"Great, General Wang Jian and Wang Ben are here. They are all eighth-rank powerhouses. With them here, Your Majesty will be free!"

"Haven't General Wang Jian and General Wang Ben resigned from their posts? Why are they here?"

"Didn't you hear them, it's the national teacher, the national teacher asked them to come!"

"It turns out that the national teacher has long expected that there will be rebels, and has already made all preparations!"

"I said that the national teacher will definitely have a way!"

"It's great now, Your Majesty, they have three eighth-rank, and only two enemies, we can win!"

Civil and military officials are extremely happy.

At this moment, the worries in my heart were finally eliminated.

Li Si couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the white robe in the air: "It turns out that the national teacher had already expected everything..."

on the high platform.

Gai Nie looked at the situation below and said, "Aren't Wang Jian and Wang Ben very determined to return to seclusion? How did you get them back?"

Han Xu said lightly, "I asked Zhang Han to give them a letter."

Gai Nie looked at Han Xu, the arrogant Sword Saint did not want to say more.

Han Xu smiled and said: "There is only one line in the letter - the rise and fall of the country, everyone is responsible, the current country is in trouble, Zhao Er, will you return?"

"As a result, they came back."

Genie was silent for a while.

He closed his eyes and replayed the battle just now.

Although this level of battle is not very exciting for Juggernauts, the wisdom in it has also brought some gains to Genie.

He opened his eyes and said, "You deliberately created the illusion that Ying Zheng was cornered and lured them to take action."

"Then at the most critical moment, Ying Zheng alone, just like before, resisted Chandun and the organizers, and at the same time let Wang Ben and Wang Jian suddenly take action, with the power of two eighth-rank, sneak attack on the most difficult corpse's walking corpse ."

"The corpse's body is full of poison, and there is no feeling of pain. I don't know fatigue and fear. It is the most difficult to deal with, so you solve the walking corpse first."

Han Xu nodded lightly, "Senior brother has good eyesight."

"The corpse's walking corpse is like an eighth-grade killing machine with endless power, no pain, and no life or death. Let it be on the battlefield and let the corpse gas be released for a while. Not to mention Your Majesty, ordinary people will die a lot."

"So I can only deal with him first."

He took out a black piece from the chessboard, held it in his hand, and the piece instantly turned into fly ash.

He said, "Actually, my priority target is the Mo Family's organ. After all, this organ is also infinitely motivated and is not afraid of life and death."

"But the two evils are the heaviest. We can only deal with the walking corpses first."

Gai Nie looked at the battlefield below: "Ying Zheng, Wang Jian, Wang Ben, three are eighth-rank, but there are only two on the opposite side. As you said, the situation has been reversed."


Yunmeng Mountain.

With a bang, the Mo clan tycoon's agent crushed a stone.

He widened his eyes and listened to the contents of the sound transmission instrument, and he suddenly stood up.

"Why did Wang Jian and Wang Ben come?"

"I clearly sent people to watch them, why did they appear in Xianyang?"

Guiguzi's expression was calm, as if the incident in Xianyang had caused no ripples in his heart.

"Han Xu wants to deceive you, it's easy."

The Mo family's eyes were gloomy. He didn't want to believe this fact, and said, "But why did he secretly take Wang Jian and Wang Ben away? Could it be... Did he guess that we would take action in advance?"

Guiguzi said calmly: "I told you just now that you will suffer from underestimating this disciple of mine. Some evildoers cannot judge everything by their age!"

With a swipe, the complexion of the Mo clan giant puppet continued to change.

This steel face turned green and red!

Especially when he thought of his dejected confident words when he said that Han Xu was about to be beaten, he felt that his steel face was boiling.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Fortunately, Mr. Guigu is already prepared, and we haven't lost yet! Just wait a little longer, just wait a little longer, and we'll be done."

Guiguzi didn't look at the Mo clan giant, he still looked in the direction of Xianyang, and said calmly: "My backhand needs time, I thought that no matter how bad the three of Chandun were, even if they couldn't seriously damage Ying Zheng, they would still be able to hold on for some time, but the corpse clan will take time. The walking corpse was defeated too quickly, and there were only two people left, and it was completely unstoppable."

"And based on what I know about him, he will definitely see through my plan, and he may not give us time, giant, when there is a sense of failure."

Brush it.

