Daqin: Zulong asked me to be a chess player and play the world Author: Da Tang Shaoqing

After crossing Daqin, he became a disciple of Guiguzi.

The talent is the best in the world, and the luck is unmatched.

Suddenly one day, a vision descended from the sky, confounding and guarding the heart, and the sky was stained with blood.

The first emperor Ying Zheng received the omen of "the death of Qin". In order to change his life against the sky, he failed to invite Guiguzi to come out, but he invited this closed disciple who was deeply hidden by Guiguzi!

As soon as the Qianlong comes out, the situation is moving!

Build the Tianji Pavilion, take the world as the chessboard and the common people as the chess pieces!

Play chess, play against a hundred schools of thought, play against the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, play against the Baiyue Huns!

Seek the world for Qin and change his life for Qin Nitian!

The First Emperor: "I would like to be a chess piece for Mr. Qin and exchange for the longevity of Daqin!"

Chapter [-]: Frightening and bewildering!

Thirty years of the first emperor, spring.


In the dark and moonless night, I can't see my fingers.

The entire Great Qin Empire was shrouded in viscous darkness.

But at this moment, a beam of blood-red light suddenly descended from the sky. The blood light first became as big as a bowl, then as big as a tripod, then as big as a city, and finally covered the entire territory of the Qin Empire.

Countless people raised their heads in shock, and saw that the entire night sky seemed to be dyed red, bloody, very intimidating!

And all of this stems from the never-before-seen Samsung connection!

Above the dark night sky, only three huge stars emerged. These three huge stars were connected in a line, and a blood-colored light like a sea of ​​blood erupted, covering the entire sky.

When the people saw this scene, they all knelt down and prayed in horror.

Hundreds of schools of thought are also extremely dignified.

Yunmeng Mountain.

Guiguzi, the originator of the Zongheng family, sat on the boulder.

He held a bronze wine bottle in one hand and pinched his fingers in the other.

The eyes are like an endless universe, extremely deep.

He looked at the stars above his head calmly, and after a while, he raised the wine bottle, took a sip of cold wine, and said leisurely: "Yinghu guards the heart, bad omen, this huge Daqin is about to come to an end."

"Does the teacher think the Great Qin Empire will end?"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of the mountain.

He saw a peach tree growing obliquely on the cliff of Yunmeng Mountain. At this time, a young man in a white robe and white robe was lying on the peach tree, eating peaches and opening his mouth.

Guiguzi glanced at his closed disciple, the youngest disciple who was extremely talented but extremely lazy, and said calmly: "I feel that your soul is restless, what is it? You have been lazy for so many years, and you don't want to be lazy anymore?"

"The talent is too high, the luck is too good, the salted fish is stronger than Gai Nie's sword [-] times, and he goes out to pick up magic weapons, why should you work hard?"

The traveler, Han Xu (xu), a disciple of Guiguzi, thought in his heart.

He looked at the constellation above his head and said, "The teacher hasn't answered my question yet."

Guiguzi retracted his gaze, took another sip of the fine wine that Han Xu personally brewed for him, pondered for a moment, and said, "The way of heaven is like this, and the will of heaven is like this."

"That disciple is going to go against the sky, what about the teacher?"

Han Xu suddenly looked at Guiguzi: "Do you want to act for the heavens and kill me, a person who goes against the sky, or do you focus on feelings and help your disciples go against the sky together?"

Guiguzi looked at the sky full of blood again, but did not answer.


Somewhere in a valley shrouded in thick clouds.

An attic between fantasy and reality.

The roof is a high platform.

On the high platform, there is a formation composed of yin and yang gossip fish.

The dazzling light of the formation slowly dissipated, and the head of the Yin Yang family who was sitting in it slowly opened his eyes.

"My lord, how is it?"

Below, everyone from the Yin-Yang family was busy asking.

The head of the Yin-Yang family in black robe and black robes had a yin-yang gossip formation slowly spinning in his eyes, and suddenly blood flowed out of his eyes. He slowly said, "When a catastrophe comes from the sky, the Great Qin will be destroyed, and the Yin-Yang family should seize the opportunity."


