【In addition to initially gaining the hearts of the old Qin people in the area, he also visited and comforted the lonely old Qin people in the Guanzhong Neishi area.】

【The second benefit was that it helped him find the next direction to move forward.】

【He is only five years old this year, and even after the Chinese New Year he will only be six years old】

【It is impossible for a six-year-old prince to officially participate in the state affairs.】

【Even though he seemed very smart in the eyes of his father and others.】

【According to the past practice of the Qin State, under normal circumstances, the princes of the Qin State usually began to be enlightened at the age of five.】

【Then, between the ages of five and fifteen, I continued to study further.】

【After the age of fifteen, the King of Qin would usually select the princes based on their academic performance, their degree of favor, the size of the forces behind them, and other factors.】

【Then they would preliminarily select two or three candidates for the crown prince, and then spend another two to three years to finally decide which prince of Qin would be made the crown prince.】

【Generally, when the prince is 17 or 18 years old, the king of Qin will let him attend the court to observe and learn.】

【Then after another two or three years, when he is twenty years old, it is time to crown the prince.】

【After the crown, it means that the prince can truly rule the country】

【However, the"personal rule" here means that the prince is now qualified to express his opinions and suggestions in the court and on national affairs, instead of just listening but not speaking as before.】

【Moreover, the presidency and final decision-making power of state affairs still lies in the hands of the monarch.】

【Given his father's love for him, he would have been able to attend court and rule the country at the earliest, probably until he was about fifteen years old.】

【In other words, during the ten years between the ages of five and fifteen, apart from studying the various schools of thought on how to govern a country, there was actually nothing else special that he needed to do.】

【Even if he was interested in state affairs, no one, from his father to the civil and military officials, would allow him to interfere in state affairs.】

【However, if he did not interfere in state affairs, and only did some"small things" out of his own interests and hobbies, then his father and other civil and military officials would probably let him do what he wanted.】

【Therefore, he planned to spend the next ten years from the age of six to fifteen studying how to improve the people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other issues.】

【Anyway, for him, apart from studying the ways of governing a country from various schools of thought, he could do nothing else in his spare time.】

【In ten years, he spent a lot of manpower, material resources and other resources on research.】

【Not to mention that the people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other aspects have undergone earth-shaking changes.】

【But even if it was a splash, he should have been able to hear a louder sound. 】


Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, as well as Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, Tingwei Li Si, Shangqing Meng Yi, Neishi Meng Tian and other civil and military officials under the sky, all couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they saw this scene.

Although they knew before that Prince Fusu wanted to study how to improve the clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters of the people of Qianshou.

But they never thought that Prince Fusu would decide to spend ten years on research!

Ten years!

How many decades can a person have in his life!

You must know that due to the combined influence of natural disasters, wars, man-made disasters, diseases and other aspects over the years, the average life expectancy of people in this era is about thirty years.

Of course, if it is a prince, the average life expectancy may be a little longer, but it is probably between thirty and fifty years old.

And now Prince Fusu opened his mouth and said that he would spend ten years of his life on research.

To put it bluntly, this basically takes up one-third of the life of a Qianshou.

Even for the princes and nobles, that is equivalent to taking up one-third to one-fifth of their life time. There are very few people who live over fifty years old, even among the princes and nobles. If it were them, they probably wouldn't be willing to waste their precious ten years of life on this.

To put it bluntly, most of the people present couldn't even say if they had ten years left.

But then the kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty thought again that even if Prince Fusu spent ten years, he was wasting it on studying how to improve the clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters of the people of Qianshou.

Ten years later, Prince Fusu was only fifteen years old!

Fifteen years old!

If this age was placed in an ordinary family of Qianshou, it would probably be the age to get married and start a business, and go to the battlefield to fight for military merits.

But for the prince of Qin, this is not even the age to attend court!

Thinking of this, even the kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty couldn't help but envy Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

If they were like Prince Fusu, who was self-enlightened so early, and only knew what he wanted in the future at the age of five, and then started working hard for it.

And they continued to work hard for ten or even twenty years, they would not dare to imagine how great their achievements would be now!

To give the simplest example, if Tingwei Li Si was five years old, he had the shame and anger of being despised and looked down upon when he was twenty-five years old and was a minor official in charge of documents, and even had the life enlightenment he had when he was thirty-five years old.

Then Tingwei Li Si would never waste any unnecessary time on any unnecessary things when he was five years old, and he would start to study crazily from the age of five.

And if such involutionary learning can continue until the age of twenty-five or even thirty-five.

Then this Li Si who started involutionary learning at the age of five can at least beat several of his original selves in terms of ability alone.

You know, a person's golden learning period is from five to fifteen years old.

As long as people at this age can concentrate on learning, no matter what they learn, they will learn quickly and easily.

It can be said that if you pay one point of hard work, you can easily get ten points of harvest. This is the benefit of novice learning brought by the golden learning period.

After this golden learning period, between the ages of fifteen and twenty, if you can still concentrate on learning, then there is still an equivalent exchange of one point of hard work for one point of harvest.

After the age of twenty, the hard work of learning and the harvest of learning will gradually move from proportional to inverse proportion.

By then, you may not be able to get three or two points of harvest even if you pay ten points of hard work.

This is why the kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty envy Prince Fusu on the sky curtain so much.

However, they can only envy him. Even if they are really given a chance to go back to the past and tell their past selves to study hard, their past selves may not listen.

Just like now, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng asked a group of princes and princesses to study hard. Is this good for their future?

This is too good for their future!

But among all the princes and princesses, how many of them are really willing to listen to the advice of Emperor Qin Ying Zheng and study hard from the bottom of their hearts?



People cannot have youth and the perception of youth at the same time, probably this is the truth.

But after being envious, the kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty became excited again.

Ten years!

Ten years is enough for them to sweep the six kingdoms and unify the world.

Give Prince Fusu on the sky ten years to study how to improve the clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters of the people!

They dare not imagine how much Prince Fusu will gain after ten years!

Especially when Prince Fusu on the sky is extremely smart, let alone researching a great result that will turn the world upside down.

But at least it should be bigger than what Prince Fusu on the sky expected, the noise of throwing a stone on the water.

The bigger the noise Prince Fusu on the sky makes, the more things he will research.

Then the Qin in their world will be able to take more advantages and avoid more detours.

Thinking of this, all the Qin monarchs and ministers could not help but rub their hands, wishing they could see the research results of Prince Fusu ten years later and get some for free.

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