Seeing the Crown Prince Fusu and"Xu Xing" on the sky curtain discussing the issue of"the monarch and his subjects farming together", Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors were all enlightened.

They were so familiar with this question!

In the past, their great Confucian scholar Mencius had given a perfect answer to this.

There was already a superior answer to copy, so why didn't they copy it?

So Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors shouted angrily:

"Those who work with their minds rule others, and those who work with their hands are ruled by others; those who are ruled by others eat others, and those who rule others are eaten by others; this is the common sense of the world!"

"When Yao and Shun ruled the world, did they not put their minds to it? They did not use it for farming.".

"Xu Xing is just a southern barbarian with a magpie tongue, how can he understand the true way to govern a country!"

"In the past, Duke Zhou created rites and music to divide people into upper and lower classes, determine hierarchy, govern the country, stabilize the country, order the people, and benefit future generations. There is no more magnificent and righteous way in the world than this!"

"The disciples of the farming family have no distinction between superiors and subordinates, and no distinction between high and low. They do things against the grain, and do not practice rites and music. How is their behavior different from that of the barbarians!"

"Do you think you can talk about how to govern the country and maintain peace just because you know a few words and have read a few articles?"

"You are just a frog in a well, unaware of the vastness of the world, and will only make yourself a laughing stock!"

"Farmers should just farm like the common people instead of talking about how to govern the country without knowing their own limitations!"

"When it comes to governing a country, how can farmers compare with Confucians like us!"......

The Confucians themselves were dissatisfied with the attention that the Nongjia received from the Crown Prince Fusu on the Sky Curtain.

Not to mention that the Nongjia had not really entered Xianyang yet, and the First Emperor also set up the corresponding six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Nongjia in the same way as the Sky Curtain.

You must know that this is a powerful department under the Nine Ministers!

And they, the Confucians, have been in Xianyang for so long, and have not gained anything except the empty position of a doctor of a hundred schools of thought.

In contrast, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors are increasingly feeling unbalanced.

So now that they have a rare opportunity to add insult to injury, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors are also trying hard to refute the Nongjia thought, trying to arouse the First Emperor's disgust with the Nongjia thought.

In this way, even if the Nongjia disciples and children really enter Xianyang later, the First Emperor will only let the Nongjia disciples and children study farming, instead of reusing the Nongjia's thoughts.

In this way, their Confucians can also lose a strong competitor!

Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who was sitting in the front row, glanced at Chunyu Yue and other Confucian scholars who were chattering nonstop, and a hint of disgust and impatience flashed in his eyes.

It must be said that the ideas of Chunyu Yue and other Confucian scholars were indeed successful.

But it was only half successful, that is, it did arouse the disgust of the First Emperor.

It just aroused the First Emperor's disgust for Chunyu Yue and other Confucian scholars.

For Emperor Qin Shi Huang, he did not like the agricultural theory of"the monarch and his ministers farming together".

But he just didn't like the agricultural theory of"the monarch and his ministers farming together", which didn't mean that he didn't like other aspects of the agricultural theory.

Just like the Mohists, he also didn't like the Mohist"universal love""、"

But did this hinder his liking for the Mohist school's research capabilities in military equipment, and affect his reliance on the Mohist school's research on military equipment?

No! Although the Mohist school was not as famous as the Legalist school in Qin, it was definitely the second largest school under the Legalist school in Qin!

So for Emperor Qin Ying Zheng, the theory of"the monarch and his subjects farming together" proposed by the Nong family made him unhappy.

But as long as the disciples of the Nong family can actually research a farming method that can increase the per-acre grain yield of the people.

Then this will not affect Emperor Qin Ying Zheng's love and reuse of the Nong family!

At most, he will not listen to the Nong family's"monarch and his subjects farming together" theory in the future.

Anyway, when dealing with the Mohists, he only reused the Mohist school's equipment research power, and did not listen to the Mohist school's"universal love"、"

However, compared with the Mohist and Nongist schools, which he disliked but also liked,

Confucianism was the only one he hated, not the least bit liked. Because since Confucianism entered Qin, he had heard nothing but empty talk about various great principles and urged him to imitate the Zhou Dynasty. He had not seen any practical effect of Confucianism in other aspects.

If Confucianism had any practical effect in other aspects, then Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who pursued pragmatism, would have been very disappointed. They would let the Confucians do a little bit of work, rather than letting them just eat and not work in the Qin State.

So when the Confucian doctors who"only eat and don't work" angrily scolded the disciples of the farmers who said"work hard after eating, and sometimes their words are not very nice",

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's disgust for Confucianism reached a new level.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng even began to think about whether to kick the Confucians out of Xianyang. Anyway, the ideological theory of"benevolent government and love for the people" is not unique to Confucianism.

Mohism also has the idea of "benevolent government and love for the people". Theory, the agriculturalists also have the ideological theory of"benevolent government and love for the people".

