Seeing General Zhao Bai stretched out his hand, Bu Fu was not shocked.

Here it comes! General

Zhao Bai finally made a move!

This guy, if he didn't make a move, it would be fine. Once he made a move, he wanted to play big!

I'm afraid this bandit suppression operation is not that simple!

""Let's go!"

At the command of the Five Hundred Lords, everyone set out in formation.

Bu Fu calmed down and led the Dingshi team to advance in the large army.

Although it was the first time to send troops, and it was only to suppress bandits, everyone was very excited!

"Hey! I heard that the laws of our Great Qin hate bandits, and the merit of killing a bandit is the same as that of killing an enemy soldier!"Qi Ying said excitedly,"This time, we are lucky, maybe we can be awarded a title!"

The others nodded.

In the Great Qin, as a soldier, which man doesn't want to make achievements?

"Don't be happy too soon."

"Ordinary bandits are better."

"If we encounter bandits composed of deserters, we will be lucky if we don't lose our lives!"

Liang Bo suddenly spoke up and poured cold water on everyone.

Deserters and bandits!

Everyone felt cold in their hearts.

The laws of the Qin Dynasty were strict, and deserters on the battlefield would be executed without mercy!

Therefore, many deserters, even if they regretted it, did not dare to return to die after escaping! They could not return to their hometowns, and it was good enough if they were not implicated.

Therefore, they had only one way out, that is, to gather together and become bandits.

Such bandits are called deserters and bandits!

Deserters and bandits have been on the battlefield and killed people. They are much braver than rookies like Qi Ying.

If they meet them, Qi Ying and his men will lose without any chance of winning!

For a moment, the enthusiasm of the crowd suddenly cooled down by more than half.

"Hey! What are you guys upset about?"

"You are just a bunch of bandits, I have no chance against you!"

"I will definitely kill more than ten enemies today, I am so proud of you!"

Zhang Kuang was full of confidence, his fists clenched, and there was a crackling sound!

"If I kill ten, you can also be rewarded if you kill one. Why are you afraid of me?"

Zhang Kuang's words rekindled everyone's hope.

Even the most self-abased Gong Shi's eyes lit up.

""No noise during the march!"

A village chief came over and shouted, and everyone fell silent.

Soon, the team left the parade ground, left Ping'an County, and headed west.

""Put out the fire!"

Once outside the city, an order was issued to put out the torches.

The troops headed straight for Daqing Mountain in the moonlight.

When they reached the foot of Daqing Mountain, the troops stopped.

"The Daqing Mountain is just ahead. According to reliable sources, this group of returning bandits will rest in the village on the top of the Daqing Mountain tonight!"

"There are more than a hundred people in total. We must kill them all. Don't let any of them go!"

The five hundred main gods said like thunder.

"Black Hundred General, you lead two hundred men and attack from the front!"

"General Zhao, you lead two hundred men to block the road from behind and don't let any bandits escape!"


The two centurions took the order again.

The black centurion waved his hand and said,"The troops I selected before, follow me to attack the stronghold!"

"The rest of you, follow me to block the road." Zhao Baijiang also said.

When Zhang Kuang heard this, he immediately curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Why was I assigned to the back mountain?"

"Only by attacking the stronghold head-on can you kill the enemy!"

"How many of them can you see blocking the road in the back mountain?"

"All the credit has been taken away by them!"

The rest of the people also looked disappointed.

They still haven't realized the horror of the battlefield, thinking that military merit is easy to get.

There are many roads in the back of Daqing Mountain, more than ten in total, and each road must be guarded by people to block all the retreat routes of the returning bandits!

General Zhao led two hundred people to the back of the mountain, and when they came to the first intersection, he waved his hand.

"What are the new soldiers' armor and where is Mu Rui?"

"Mu Rui is here!"

A new soldier carrying a bow and arrow quickly jumped out to receive the order

"I heard that you were born a hunter, with sharp eyes and ears, and agile body."

"I've specially sent you up to investigate the situation. Go and come back quickly, and don't make any mistakes!"

General Zhao Bai said


Mu Rui excitedly accepted the order, turned around and jumped out like a rabbit.

"Mu Rui, that kid, is really lucky!"

"His family is not far from the Gongya family, and both are hunters, but when it comes to hunting, they are not as good as the Gongya family!"

"His archery skills are not as good as those of a bow"

"General Zhao chose him to go up and investigate."

Qi Ying curled his lips, feeling unfair for Gong Shi.

Gong Shi just pursed his lips and didn't say anything.

But Bu Fu frowned, feeling that General Zhao's arrangement seemed a bit deliberate.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Without Deng Murui's investigation, Zhao Bai continued to lead his men to other intersections.

At each intersection, a few people were left.

At most, three teams, at least two teams.

Passing through a narrow mountain road, only three people can go side by side.

General Zhao snorted.

"This mountain road is remote and narrow, so there is no need for many people to stick to it."

"Ding Shi, the ten of you stay here and take charge!"

General Zhao finally looked at Bu Fu and said sternly:

"Remember, military orders are as heavy as a mountain. Do not let anyone go, or you will be held accountable!"

Bu Fu's eyes flickered in the darkness, and he bowed and said in a deep voice.

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