Civil officials, military officers, royal relatives, and old Qin people.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng lowered his head slightly, thinking about the four carriages, and he controlled several of them.

First of all, the civil officials and military officers, these two carriages have always been firmly controlled by him, and they are also the basis of his power as the Qin Emperor.

In order to consolidate and elevate the royal power, he chose to suppress the royal relatives, so he did not control the carriage of the royal relatives.

Or in other words, this carriage was abandoned by himself.

Of course, it is also very simple for him to pick up and control the carriage of the royal relatives again.

As long as he is willing to let go of the silent suppression of the royal relatives, and instead improve the status of the royal relatives and give them power.

Then even if he doesn't speak, the carriage of the royal relatives will return to his hands, and like the two carriages of civil officials and military officers, he will actively maintain his rule.

The only thing that Qin Emperor Ying Zheng is not sure about is the old Qin people.

Logically speaking, as the Qin Emperor, he is naturally the object of support for the old Qin people.

So the old Qin people's frame should also be in his hands.

But after the narration and influence of Tianmu Prince Fusu, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng suddenly realized a problem.

That is, who does the old Qin people support, Qin Emperor?

Or him, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng?

There is an essential difference between the two.

If the old Qin people support Qin Emperor, then even if the person sitting on the throne is not him, Ying Zheng, the old Qin people will also support the other party.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter who is Qin Emperor, the old Qin people only support Qin Emperor.

If the old Qin people support Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, then even if the person sitting on the throne is not him, Ying Zheng, the old Qin people will also support themselves.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter who is Qin Emperor, anyway, the old Qin people only support him, Ying Zheng.

After thinking again and again, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng still couldn't determine whether the old Qin people supported Qin Emperor or him, Ying Zheng.

In other words, when Qin Emperor Ying Zheng couldn't get an accurate answer at the first time, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng actually had the answer.

It's just that he has always been overbearing and conceited, and he is unwilling to admit that the old Qin people support the Qin Emperor, rather than him, the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng.

But at least there is another answer, that is, as long as he, Ying Zheng, still sits in the position of Qin Emperor, then the old Qin people will support him.

In other words, at least the frame of the old Qin people is still controlled by him, the Qin Emperor.

However, after realizing this, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who has a strong desire for power, is not satisfied that the frame of the old Qin people is only controlled by the"Qin Emperor" instead of being further controlled by him, Ying Zheng.

But this matter is not too urgent, it can be���We will plan slowly after the sky curtain.

Then, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng's sight turned to his eldest son Fusu, whose three views on life seemed to be impacted.

Although his eldest son Fusu's talent was not as outstanding as the prince Fusu on the sky curtain, he also trained his eldest son Fusu well.

Like the four prince's carriages mentioned by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, he also prepared two carriages for his eldest son Fusu, civil and military.

As a result, over the years, Fusu not only failed to firmly grasp the two carriages of civil and military, but even under the influence of Confucian doctors, he drifted further and further away from the two carriages of civil officials and military generals of the Qin Dynasty. In contrast, he was only five years old on the sky curtain, but he took the initiative to realize that he needed to master the four prince's carriages in addition to the King of Qin.

Emperor Qin Ying Zheng was also very angry and couldn't help scolding:

"The prince has four, which ones do you have now?"

"And which one can you call the Confucian doctor whom you have always trusted and relied on?"

"I grabbed a handful of gold and gravel and gave them to you, but you didn't want the gold, and instead treated the gravel as treasure!"

"If you had the wisdom that Tianmu Fusu had when he was five years old, why would I not have made you the Crown Prince until now!"

"Think about it yourself. Compare yourself with the five-year-old 'Fusu' on the sky. Do you think you are worthy of being the crown prince of Qin now?"

After all, he is the eldest son for whom he has devoted so much effort and who he has been training for a long time.

If he just gave up, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng felt that the sunk cost was a bit too high.

Of course, the more important reason is that although he decided to give other princes a chance to compete.

But to be honest, judging from the past performance of other princes, the abilities of other princes may not be as good as Fusu.

So Qin Emperor Ying Zheng also wanted to see if he could scold Fusu to make his mind clearer.

The eldest prince Fusu, who was scolded by the First Emperor, also came to his senses, knelt down again and kowtowed:

"I, your son, have failed to live up to your father's expectations!"

""I deserve to die!"

Fusu kowtowed to the ground, his expression ashamed, confused, and somewhat incomprehensible.

This was because the First Emperor scolded him, and he felt that he had failed the First Emperor's expectations. He was also shocked by the words and deeds of the Crown Prince Fusu in Tianmu, which were completely different from the Confucian education he had received in the past.

What did the Confucian doctors in the past say about him?"Emperor education" is to implement benevolent policies, be lenient in laws and punishments, and govern the country and the people with virtue and courtesy.

It is to see that the king and father are wrong, to have the courage to advise, to speak out To make a public-spirited remonstration.

It is a public-spirited act for the country and the people. We cannot allow cruel officials like Li Si to continue to be harsh on the people.

To be honest, the training of Fusu by a group of Confucian doctors is not so much about training an emperor as it is about training a loyal and remonstrant minister who dares to make direct remonstrations and speak frankly for the people!

And under the teaching, training and influence of a group of Confucian doctors, Fusu indeed became a loyal and remonstrant minister who dares to make direct remonstrations and speak frankly for the people.

But the problem is that Fusu is the eldest son, and may even be the crown prince and the king of Qin in the future!

He���As a minister, he does not need to learn the set of ministers, and he does not need to be a loyal minister who dares to speak out and speak for the people.

Or does Fusu only want to be a loyal minister who dares to speak out and speak for the people in the future, and does not want to be the prince of Qin, or even the future king of Qin?

But if Fusu wants to be the prince of Qin, the future king of Qin.

Then what he needs to learn is how to control people's hearts, how to control subjects, how to balance the power of the court, how to consolidate the royal power, how to know people and use people, etc.

Just like the prince Fusu on the sky, who supported and maintained his position as the prince by winning over civil officials, military generals, royal relatives, and old Qin people.

And these things can be taught to Fusu by the Legalists, but not by the Confucians.

Unfortunately, Fusu is not close to the Legalists, so he does not learn the legalists' imperial studies.

Of course, if the eldest son Fusu can be as talented as the prince Fusu on the sky. If Fusu was born without being taught, and he naturally knew how to control people's hearts and how to control his subjects, then he could have become a qualified prince and a qualified king of Qin without learning from the Legalists.

But unfortunately, the eldest son Fusu neither learned the emperor's knowledge from the Legalists nor had the natural emperor's talent like the prince Fusu in the sky.

So until now, Fusu has not only not become the prince of Qin, but is getting further and further away from the position of the prince of Qin.

"Get back!"

"If you don't know how to be a crown prince, then look at how the other self does it!"

Looking at Fusu's confession, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng became even angrier and kicked Fusu back.

Fusu did not argue, but silently got up, looked up and stared at the sky, and watched, analyzed and learned how the other"self" became a crown prince according to what his father said.

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