The Mo clan tycoon's organ was stiff in place!


PS: The next chapter ends this plot.

PS: Wang Jian and Wang Ben’s father and son retreated bravely after the unification of the world. They are rare and outstanding, but they are not greedy for the powerful, so their appearance is an accident outside the chessboard.

Last PS: The previous chapter was locked for some reason, and I needed to wait for the review and approval, which made my heart tired.

Keep asking for support!Flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets, I am learning about everyone's preferences through data such as flowers, and then write what everyone likes more, so be sure to vote flowers and let me know what everyone likes to watch. *

Chapter 2 The game is over, teacher, I won! ([-] more!)

Ying Zheng took Wang Jian and his son, and directly killed him without giving the Zuo Wang of the Xiongnu and Mohist officials a chance to recover.

On the battlefield, they are all experienced generals, the best at grasping the opportunity, and cooperate tacitly.

The three of them came out together, and suddenly the Zuo Wang of the Xiongnu and the Mohists fell into a disadvantage.

If the corpse's walking corpse is still there, three against three, no one can do anything in a short period of time.

But under Han Xu's intentional planning, the corpse's powerful walking corpse had no chance at all to play a role, and immediately withdrew from the battlefield.

This made Chandun and the organist more and more frustrated.

On the other hand, Ying Zheng's three people, the more smooth the Vietnam War.

They only feel that the glorious years of the past have reappeared at this moment.


Ying Zheng laughed.

Wang Ben dropped his sword like a rainbow light and laughed.

When Li Si and the others saw this scene, their hearts were determined.

On the other hand, the Yin Yang family and the others were a little panicked at this moment.

They really did not expect such a reversal of the situation.

From the time they took action to the present, it has not exceeded half a column of incense at most.

But in such a short period of time, their good situation was broken in an instant, which made them panic.

"Lord Jiaoju, what should I do? That national teacher, Han Xu, secretly called Wang Jian and the others. Now the situation is very unfavorable for us."

Some Yin-Yang family members couldn't help but secretly asked Spica's voice transmission.

Jiaoju frowned, "Don't panic, the Mo family still has the means..."


He added another sentence: "Be careful, if we see that the situation is not good, we will quickly escape."


Han Xu looked at the battle below, smiled, then got up and looked at the representatives of the hundreds of schools of thought who were standing on the sidelines.

From the beginning of the battle, these people from hundreds of families quickly moved aside.

They didn't help either party and chose to sit on the sidelines entirely.

Of course, this has something to do with the ever-changing form of the scene and not giving them the opportunity to join.

But now, Han Xu would not let them continue to watch the drama so comfortably.

One of the main purposes of bringing in a hundred schools of thought is to let them make a choice.

To drive away wolves, we must first let these wolves understand their situation.

Moreover, he believes that the teacher's means must be more than these, but now Chandun and the others are going to be beheaded, and there is no movement.

This shows that it may take time for the teacher's trump card to be obtained.

And Han Xu, of course, would not give them this time!

Han Xu looked at the people below with a cold expression, and said loudly: "Listen to all the masters, the Mo family, the Yin-Yang family, and the corpse family, colluding with the Xiongnu, intending to rebel!"

"Collaborating with foreign countries, betraying our ancestors, this crime will be punished by everyone!"

"Therefore, let's take action quickly, eradicate the traitors, and protect my Daqin."

Hearing this, everyone from the hundreds of families hesitated.

If they obeyed Han Xu's orders, wouldn't it mean that they belonged to the Daqin side?

Although the rain fell from the sky this time, they were extremely surprised, but the disaster of Yinghuo Shouxin still penetrated deep into their hearts.

Therefore, this made them very hesitant. They were worried that they were tied too tightly with Da Qin, and if the heaven destroyed Da Qin, they would also suffer.

So they were hesitant.

Han Xu had expected this for a long time, and he continued: "I don't think I need to say more about how much blood of the Central Plains people have been stained on the knife edge of the Huns."

"To collude with the Huns is to betray our ancestors and all of our Central Plains people!"

"If you don't take action, then you will be punished by the same party!"

"I will announce to the world that you will be included in the imperial list, so that everyone in the world will know the crime of colluding with the Huns, and that you will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history forever."

The expressions of all the disciples and hundreds of families changed!

Treat them as comrades and write them down in the annals of history.

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