The"King of Qin Ying Zheng" and the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky curtain are fatherly and filial, praising each other.

The Emperor of Qin Ying Zheng and other Qin monarchs and ministers under the sky curtain are stunned.

The bad news is that the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky curtain really saw a potential drawback of the military merit system in the future.

The good news is that the premise for the outbreak of this potential drawback is that the Qin Dynasty wants to sweep away the six kingdoms and unify the world.

The bad news is that the Qin State on the sky curtain has not yet swept away the six kingdoms and unified the world, but they have already swept away the six kingdoms and unified the world.

The worse news is that the Qin State on the sky curtain has at least three to five years to slowly think about how to solve the potential drawbacks of the military merit system in the future.

But they don't have three to five years to slowly think about how to solve it. They are now facing this problem and have to think about how to solve it immediately.

Moreover, this is not something they can think about and solve immediately.

Because the most difficult part of this potential drawback is that under the military merit system, it is stipulated that no merit will be rewarded!

After the Qin State swept away the six kingdoms and unified the world, it was impossible for the people of the six kingdoms to obtain so many military merits in exchange for their own land and fields!

Because the people of the six kingdoms added up to about 20 million!

This is four to five times the number of Qin people!

What does this mean?

This means that if you want these 20 million people of the six kingdoms to exchange their own land and fields through military merits like the Qin people, then the Qin State needs to fight four or five more wars to unify the six kingdoms, so that it can create a huge amount of military merits and exchange the people of the six kingdoms for their own land and fields.

But the problem is that after the Qin State unified the six kingdoms, the Qin State was already invincible.

Not to mention fighting four or five more wars to unify the six kingdoms, even if it fought another war to unify the six kingdoms, the Qin State could not find a second batch of"six kingdoms" to be its opponent. If you really want to fight, you can only fight the four barbarians outside the Central Plains.

But the problem is that the Qin State can really get benefits by fighting the six kingdoms.

But if the Qin State continued to fight the four barbarians, it would really be a deliberate war to deliberately give the six states an opportunity to gain military merits and expand the theoretical territory of the Qin State.

In other aspects, there is no benefit for the Qin State.

First, the war will require a lot of military supplies and food during the war.

Especially if the Qin State fights the four barbarians, the war supply line will be longer than the supply line of the six countries, and more military supplies and food will be consumed.

And these military supplies and food are often provided by the heads of the people, which will eventually lead to a further increase in the burden on the heads of the people.

The lives of the heads of the people are therefore more difficult and miserable, and their resentment and dissatisfaction with the Qin State have increased.

Second, the reason why the four barbarians are called the four barbarians in this era is that the places where the four barbarians currently live are remote and barbarian in the eyes of the Central Plains countries.

Such a place may be a good place in later generations, but it is not a good place at present.

After all, if there is really a particularly good place at present, it is not the turn of the four barbarians to occupy it. The vassal states of the Central Plains have already sent troops to grab it.

The vassal states of the Central Plains in this era have no benevolence and morality to speak of. Even if there is, it is for other vassal states in the Central Plains.

Of course, if you really want to say it, the Central Plains was not a good place at the beginning.

It's just that after generations of descendants of the Xia people, they have been persevering in various aspects of natural transformation of the land of the Central Plains.

This has made the land of the Central Plains slowly become a good place to live.

If the other four barbarians also spend a lot of effort on it and persevere in various aspects of natural transformation.

Then with the ability of the descendants of the Chinese, it can also be slowly transformed into a good place to live.

But the problem is that the time, energy and other costs required are too great.

At least one or two generations in front of us can't see any benefits.

So for now, sending troops to attack the four barbarians, even if they are finally successfully occupied.

In addition to theoretically expanding the territory of Qin, it is actually not good for Qin.

Third, even if Qin was willing to give the original six states a chance to win military merit, did the original six states really want this opportunity? The

Qin people were happy to hear about war, but it did not mean that the original six states were also happy to hear about war.

In the eyes of Qin, Qin let the original six states go to the battlefield to give them a chance to fight for military merit in exchange for their own land.

But in the eyes of the original six states, this was Qin just destroyed their homeland, and now they were forced to continue to go to the battlefield to die.

Compared to going to the battlefield, they were more eager to live peacefully now.

