"Let all the people in the world eat wheat rice without shells?"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng whispered the great wish made by Prince Fusu on the sky.

Yes, a great wish!

In the eyes of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, the wish to let all the people in the world eat wheat rice without shells in the future is a great wish. A great wish that the ancestors of the Qin State, civil officials and generals, and countless old Qin people have always longed to go east, strengthen Qin, conquer the six kingdoms, and unify the world!

Even the great wish made by Prince Fusu is even greater than the great wish of Qin to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world, and it is more difficult to achieve.

After all, Qin wants To conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world, his opponents were only the monarchs of the other six kingdoms, the nobles, the princes and the generals. However, the"opponents" that Prince Fusu had to face were the millions and tens of millions of ordinary people in the world.

Even the proud, overbearing and conceited Emperor Qin Ying Zheng could not help but look extremely solemn when he thought of such an"opponent".

Even Emperor Qin Ying Zheng himself did not have the confidence to do it!

Thinking of this, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng looked at Prince Fusu on the sky curtain with a complicated expression and said:

"Previously, I thought that I had conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world. My virtue and achievements were better than those of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors."

"In fact, I don’t think anyone in the future will have greater virtue and achievements than me!"

"Throughout the ages, no one can match me in virtue and achievements!"

"But now, I see someone who may stand shoulder to shoulder with me in virtue and merit!"

At this point, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng paused, as if he had compared them carefully again, and then shook his head again, sighing:

"No, if he could really make all the people in the world eat wheat rice without shells, then his virtue and achievements would be enough to surpass mine!"

Emperor Ying Zheng of Qin had a very simple way of comparison.

Which of the two is more difficult, to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world, or to let all the people in the world eat wheat rice without shells in the future?

Obviously the latter.

So if someone can really make all the people in the world eat wheat rice without shells in the future, then at least Emperor Ying Zheng of Qin admits that the other person's virtue and merit are greater than his own virtue and merit at present.

That's right, it is greater than his current virtue and merit, but it is not necessarily greater than his future virtue and merit!

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who just felt that he had lost his life goal because he conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world, and had an inexplicable sense of emptiness, was stimulated by Prince Fusu on the sky.

Now he has found a new goal in life, which is to try to let all the people in the world eat wheat rice without shells in the future!

And then create virtues and merits that are far greater than conquering the six kingdoms and unifying the world!

In this way, even Prince Fusu on the sky Su, don't even think about surpassing himself in virtue and achievements!

He can allow Prince Fusu on the sky to stand shoulder to shoulder with him in virtue and achievements, but he absolutely does not allow Prince Fusu's virtue and achievements to surpass himself!

Otherwise, how can he be called the first emperor!

Of course, the premise is to solve the crisis of the collapse and destruction of the Qin State first.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng has never forgotten that the Qin State in their world is in danger of destruction in the future.

And these two things can actually be treated as one thing.

In the future of the"Daqin eldest prince Fusu" sky, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng is currently unclear about why the Qin State will come to a situation where the whole world is against it.

But one thing is certain, that is, when Daqin comes to a situation where the whole world is against it, it means that the hearts of the people in the world are no longer on Daqin.

And if Daqin can let the people of the world eat wheat rice without shells in the future.

Then he wants to see who else is willing to rebel against Daqin?

Who else dares to rebel against Daqin!

""My dear ministers, please think carefully about how to make sure that all the people in the world can eat wheat rice without shells in the future!"

Emperor Qin Shi Huang turned around and glanced at the civil officials and military officers he had always relied on and trusted.

Seeing that Wang Jian, Marquis of Wucheng, was being looked at by the First Emperor, he immediately looked away.

He either looked up at the sky or looked down at the ground, but he just didn't meet the First Emperor's eyes.

He was just a military officer who only knew how to go to the battlefield and kill people. It was really difficult for this old man to find a way to make sure that all the people in the world could eat wheat rice without shells in the future.

