her status to point fingers at Qin Zhuangxiang Wang Ying Zichu and Qin Wang Ying Zheng.】

【Instead, he closed the door and lived in seclusion in Huayang Palace.】

【Compared with Queen Mother Zhao Ji who later supported Lao Ai's rebellion, what kind of good grandmother was she!】

【Therefore, even the usually overbearing King Qin Ying Zheng would show extra respect to the Queen Mother Huayang, his worry-free grandmother.】

【The reason why Prince Fusu specially came to visit the Queen Mother Huayang, his great grandmother, was because the Queen Mother Huayang was the person with the highest status among the current royal family of Qin.】

【In other words, the Queen Mother Huayang was the representative of the Qin royal family.】

【If we get the support of Queen Mother Huayang, it will be equivalent to getting further support from the royal family of Qin.】

【Although he now has the initial support of a number of important civil and military officials, if he can gain more support for his position as crown prince, then Crown Prince Fusu will not think it is too much.】

【So after making Grandmother Huayang laugh with his childish words, Prince Fusu also told her that his father had asked him to visit the royal family and give them a thousand gold coins.】

【The Queen Mother Huayang naturally would not have thought that what Prince Fusu said about his father asking him to visit the royal family and give him a thousand gold coins was just a casual remark by Prince Fusu.】

【After all, Prince Fusu was only five years old. How could a five-year-old child like Prince Fusu come up with something that was obviously politically motivated?】

【Therefore, the Queen Mother Huayang easily"understood" the implication of"King Qin Ying Zheng" behind the words of Prince Fusu.】

【That is to let her great-grandmother stand up for her great-grandson Fusu, so that the royal family of Qin will be more supportive of Prince Fusu.】

【After realizing this, even the Queen Mother Huayang couldn't help but sigh in her heart that her grandson Ying Zheng really loved her great-grandson Fusu.】

【However, Queen Mother Huayang was also willing to support her great-grandson Fusu.】

【Firstly, Fusu had often come to Huayang Palace in the past two years. The Queen Mother Huayang was quite fond of Fusu, her extremely intelligent great-grandson.】

【Secondly, the Queen Mother Huayang was also very clear that although she looked noble, the person who really supported her to be so noble was not the late Qin Xiaowen King Ying Zhu.】

【But it was her also deceased adopted son, King Zhuangxiang of Qin, Ying Zichu, and the descendant of King Zhuangxiang of Qin, Ying Zichu, the current King Ying Zheng of Qin!】

【She and the descendants of Qin Zhuangxiang Wang Ying Zichu can be said to share the same fate.】

【As long as the throne of Qin remained in the hands of the descendants of Qin Zhuangxiang Wang Ying Zichu, then as long as she did not do something stupid like Zhao Ji, she could continue to be so noble until the day she died.】

【Therefore, helping her great-grandson Fusu was also helping her maintain her noble status.】

【Therefore, the Queen Mother Huayang also invited a group of important royal relatives to the palace for a gathering in her name.】

【Then, in front of all the royal relatives, he expressed his love and optimism for Prince Fusu.】

【Then let the crown prince Fusu distribute the gold to all the royal family elders present.】

【No matter what the royal relatives who received the gift of gold thought, they showed their kindness and respect to the younger generation, Prince Fusu, in front of the Queen Mother Huayang.】

【Finally, the banquet ended and both the host and the guests were very happy. 】

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