Inside a dark city.

The most divination organ beast of the Mo family collapsed with a bang, leaving only eight characters.

——Yinghu guards the heart, Daqin will die!

The Mojia people cried with joy and cheered continuously.


A sea of ​​books, a holy land of Confucianism.

The statue of Saint Kong trembled slightly.

The contemporary head of Confucianism, Fu Sheng, hurriedly looked at Xunzi, the last half-sage of Confucianism.

In front of Xunzi, the Analects of Confucius hung in the air, and the pages of the book were automatically turned.

Haoran righteousness filled the entire Holy Land, and the sound of reading seemed to sound loudly. Even though Fu Sheng had reached the first rank, he still felt that his body was full of spiritual energy and his strength increased.

Suddenly, the sound of reading aloud disappeared, and the pages of the Analects stopped.

Fu Sheng was busy looking at the "Analects of Confucius".

It can be seen that there are only short eight characters above.

——The troubled times will appear, Confucianism will save the world!


Farmers, soldiers, Legalists, Taoists, doctors...

Hundreds of schools of thought, within the Holy Land, all at the same time, relying on their own strengths, came to the meaning of celestial phenomena.

At this moment, Daqin Xianyang.

Xianyang Palace, inside Zhangtai Hall.

Dressed in a black dragon robe, the majestic Qin Shihuang sat on the throne.

Below it, the Prime Minister Li Si, Lang Zhongling Hu Hai, General Zhang Han, and National Captain Liao, who arrived in a hurry.

Their faces were very solemn. The moment they saw Qin Shihuang, they felt a sudden pressure like a mountain, which made them all bowed and walked subconsciously.

"What do you think about this vision?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and don't dare to make a sound.

"Zhao Gao, tell me." Ying Zheng's majestic voice sounded.

Zhao Gao didn't dare to look up at the imposing emperor, he lowered his head quickly, and said tremblingly, "This...the blood is filled with air, like...like...a bad omen."


A cold snort sounded, and Zhao Gao was so frightened that he fell to the ground, sweating profusely, not daring to say a word.

He didn't want to tell the truth, but he didn't dare to deceive Qin Shi Huang.

Qin Shihuang glanced at the other three, Li Si lowered his head and looked nervous.

Zhang Han stood upright, but his expression was ignorant, and it was obvious that the vulgar warrior didn't understand anything.

And Guowei Wei Liao...

Qin Shihuang looked at Wei Liao and said, "You are Mr. Guigu's disciple. Can you predict the result?"

Wei Liao took a deep breath, took a step forward, and saluted, "Report to Your Majesty, the result of the divination... is a murderer, a great murderer!"

Ying Zheng's eyes narrowed, and the entire hall suddenly burst into a gust of wind.

The gust of wind swept through the four, as if to devour them.

Zhao Gao was so frightened that he was clinging to the ground and didn't dare to move at all. Zhang Han's muscles were already tensed, and his face was slightly pale. It could be seen that he was also holding on.

As for Li Si, his whole body was covered with awe-inspiring righteousness, resisting the gust of wind, but the sweat dripping from his forehead was obviously difficult to maintain.

As for Wei Liao, he spit out a mouthful of blood and took three steps back.

Ying Zheng restrained his emotions and said, "Is there a solution?"

Wei Liao swallowed his blood and saluted, "I have nothing to do, but my mentor, Guiguzi, has the ability to shock the sky. If it was him, there might be a way."


He hesitated for a moment and said, "My teacher has always respected the way of heaven, so I don't know if the teacher will be willing to take action."

Ying Zheng got up, flicked his wide sleeves, his eyes were like rolling waves hitting rocks, extremely tough.

"Place drive, Yunmeng Mountain."*

Chapter [-] Your Majesty, can you play a game with me?

on the broad road.

Eight god horses pulled the steel giant car and galloped on the dusty official road.

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