Then, as if he had predicted the future, he slapped the head of his son Wang Ben, who also wanted to avoid the First Emperor's sight.

He also knew that his son would... He certainly couldn't think of any solution, but even if he couldn't think of one, he still had to do what he had to do.

He was the only one in the Wang family who could"escape" the sight of the First Emperor, and that was enough.

With his fate pinned on his head, Wang Ben, the Marquis of Tongwu, could not avoid meeting the First Emperor's gaze, with a wry smile in his eyes, and then immediately pretended to be thinking seriously.

Don't worry about whether he can come up with a solution, he is thinking hard now anyway.

The First Emperor's sight then swept over and fell on the Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang and the Right Prime Minister Wang Wan.

After a little thought, the Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang gave a suggestion:

"If we want the people of the world to eat wheat without shells in the future, we must find a way to increase the amount of food in their hands."

"Only when they have more food and can eat without the husks, will they be willing to discard them."

"Therefore, Your Majesty can issue an edict to encourage the people of the world to reclaim more wasteland, and implement a tax exemption policy for these reclaimed wasteland in the first few years to stimulate the people to reclaim wasteland."

"The more wasteland the people reclaim, the more grain they can harvest, and naturally the more grain they have."

"In the long run, the people of the world will be willing to slowly discard the husks and eat wheat rice without husks."

The First Emperor nodded slightly. This is a good suggestion. He said directly:

"This matter will be the responsibility of Wei Qing after the curtain falls."

Wei Zhuang immediately bowed and said:

""I obey your order!"

Right Prime Minister Wang Wan also said:

"In addition to reclaiming wasteland, there is another way to increase the food supply in the hands of the people of the world."

"That is to find a way to increase the grain yield per acre of land in the world."

"As for increasing grain yield per mu, farmers should be the best at it."

"Previously, His Majesty had summoned all the philosophers to the palace, but the agriculturalist doctor was not actually admitted."

"Your Majesty can call in the agricultural doctor to the palace to study how to increase grain yield per mu on the pretext of"letting all the people in the world eat wheat without shells in the future"."

"I think the agricultural doctor will be happy to agree this time."

The first emperor Ying Zheng nodded again and said directly:

"Wang Qing will be in charge of this matter after the curtain falls."

Wang Wan also bowed and replied:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Then the First Emperor's eyes fell on Li Si again, wanting to see if Li Si had any other good ideas or suggestions.

After thinking for a while, Li Si smiled and said:

"The Prince Fusu on the sky screen is gifted with intelligence and has extraordinary abilities that ordinary people cannot match."

"Maybe, the prince Fusu can really make all the people in the world eat wheat rice without shells in the future."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows, saying,"Do I need you to praise my own son?"

Li Si coughed twice and pretended to be serious.

"What I mean is, you might as well continue to watch it."

"If the Crown Prince Fusu can really make it possible for all the people in the world to eat wheat rice without shells in the future,"

"Then after watching the sky display, we can just learn from the approach of His Royal Highness Prince Fusu."

"Even if the Crown Prince Fusu failed to do it in the end, there must be something to learn from him."

"We can also use the Prince Fusu as a mirror to avoid taking detours." Wang Jian

, who heard Li Si's story not far away, couldn't help but tut-tut twice.

It sounds good, isn't it just preparing to copy the answers of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain!

They will copy the correct answers of Prince Fusu; they will avoid the wrong answers.

Tut-tut-tut, Li Si's heart is really dirty, but he really likes it!

After all, who would be willing to work hard to think of an answer that they don't know whether it is right or wrong when they can copy the answers to homework.

Even Qin Emperor Ying Zheng had the same idea, and immediately waved his hand and said:

"Carefully record what Fusu does next!"

Then Emperor Qin Yingzheng looked up at Prince Fusu on the sky with anticipation.

My"son""、""Good son", your old father is waiting for you to give me more surprises!

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