Even if we only talk about"benevolence", the Mohist"benevolence" is more thorough than the Confucianism.

After all, the Confucian"benevolence" is divided into differences in closeness and distance, and in class.

For example, I love the people in my own family much more than I love the people in my own village.

I love the people in my own village much more than I love the people in other villages.

I love the people in my own country much more than I love the people in other countries.

The Mohists advocate"universal love". I love the whole world, and my love for everyone is equal, without distinction. I love my family and strangers equally, regardless of whether they are from my own country or neighboring countries.

So if we want to implement the policy of"benevolent government and love the people", we can refer to the"benevolence" of Mohism or the"benevolence" of farmers.

As for Confucianism, it does not seem to be indispensable at present. While Qin Emperor Ying Zheng was displeased with Confucianism, the other philosophers present were also displeased with the behavior of the Confucian doctors.

Firstly, there is the reason that the Confucian Mencius once scolded their school.

For example, Mohism and Yang Zhu, Mencius once scolded:

"The ideas of Yang Zhu and Mo Di are all over the world. If the ideas of the world do not belong to Yang, then they belong to Mo. Yang Zhu is selfish, which means he has no ruler; Mo Di advocates universal love, which means he has no father. Without a father and a ruler, he is a beast."

"The teachings of Yang and Mo are not exhausted, while the teachings of Confucius are not accepted. These heresies deceive the people and obstruct benevolence and righteousness. If benevolence and righteousness are obstructed, beasts will eat people, and people will eat each other."

At that time, Mencius directly scolded Yang Zhu for advocating self-interest, which was disrespectful to the monarch; Mo Di advocated universal love, which was disrespectful to parents.

People who disrespect parents and monarchs are beasts.

Mohism and Yang Zhu were beasts without monarchs and fathers, and denounced the Mohist and Yang Zhu doctrines as heresies.

If the Mohist and Yang Zhu doctrines were not immediately stopped from spreading, and Confucius's doctrines were not carried forward, the evil words of the people-loving Mohism and Yang Zhu would deceive the people and block benevolence and righteousness.

At that time, benevolence and righteousness would be curbed, just like wild beasts eating people, people would kill each other.

To sum it up in one sentence, that is, if the words of Yang Zhu and Mo Di do not die, the world will die!

In addition to Mohism and Yang Zhu, Mencius also directly scolded Xu Zi of the farmer when he debated with Chen Xiang of the farmer on the issue of"monarch and ministers farming together":

""If people follow Xu Zi's way and act hypocritically, how can they govern the country?"

In Mencius' words, if they follow Xu Zi's way, they will lead each other to do fraudulent things, how can they govern the country!

And Jing Chun asked Mencius,"Are Gongsun Yan and Zhang Yi not real men?"

To this, Mencius was very disdainful and said,"Those who take obedience as righteousness are the way of concubines and women!"

Well, he directly criticized the ideas of the school of diplomacy as"the way of concubines and women."

It can be said that when Mencius was alive, he was the big critic of Confucianism, and there were very few schools of thought that he had not scolded.

But this is normal, because in his eyes, only Confucianism can be regarded as the only correct and dignified way of governing the country.

As for the theories of other schools of thought, they are either heretical or"the way of concubines and women", not worth mentioning.

Moreover, Mencius spoke with great momentum, rich emotions, sharp words, and superb art of eloquence. There were very few people who could debate with him among all the schools of thought.

Therefore, when Mencius was alive, Confucianism did become prominent again because of Mencius.

But also because of Mencius's harsh criticism of other schools of thought, other schools of thought secretly remembered this grudge, and whenever there was a chance, other schools of thought would double back on him.

Secondly, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors took advantage of the absence of the disciples and children of the Nong family to gossip behind their backs.

This made the other doctors of the hundred schools of thought think of In the last screen shot, the Confucian doctors also did the same thing. They were secretly trying to belittle Prince Fusu's school of thought and promote their own Confucianism.

This made Prince Fusu gradually alienate from their school of thought, and then become increasingly close to Confucianism.

This behavior was somewhat shameless in the eyes of other doctors.

You Confucians look down on the farmers and their school of thought, so if you have the guts, why don't you debate with them openly?

If you can't win the debate, just stage a All-out violence is fine!

The result is that they only gossip behind people's backs when no one is around. How is this different from being a villain? They are even worse than the old villain Xiang Liji of the Mohist School! After all, Xiang

Liji showed off in front of them with dignity!

The other doctors of the Hundred Schools looked at each other again and decided not to bring the Confucians along in the future when they beat up Xiang Liji of the Mohist School.

At the same time, if they get a chance to beat up the Confucians later, they will also give them a hard beating. Otherwise, they will be sorry for the fierce criticism and scolding that Mencius gave them back then!.

: @u_229757

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