"The son of the head of the village of Xiyangli, Chenmu!"

"Villain Zhao Ming from the Zhao family!"

"They are all soldiers who came to the county to serve."

Chen Mu and Zhao Ming ran over and handed over their ID cards.

After verifying their identities, they immediately started to explain.

"The two of us came to the county town together"

"I met this Bufu on the way and wanted to accompany him to take care of him."

"But he was jealous of our wealth and tried to steal my money, but I found out and chased him away!"

Zhao Ming complained angrily.

"After a while, he ran back and found out that he was being targeted by the big beast!"

"My brother and I wanted to fight against the beast together with him!"

"But this Buff is a mean fellow."

"He begged us to save his life, but in the end he pushed us back and wanted us to die for him while he himself escaped."

"Fortunately, I have a family heirloom sword, and Chen Mu has also learned martial arts."

Zhao Ming said, patting the long sword on his waist.

In the Qin Dynasty, ordinary soldiers were not qualified to wear swords.

But the Zhao family is a big family, and the disciples of the family are different.

Therefore, when Zhao Ming showed his sword, the people around him immediately believed it and nodded frequently.

Zhao Ming continued:"My two brothers fought with this big beast, fighting life and death, and finally got rid of the harm for the people."

"But he was exhausted, so tired that he collapsed to the ground and fell asleep."

"When we woke up, the insect's body was gone."

"We followed the blood trail all the way here, but we didn't expect that it was this Bu Fu who stole the tiger's body and stole the reputation while we were asleep!"

"Please make the decision, sir!"

Zhao Ming said, nodding his head suddenly, looking indignant.

Chen Mu, who was standing next to him, also followed suit.

The county magistrate nodded, glanced at Bu Fu, and then said

"This is a stigmatized case and should be tried by the county magistrate himself."

"This case is of great importance, let the county magistrate investigate it on the spot."

In the Qin State, three county officials were mainly appointed to share power and jointly govern.

Counties with more than 10,000 households were appointed with county magistrates, and those with less than 10,000 households were appointed with county heads, who had the greatest power and were mainly responsible for major decisions within the county.

The county lieutenant was appointed to be in charge of public security, and the county magistrate was in charge of documents and warehouses and prisons!

The case of Bu Fu and the big bug should be investigated by the county magistrate.

Soon, the county magistrate came over. He was a square-faced old man with a serious face, who looked upright.

After hearing the cause of the case, the county magistrate's eyes widened and he looked at Bu Fu, Zhao Ming, and Chen Mu.

"This big insect has been causing trouble for a long time. It is a great achievement to get rid of it today."

"But if someone attempts to impersonate someone else, once verified, he will be guilty of the same crime as the others!"

"Do you three know about it?"

Bu Fu was not afraid and said with his chest puffed out:"I know about it."

Chen Mu was a little flustered and looked at Zhao Ming.

Zhao Ming said directly:"Reporting to the county magistrate, I also know about it. I am a member of the Zhao family and I will never lie."

"I, I know that too."Chen Mu had no choice but to say it.

The county magistrate nodded and said

"Okay, then I will review this case according to the rules."

"Lingshi, go check the body of the tiger and examine its wounds."

Soon, a lingshi walked to the tiger's body, examined it carefully, and kept touching it with his hands. His expression was extremely strange, and he frequently showed an incredible expression.

Lingshi was a subordinate of the county magistrate, responsible for maintaining order in the court. He was also responsible for the examination of the body and the on-site inspection, which was equivalent to the forensic doctor in later generations.

Finally, he had to record everything and form an inspection report"Ai Shu"!

Soon, the lingshi finished the inspection, wrote the Ai Shu, and handed it to the county magistrate.

The county magistrate did not even look at it, but put it aside, and then looked at Bu Fu.

"Now, both of you tell us about your respective processes of killing the big insect. Who will go first?"

"I'll go first!"

Zhao Ming rushed over


The county magistrate nodded, and then, in order to make the latter follow the former's example, he specially asked the clerk to take Bu Fu aside and plug his ears with cloth to prevent him from eavesdropping.

"Facing the big tiger, I let the agile Chenmu attract the tiger's attention, and then I held the sword and stabbed the tiger from behind!"

"This happened several times until the tiger was bleeding and exhausted. I pushed in and stabbed it in the neck."

"That's why we killed the tiger!"

Zhao Ming said it clearly and logically, and the people around him nodded.

They thought the same thing.

The tiger was so powerful that ordinary people couldn't fight it. Only one person could lure it and the other one could attack it from the side with a sharp blade to win.

""Okay, leave now."

The county magistrate did not comment and asked the clerk to bring Bu Fu back.

Zhao Ming had already said it, so he did not need to plug his ears to avoid suspicion.

He stood aside, crossed his arms, and looked at Bu Fu with a smug look on his face.

""Bufu, tell me how you killed the tiger?" The county magistrate looked at Bufu and asked.

Bufu scratched his head, raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist.

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