Only then did everyone understand why Han Xu designed all these calculations!

What he did, turned out to be the treasure of a chess player, with mountains and rivers inside and outside!

In the mountains and rivers inside and outside, it is said that Emperor Yao conquered the Quartet and personally refined one world into this treasure!

After that, the mountains and rivers inside and outside became the treasures of the inheritance of chess players, which have been passed down from generation to generation to this day!

It's not that no one has snatched this kind of treasure, but chess masters are good at planning, they can also deduce the secrets, and their own strength is strong, so no one has succeeded!

But they didn't expect that today... Han Xu, the national teacher of the Qin Dynasty, was also eyeing this treasure!

And alarmed six saints!

The pupils of the national chess player also became slightly larger. He stared at Han Xu, extremely surprised: "." You actually want my chess player's treasure!"

"My chess master's treasure, the mountains and rivers, are inherited from Emperor Yao. I have an artifact spirit and can automatically deduce the secrets of heaven. If someone covets it, it is impossible for it to not be aware of it! But I did not feel its crisis warning!"

At this moment, the Tianji Pavilion beside Han Xu made a humming sound.

At the same time, a cute child like a porcelain doll flew out of it and hugged Han Xu's thigh.

He raised his head, blinked at the national chess player, and then arched his nose again, as if he was a little dissatisfied with the national chess player.

Han Xu lightly smiled and touched the small head of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion's artifact spirit, and said, "Tianji Pavilion can cover up the secrets, have you forgotten?"

"My Heavenly Secret Pavilion, in terms of personality, has already surpassed the mountains and rivers inside and outside, so he covered up the secrets of the mountains and rivers inside and outside. How can the mountains and rivers outside and inside perceive the crisis?"

When Han Xu was creating the God List, he used all his magic weapons about the secrets, combined with the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, to cover up the gods list and his secrets.

At that time, countless people took the initiative to make calculations, but they found nothing!

Therefore, it is not a problem at all to cover up the treasures of the chess player, the mountains and rivers inside and outside.

The heart of the national chess player was shaken again.

He did not expect that Han Xu had made such adequate preparations in advance.

Even the concealment of the secrets of the mountains and rivers inside and outside has been considered.

And he, just like this, without any notice, took the initiative to send Han Xu the door...

To understand this, the national chess player only thinks that he is ridiculous!

I thought I could get rid of Han Xu and the Taoist Taoist couple, but in the end, he became Han Xu's pawn from the very beginning.

He said: "So, you guessed it from the beginning, after I learned about the Taoist Taoist head and you, will I be angry?"

Han Xu shook his head: "That's not true. After all, I didn't expect that you, a dignified chess player, would be resentful for so many years because you didn't catch up to the Taoist leader. I'm very surprised that you have a small mind."

"I won't take advantage of a woman who has kindness and affection for me. This is my principle."

The chess player's face stiffened.

His face was ugly and he said: "Since you don't know, why are you sure that I will be persuaded by the Venerable Yin Yang family to deal with you?"

Everyone looked at Han Xu suspiciously.

Even the head of the earth sect blinked his eyes and looked at Han Xu curiously.

Han Xu chuckled and said calmly, "Actually, I just lied."

"What?" The national chess player was taken aback.

Han Xu said, "I'm not sure if the Venerable Yin-Yang family can persuade you, but my goal has been achieved, I just want to know where your chess master's secret realm is."

"So, you'd better come out."

"If you don't come out..."

Han Xu showed a sunny smile to the national chess player: "I'm actually going to snatch it, I have secretly raised [-] troops, and at the same time I have called Kong Sheng and Shi Jiao, if you don't come out, I'm sure that in an hour, you will be wiped out of all chess players."

"In that case, you won't have the opportunity for the six saints to deal with me today, but it's a pity that you have such a small mind and took the initiative to come out, so I can only pay more attention."

"You, let me spend so many brain cells, the ancients honestly don't deceive me, be careful not to, harm others and harm yourself."

Han Xu's smile was so gentle.

But in the eyes of the national chess player, he was even more terrifying than the devil!

He stared at Han Xuqi with wide eyes.

At this moment, the dignified national chess player felt for the first time what it meant to be like falling into an ice cave!

For the first time, I felt deep fear and despair for a person!

"Han Xu, are you still human?"

The national chess player roared in horror. .

Chapter 1: The national teacher ends the era of hundreds of schools of thought and leads a new era alone! ([-] more, please subscribe to customize!)

The horrified roar of the national chess player resounded throughout the world!

At this moment, everyone who heard the roar of the national chess player seemed to hear the broken heart of the national chess player!

This was frightened by Han Xu, the national teacher of the Qin Dynasty!

The dignified sage-level powerhouse, older than Confucius and Mencius, a chess national player who was even earlier in sanctification, was actually scared to pieces by a junior who was only twenty years old at this moment!

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