At the same time, the old Qin people from all over the world and the people of the six kingdoms were also in an uproar.

The old Qin people from all over Guanzhong looked at the sky with dissatisfaction and said:

"What did His Royal Highness the Crown Prince on the sky curtain mean?"

"Should we, the Qin State, directly distribute land to the people of the six states?"


"The land and farmland we Qin people have were won by our ancestors and descendants fighting on the battlefield!"

"Why can the common people of the six kingdoms directly obtain land without doing anything?"

"If this is true, then we don't accept it! This is not fair!"

"That's right! If we really do this, how can the Qin State be worthy of us old Qin people!"

"We Qin people all receive land in exchange for military merit. If the people of the other six states want to exchange land, then let them also fight on the battlefield and earn military merit.".

"If they also fight for military merits on the battlefield, then we, the Qin people, will have no objection to giving them land."

"In short, 16, we must treat everyone equally!"

"Otherwise, even if the matter is brought to His Majesty, we must make sure His Majesty hears our voice!"

"You are right, that’s it!"......

Compared with the resentful Qin people, the people of the six kingdoms felt a rare sense of joy and gloated over other people's misfortunes:

"Hehehe, you Qin people are very powerful!"

"You old Qin people did indeed defeat us, the people of the six kingdoms!"

"But so what?"

"You Qin people need to fight in the battlefield to gain military merit in exchange for land and acres. But we, the people of the six countries, don’t need to fight in the battlefield to gain military merit, we can directly obtain land and acres!"

"We, the people of the six countries, lost on the battlefield, but we, the people of the six countries, did not suffer any loss off the battlefield!"

"Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt that losing to the Qin people was not unacceptable."

"I really want to see the expressions of those old Qin people now, to see if there is anything arrogant about them!"

"Old Qin people, your king doesn't want you anymore!"

"However, if Qin State directly distributes land to us, then it is not impossible for us to be good citizens of Qin State."

"That's right, as long as Qin doesn't force us to die on the battlefield and allows us to live a stable life, we are willing to be loyal to Qin.".........

The joys and sorrows of the world are not the same. Whether it is the resentment of the old Qin people or the gloating of the six states, Zhang Liang only thinks that they are noisy.

However, despite the noise, Zhang Liang also got up from the ground, and the spirit on his face was also restored a lot.

Before, he really didn't expect that there were such fatal drawbacks and hidden dangers under the military merit system of Qin.

More importantly, after Prince Fusu pointed it out on the sky, he thought about it carefully and found that this seemed to be an unsolvable problem for Qin!

Continue to adhere to the military merit system, the six states will not really return to Qin.

In this way, he can encourage the six states to resist Qin, resist Qin, and even overthrow Qin and overthrow the tyrant Ying Zheng.

If Qin violates the military merit system, it will lose the support and support of the old Qin people.

At that time, maybe he can also encourage the old Qin people to resist Qin, resist Qin, and even overthrow Qin and overthrow the tyrant Ying Zheng.

When Zhang Liang thought that the Qin State and the tyrant Ying Zheng might be overthrown by the old Qin people who supported them the most, he couldn't help but smile.

But soon, Zhang Liang stopped smiling and looked up at the crown prince Fusu on the sky. At the same time, he couldn't help but think in his heart:

"You don't have a perfect solution to this problem, right?"

After all, no matter how smart Prince Fusu is, he is only five years old.

There must be a limit to human beings, right?

He was able to see in advance that there were such fatal drawbacks and disasters hidden behind the military merit system before Qin conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world.

This is enough to surpass other talented people in the world.

If he could go a step further and let Prince Fusu come up with a perfect solution, then he would have to forget about the anti-Qin thing and go to bed early..........

On the other side, when the First Emperor was supporting Li Si and the two of them were acting like"I will not let you down if you don't let me down",

Wang Jian, the Marquis of Wucheng, stroked his beard and suddenly said:

"Shouldn’t we first take a look at how His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, or another Qin State, solved this problem?"

After all, judging from some future scenes that the"Emperor Taizong of Qin Fusu" sky curtain had revealed before, it is obvious that the Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, or the Qin State, has at least solved this problem.

Otherwise, the future of the Qin State where Prince Fusu is located will not be a harmonious and stable prosperous picture.

So they don't need to change the law so anxiously, especially the military merit law that Qin State has used for hundreds of years.

It is better to see how Prince Fusu on the sky curtain and the other Qin State did it.

If the method is suitable at that time, then they will copy it directly!

Even if it is not completely suitable for them now, at least there is a successful example to refer to.

In this way, if they carry out reforms again, it will be much safer.

At the same time, there is the Prince Fusu on the sky curtain and the other Qin State paving the way first.

In this way, even if they want to do something later, whether it is from the old Qin people or from the original six countries, the resistance will be much smaller.

Hearing Wang Jian's words, the First Emperor and Li Si, who were getting along well with each other, both froze.

"Oh no, I forgot that I could copy the answer from Prince Fusu on the sky curtain!"

The same thought flashed through the minds of the First Emperor and Li Si.

Then Qin Emperor Ying Zheng couldn't help but feel annoyed in his heart:

"When I was trying to figure out the future of the Qin State, I was so excited that I forgot that I could copy the answer from Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

Li Si was also feeling annoyed.

"His Majesty has put too much pressure on me before, and I forgot that I could just wait for Crown Prince Fusu on the sky to come up with a solution!"

"If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have come out and talked about reforms!"

Thinking of this, the eyes of the First Emperor and Li Si accidentally met again. Then the First Emperor and Li Si silently loosened their hands, and then looked up at the sky together, as if nothing had happened just now.

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