If Qin forced them to go to the battlefield, it would only arouse the original six states’ stronger resistance to Qin.

And then it would make it more difficult for the original six states to identify with Qin and submit to Qin.

So from the above aspects, after the Qin Dynasty swept the six states and unified the world.

If you want to continue to strictly follow the military merit system to divide the land and fields for the original six states, it is basically impossible.

If the land and fields were directly distributed to the people of the six kingdoms, the fair and strict military merit system would be immediately broken.

More importantly, this move would make Qin lose the hearts of the old Qin people!

The old Qin people fought for Qin and finally won military merits. They could earn the title of the victor.���Their own land and acres!

But now you tell the old Qin people that the losers of the six states, the people of Qian, can get their own land and acres directly with a Qin edict without going to the battlefield or fighting for military merit?

I am afraid that countless old Qin people in Guanzhong will say to the King of Qin:"Day Ru Amu, retreat from the country!"

The reputation accumulated by Qin for hundreds of years through Shang Yang's reform will be lost on the spot.

Whatever Qin says in the future, the old Qin people probably won't believe it anymore.

Even the old Qin people who originally supported Qin for generations will no longer support Qin.

By then, even if Qin was attacked, the old Qin people might just stand aside and watch silently, and then say:

· ·····Request flowers· ·······

"Doesn’t the monarch value the people of the six kingdoms more?"

"Didn't the monarch not need the people of the six states to fight on the battlefield to win military merit, but just distribute land to them directly?"

"Why shouldn’t the king go and look for the people of the six kingdoms instead of us unlucky old Qin people?"

"It just so happens that they were given land directly without any military merit before, and now it is just the right time for them to go to the battlefield to make up for the missing military merit."

"If the king loses the battle and Qin is destroyed, it doesn't matter."

"It just so happens that we old Qin people can also experience what it feels like to get land directly from the new monarch without any military merit."

If things really develop like this, it will be really fatal.

Without the support of the people of the six countries, the worst that can happen to Qin is that it will regress from the state of unifying the world to the state of being the hegemon of the Warring States Period.

As long as the old Qin people support Qin, Qin can still beat other vassal states and make them call it daddy again.

But if Qin does not have the support of the old Qin people, then let alone regressing to the state of being the hegemon of the Warring States Period, Qin will be destroyed, and it is estimated that there will be no old Qin people to help it again!

.......... 0

Unless, after the Qin State destroyed the fairness of the military merit system and lost the support and support of the original old Qin people, the Qin State was able to quickly transform the original six states into new"old Qin people" and gain the support and support of the new"old Qin people" for the Qin State.

In this case, it is equivalent to using the small base of the old Qin people to exchange for the larger base of the six states.

Once the exchange is successful, then to put it bluntly, even if the original small base of the old Qin people is lost, the Qin State will gain more than the loss.

In the absence of other better solutions, only one of the two can be chosen.

Then for such a result, the Qin State can choose to accept it with a pinch of the nose.

But the most feared thing is that the Qin State has not yet quickly transformed the original six states into new"old Qin people", and the old Qin people have lost their hearts, and then the remnants of the six states come together to restore and make trouble.

When thinking of such a situation, the kings and ministers of the Qin State couldn't help but feel their cheeks hurt.

At the same time, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who had been thinking about why Qin would perish in the future, suddenly"suddenly realized" at this moment.

He said that Qin had clearly swept away the six countries and unified the world, so how could it face the disaster of national destruction in the blink of an eye?

Now it seems that the future"self" of this world may have chosen to"abandon" the old Qin people, destroying the fairness of the military merit system, but not having time to truly conquer the hearts of the people of the six countries.

In addition, the remnants of the six countries were still determined to destroy Qin and restore their country, and took advantage of the fire to rob, and Qin lost the support of the old Qin people and was unable to suppress the rebellion of the six countries. In the end, the huge Qin was on the verge of collapse!

All of this makes sense!

Finally, he waited for the danger of national destruction, and finally he figured out the cause of national destruction!

The Qin State in this world, defied the will of heaven and changed its fate, right now!

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng suddenly turned around, his face sternly swept over the civil and military officials present, heavily slammed his sword to the ground, and said in a very solemn tone:


My dear friends, the danger of Qin's subjugation has already appeared, how should we eliminate it?".

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