Seeing the chaotic scene of the six ministries of the crown prince on the sky curtain, the kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty couldn't help but smile.

Management is not an easy task.

To give the simplest example, the money and food supplies were distributed to the six ministries of the crown prince, but how should the six ministries of the crown prince distribute them to the people under their jurisdiction?

Should Zhang Han, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, distribute them one by one?

Or should Zhang Han select a part of the people in the Ministry of Revenue to distribute them?

Or should the people under his jurisdiction go to a certain place at a specific time to collect them?

In addition, when should the salaries be distributed?

At the beginning of the month? In the middle of the month? Or at the end of the month?

And how should the clothing, food, housing, transportation, etc. of nearly two thousand people be arranged specifically? Who is responsible for providing clothes and bedding for these nearly two thousand people?

Who is responsible for providing meals for these nearly two thousand people?

All of these things seem small and ordinary, but they are actually very tedious to handle.

Of course, if Prince Fusu directly uses the current Nine Ministers framework to set up another set of small Nine Ministers departments in the East Palace.

Then it would not be troublesome to handle these things.

Because in the current Nine Ministers system, these things are handled by the corresponding lower-level department personnel.

However, the six departments established by Prince Fusu are a brand-new management department.

And the Shangshu in charge of these six departments, except for Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze, who served as the Minister of Personnel, has specific and practical large-scale department management capabilities.

Others such as Zhang Han, Xu Zi, Xiangli Ji, Meng Yi, and Zhang Cang are actually novices, and it is the first time for them to independently manage a department.

Therefore, among the current six ministers, except for Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze, the Minister of Personnel, who was under the Ministry of Personnel at the first time, he set up three divisions to further divide the specific affairs of the Ministry of Personnel, and then make it well organized.

The other five ministers have not yet realized that they should further build multiple lower-level departments under their respective departments to share and assist themselves in handling various daily affairs of the department.

If it is not regulated immediately, the other five departments will be very troublesome to act later.

All kinds of things will rush to the five ministers, making them dizzy and even losing sight of one thing while focusing on another.

So now it depends on whether the five ministers themselves realize this problem, or whether Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze, as the Minister of Personnel, will speak up and remind the other five ministers. However, the kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty estimated that if the other five ministers themselves did not realize this problem, then after the small court meeting of the six ministries, Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze should have reminded the other five ministers.

After all, Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze also serves as the"Cai Master" of Crown Prince Fusu, and he has the responsibility and obligation to assist Crown Prince Fusu in managing the six ministries. Naturally, he cannot let the other five ministries continue to be so messy.

【As the Minister of Personnel, Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze could not help but frown after listening to the reports from the other five ministries.】

【After all, Prince Fusu was aware of it, so he was also aware of it.】

【He did not expect that more than half a month had passed since he verbally appointed everyone as the six ministers, but the other five had not even set up a subordinate department yet.】

【But then I thought about the situation of the other five ministers, and it was not difficult to understand why such a thing happened.】

【After all, Zhang Han, who served as the Minister of Revenue, was only a 15-year-old boy. Before that, he was just the Secretary of the Crown Prince Fusu.】

【It was difficult for him to realize the problem at the first time and set up the subordinate departments under the Ministry of Households, even though he had no management experience before.】

【Similarly, although Meng Yi and Zhang Cang were several years older than Zhang Han, they had no previous management experience.】

【As for the Minister of Industry, most of the time, he only thinks about machinery, so it is a dream to expect him to have department management experience.】

【Finally, there is Xu Zi from the Ministry of Agriculture, who does have management experience.】

【But his management experience is direct point-to-point management】

【For example, if he or his disciples had any problems, he would directly find a certain disciple to give instructions and handle the problem.】

【However, the management between the courts is a face-to-face management from level to level and from department to department.】

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【Xu Zi's previous management experience is not enough to cope with the current situation.】

【Thinking of this, Cai Ze sighed helplessly. He planned to talk to the ministers of each department one by one after the small court meeting and advise them to set up the subordinate departments of their respective departments as soon as possible.】

【Just as Cai Ze was thinking this, Prince Fusu, who was sitting on the main seat, turned to look at him and said,"Master Cai is mature and prudent. I am very satisfied with the three divisions of the Ministry of Personnel you have assigned."】

【"However, I think we can set up another department, called the Rank Department, to determine the ranks of officials at all levels, as well as the welfare benefits of officials at all levels."】

【"As for other matters of the Ministry of Personnel, I will not say more. You can decide for yourself."】

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【Cai Ze nodded immediately and said,"Okay, I will set up a Rank and Rank Department later, and quickly draft a list of rank regulations for officials at all levels, and then present it to Your Highness for review.""】

【Prince Fusu nodded, then turned to look at Zhang Han on the other side and directly ordered:"Under the Ministry of Revenue, set up various departments."】

【"First, the Imperial Food Department. From now on, the meals for the prince and the six ministries will be provided by the Imperial Food Department."】

【"The specific personnel whose meals are to be provided by the Shangshisi, you will select a person as the Shangshisi steward, and he will do the statistics and verification."】

【"Second, the Clothing Department, which also provided clothing and bedding for the prince's six ministries."】

【"Similarly, the clothing and bedding for the specific personnel must be provided by the Shangyi Department. After you select a person to be the clerk of the Shangyi Department, he will also be responsible for counting and verifying each one."】

【"Third, the Salary Department. From now on, the salaries of the six relevant personnel of the Crown Prince will be distributed by the Salary Department."】

【"The specific salary department is still decided by you"】

【"You and Master Cai should first discuss the approximate amount of salaries that should be given to officials at different levels, and then submit it to me for your reading."】

【"After I read it and approve it, the Salary Department will distribute it accordingly."】

【"Fourth, the General Coordination Department is responsible for calculating the income and expenditure details of the six ministries of the crown prince so that they can be checked at any time."】

【"Similarly, the specific coordination of the department's affairs is also decided by you"】Next.

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