【After listening to the last words of Prince Fusu, Xu Zi also fell into deep thought.】

【Although both Prince Fusu and Mencius used the argument of"those who work with their minds and hands" to refute his theory of"the king and his subjects working together in the fields",】

【However, compared with Mencius's view that it is reasonable for those who work with their minds to rule over those who work with their hands, the monarch should be supported by the people as a matter of course.】

【Prince Fusu at least used responsibility and obligation to explain"those who work with their minds and their hands", believing that those who work with their minds have corresponding responsibilities to those who work with their hands, and those who work with their hands also have corresponding obligations to those who work with their minds.】

【This viewpoint made him feel much more comfortable than Mencius's viewpoint.】

【At least from what Prince Fusu said, he did not feel that those who work with their minds can get something for nothing from those who work with their hands, but rather that it was a kind of equality where both sides get what they need.】

【This is enough for Xu Zi.】

【"If, as you said, those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands have their own responsibilities and obligations, then I can admit that in your view, the ruler of the mind who fulfills his responsibilities is not gaining something for nothing."】

【Xu Zi looked at Prince Fusu and agreed with his view that"the wise man should work with the people to farm and eat, and govern with them.""、"Refutation of the view that the monarch gets what he wants without working】

【However, this is limited to the rebuttal of his point of view by Prince Fusu that"those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands have their own responsibilities and obligations."】.

【But if it were Mencius's theory of"those who work with their minds and those who work with their hands", he would still not agree with Mencius's rebuttal to his point of view.】

【Moreover, compared to whether this view was refuted or not, he now had a more important matter, which was to ask Crown Prince Fusu:】

【Xu Zi looked at Prince Fusu with a serious face and asked,"Is it impossible to govern a country with a simple peasant mentality?"】

【The reason why I ask this question is that under the assumption that the country is governed entirely by agricultural ideas,】

【Originally, everyone in the world was a commoner, there were no nobles, no harsh laws, etc.】

【But as time goes by, various natural disasters and man-made disasters occur, and various disputes arise.】

【In order to deal with and resolve these natural disasters, man-made disasters, and disputes, the original common people had to be divided into groups such as generals, law enforcement officials, and wise men.】

【In other words, originally there was only the agricultural class in the world, but gradually the military class, the legal class, etc.】

【In other words, it is impossible to govern the whole world with only the ideas of the agriculturalists. It needs the support of the ideas of the military strategists, the legalists, and other schools of thought.】

【That's why Xu Zicai wanted to ask Prince Fusu if he couldn't govern the whole world with the thoughts of a farmer.】

【Prince Fusu was slightly stunned when he heard this, but after thinking about it, he still answered with certainty:"You can't govern a country with a simple peasant mentality!"】

【"It is not just the agricultural thought. It should be said that none of the hundreds of schools of thought can manage the whole world simply with their own school of thought."】

【"For example, it is said that the Confucian ideology of governing a country is courtesy and benevolence."】

【"So can the world be governed by just courtesy and benevolence?"】

【"Yes, but not for long!"】

【"The Zhou Dynasty, which Confucianism has always admired, is the best example."】

【"At the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, the world was ruled by rituals and music. At the beginning, the Zhou emperor was the most powerful, so the world was peaceful and the rituals and music were in order."】

【"Afterwards, the princes of the world grew stronger and more powerful."】

【"At that time, although the Zhou emperor was strong, the princes of the world were not irresistible to him, so the rituals and music gradually became chaotic."】

【"When the emperor lost all six armies and was no longer able to conquer or suppress any of the princes, the ritual and music system of the Zhou Dynasty completely collapsed."】

【"Since then, the Zhou Dynasty has completely entered a situation where the princes compete for hegemony, and no one follows the rituals and music of the Zhou Dynasty anymore."】

【"Therefore, from the current end of the Zhou Dynasty, we can see that governing the country solely with Confucianism will not last long."】

【"Moreover, even the Zhou Dynasty, which was most highly regarded by Confucianism, was not essentially a dynasty that only had Confucianism, but also had the thoughts of other schools of thought such as the School of Military Science and the School of Legalism."】

【"Like the rituals and music established by the Zhou Dynasty, it is a system"】

【"If the princes and ministers violated this ritual system, they would often be attacked by the Zhou emperor and other princes and ministers."】

【"There are corresponding rules and regulations, and there are corresponding punishments for violating the rules and regulations. So, in essence, isn't this ritual and music system also another form of manifestation of the law?"】

【"Since there are systems and laws, how can we say that the Legalist thought is not included in them?"】

【"If the Legalist thought is included, then how can we say that the former Zhou Dynasty ruled the world only with Confucianism?"】

【"In the same way, the Zhou Dynasty had six divisions to protect the emperor, command the princes, and suppress the four barbarians. When they marched and fought, they also paid attention to various tactics to defeat the enemy."】

【"Since they had an army and also taught methods of marching and fighting, how can we say that the Zhou Dynasty had no military thought?"】

【"Therefore, even the Zhou Dynasty did not rule the country solely based on Confucianism."】

【"At most, it can be said that it is mainly based on the Confucian thought of ritual and music, supplemented by the thoughts of other schools of thought such as the Legalist school and the military school."】

【"Finally, the thoughts of various schools of thought are that everyone should perform their duties and fulfill their responsibilities, and work together to govern the world. This is the right way to govern the world!"】

【When Xu Yu heard Prince Fusu clearly say that a simple peasant mentality could not govern a country, a look of disappointment flashed across his face.】

【But when Xu Zi heard that Prince Fusu not only said that the country could not be governed by the pure agricultural ideas, but also that the ideas of other schools of thought could not be used to govern the country based on his own ideas, the disappointment on Xu Zi's face disappeared immediately.】

【As the saying goes, if only my company is rejected, then my company is really rejected.】

【But if other schools of thought are rejected like my family, then my family is not rejected.】

【Then Xu Zi further asked:"Can we govern the country by mainly relying on the agricultural thought and supplemented by the thoughts of other schools of thought?"】

【Hearing Xu Zi's question, even the King of Qin Ying Zheng looked at Prince Fusu with great interest, wanting to see what Prince Fusu's answer would be.】

【Prince Fusu lowered his head and thought for a long time before he looked up and answered:"We can govern the country by mainly following the agricultural philosophy and supplemented by the philosophy of other schools of thought!"】

【"But, not now!"】

【"Now the world is not settled, the six kingdoms are not pacified, and the Qin State has not yet been unified!"】

【"Therefore, before the Qin State conquered the six states and unified the world, the Legalist thought should be the main one, supplemented by the thoughts of other schools of thought."】

【"Because only the Legalist thought could enable the Qin State to truly conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world!"】

【"Only after the Qin State completed the great task of conquering the six kingdoms and unifying the world, could it start to govern the country based on the thoughts of other schools of thought."】

【"Otherwise, before that, if the Qin State switched to the agricultural school or other schools of thought as the main governing ideology, then the Qin State would never be able to accomplish its goal of unification!"】

【"It might even cause the Qin State to weaken!"】

【"Moreover, even after the Qin Dynasty entered the stage of great unification, it was still unknown whether the agricultural ideology could be used as the main ideology for governing the country."】

【"Because after the great unification, the Qin State will enter a stage of great order from chaos."】

【"The Hundred Schools of Thought that helped Qin achieve great governance were not limited to the Nong School."】

【"If we take the essence of Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism and other schools of thought and discard their dross, we can also achieve the great governance needs of Qin."】

【"Even if the Legalists could change with the times and reform themselves, then continuing to focus on Legalist thought would also allow the Qin State to achieve great governance."】

【"So I can only say that it is feasible to govern the country with the agricultural thought as the main method and the thoughts of other schools of thought as the auxiliary method, but can the agriculturalists get this opportunity in the end?"】

【"It depends not only on whether the agricultural school can compete with other schools of thought, but also on the comprehensive needs of the Qin State at that time."】.

Don't worry: @u_229757

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